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IVF Terms

TESE Testicular Sperm Extraction The process of removing a small portion of tissue from the testicle in hopes of extracting a few viable sperm cells present in the tissue for the purpose of ICSI
ICSI Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection An IVF procedure in which a single sperm is injected directly into an egg
IVF In vitro fertilization is a process by which egg cells are fertilized by sperm outside the body.
Ovarian Hyperstimulation is where a regimen of fertility medications are used to stimulate the development of multiple follicles of the ovaries in one single cycle, resulting in superovulation (release of a larger-than-normal number of eggs)
PGD Preimplantation genetic diagnosis Used in IVF to select an embryo that appears to have the greatest chances for successful pregnancy.
Embryo Cryopreservation Is the process of preserving an embryo at sub-zero temperatures, generally at an embryogenesis stage corresponding to preimplantation
Assisted Hatching A procedure that involves thinning or making a small hole in the zona pellucida that surrounds the embryo (a protective layer). "egg coat" Before an embryo implant into the uterus it must hatch from the zona pellucida.
IUI Artificial Insemination Refers to any procedure or technique which attempts conception by placing semen within the female reproductive organs through any means other than sexual intercourse.
Ovulation Each month, a mature egg is released from one of a woman's two ovaries -- this is called ovulation. Ovulation takes place about two weeks after the first day of the last menstrual period.
Passage Into the Fallopian Tube Once the egg is released from the ovary, it travels into the fallopian tube where it remains until a single sperm penetrates it during fertilization.
Fertilization: Sperm Penetrates Egg If a sperm cell meets and penetrates an egg, it will fertilize the egg. The fertilization process takes about 24 hours. When fertilization happens, changes occur on the surface of the egg to prevent other sperm from penetrating it.
The Cells Begin to Divide The fertilized egg begins dividing rapidly, growing into many cells. It leaves the fallopian tube and enters the uterus three to four days after fertilization. Rarely, the fertilized egg does not leave the fallopian tube; ectopic pregnancy
Implantation After entering the uterus, the fertilized egg attaches to the uterine lining, or endometrium. This process is called implantation. The cells continue to divide.
Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH) drugs Used to stimulate the release of more than, the regular, one egg. The effect of the FSH on egg growth will be monitored constantly during this time with scheduled ultrasound examinations
Egg retrieval involves inserting a needle into your vaginal wall and sucking out the eggs. The aim of this part of the process is to harvest as many healthy eggs as possible. If the FSH has worked as it should have then you should have at least ten eggs to work with
Embryo Fertilized eggs
GIFT- Gamete Intrafallopian Transfer Similar to IVF, But the gametes (egg and sperm) are transfered to the fallopian tubes rather than the uterus, and fertilization takes place in the tubes rather than a laboratory.
ZIFT Fertilization still takes place in a laboratory versus the fallopian tubes. the fertilized egg is transferred into the fallopian tubes, and it involves a laproscopic surgical procedure
Created by: lizzyizzy3
Popular Medical sets




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