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Respiratory Terms

Respiratory Terms and Definitions

Sporadic, irregular breaths that are usually seen just before respiratory arrest. agonal respiration
Active process in which the intercostal muscles and the diaphragm contract, expanding the size of the chest cavity and causing air to flow into the lungs; also called inhalation inspiration
Blockage of the bronchi that lead from the trachea to the lungs. bronchoconstriction
Pulling in of the accessory muscles to breathe. retractions
Passive process in which the intercostal muscles and the diaphragm relax, causing the chest cavity to decrease in size and forcing air from the lungs; also called exhalation. expiration
The structure that divides the chest cavity from the abdominal cavity is the diaphragm muscle
When you check for presence of breath sounds, chest expansion, and depth of respirations you are determining the quality of breathing
An unresponsive patient with shallow, gasping breaths with only a few breaths per minute requires immediate artificial ventilation with supplemental oxygen
These muscles in the neck and abdomen sometimes assist in breathing. accessory muscles
Since oxygenation of the body's tissue is reduced in a patient with inadequate breathing, their skin may be blue, clammy, and cool
An unresponsive adult making this type of sound may have a serious airway problem and be in need of immediate intervention. snoring or gurgling sounds
The leading killer of infants and children is respiratory infections
Ways that a child's airway is different from an adult's airway include: structures are smaller and more easily obstructed, tongues are proportionately larger, the trachea is softer and more flexible
Infants and children depend more on the diaphragm for breathing because their chest wall is softer.
Three signs of inadequate breathing in infants and children include: nasal flaring, grunting, seesaw breathing
Most important to observe related to a patient's breathing: presence and adequacy of breathing
Best method for providing artificial ventilation pocket face mask without supplemental oxygen
If you are unsure that a patient require artificial ventilation, you should provide artificial ventilation
Adequate rate of artificial ventilations for a non-breathing adult patient is 10-12 breaths per minute
Adequate rate of artificial ventilations for a non-breathing infant patient 12-20 breaths per minutes
You are artificially ventilating an adult patient in respiratory arrest. The chest does NOT rise and fall with each ventilation. The first action to take is to increase the force of the ventilations
When working with an infant or child, it is important to distinguish between an upper airway problem and a lower airway problem because suctioning can cause spasms with some lower respiratory diseases
Signs of a lower airway problem include: wheezing, increased breathing when exhaling, rapid breathing without stridor
If your patient is only able to speak in short, choppy sentences, he may be experiencing breathing difficulty
This position (used for patients in respiratory distress) means the patient is leaning forward with his hands resting on his knees tripod position
These signs are commonly associated with breathing difficulties: crowing/restlessness, retractions/shortness of breath, increased pulse/tightness in chest
If a patient is suffering from breathing difficulty and is breathing adequately, oxygen should be adminstered through a nonrebreather mask
If a patient is suffering from breathing difficulty and is breathing adequately, they should be placed in this position. sitting up
Before coaching a patient in the use of an inhaler, the EMT should shake the inhaler rigorously
To ensure that the most medication is absorbed when using an inhaler, encourage the patient to hold the breath as long as possible.
The best way to document a patient's respiratory complaint is to have the patient describe the complaint in their own words.
For a patient with anxiety, the physician may prescribe this to improve the volume of medication that the patient is able to self-administer when in distress. spacer device
These inhalers are types of medication that would be used in an emergency to reverse airway constriction. Ventolin, Proventil, Albuterol
When assessing the lungs of a patient in respiratory distress you hear a fine bubbling sound upon inspiration. This sound is caused by fluid in the alveoli and is called crackles
A device commonly used in hospitals which is now used by COPD patients in their home is called a small-volume nebulizer
oximeter reading for a normal healthy person 95%-99%
oximeter reading below 95% hypoxic
oximeter reading between 94% and 91% mild hypoxia
oximeter reading between 86% and 90% moderate hypoxia
oximeter reading below 85% sever hypoxia
Created by: UBEMT
Popular Paramedic/EMT sets




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