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Head and Neck

One Liners for Head and Neck Anatomy

Vertebral level of hyoid bone C3
Vertebral level of thyroid cartilage C4 and C5
Vertebral level of cricoid cartilage C6
Muscles that are innervated by CN XI Trapezius, SCM
Structures that course between anterior and middle scalene Brachial plexus, subclavian artery
Innervation of omohyoid, sternohyoid and sternothyroid Ansa cervicalis (C1-3 ventral rami)
Innervation of digastric Anterior belly = CN V Posterior belly = CN VII
Innervation of carotid sinus and carotid body CN IX, CN X
Major structures to pass through pharyngeal wall superior to superior constrictor Auditory tube, levator veli palatini
Nerves of pharyngeal plexus CN IX (mucosa), CN X (musculature), Sympathetics (vasomotor)
Only muscle innervated by CN IX Stylopharyngeus
Structures that pierce thyrohyoid membrane Internal laryngeal nerve, superior laryngeal artery
Only muscle to abduct vocal cords Posterior cricoarytenoid
Innervation of cricothyroid External laryngeal nerve
Innervation of laryngeal muscles exclusive of cricothyroid Recurrent laryngeal
Muscle that increases tension on vocal cords Cricothyroid
Sensory nerve to larynx superior to vocal cords Internal laryngeal
Sensory nerve to larynx inferior to vocal cords Recurrent laryngeal
Site of aspirated lodged fishbone Piriform recess
Afferent and efferent limbs of gag reflex CN IX – CN X
Afferent and efferent limbs of cough reflex CN X – CN X
Nerve at risk when performing thyroidectomy Lt & Rt recurrent laryngeal nerves
Nerve injury that causes hoarseness following thyroid surgery Recurrent laryngeal
Chief structures that traverse internal acoustic meatus CN VII and VIII
Foramen where CN VII exits skull Stylomastoid foramen
Major arterial supply to calvaria and supratentorial dura Middle meningeal
Major cutaneous nerve of face CN V
Major artery to internal structures of head Maxillary
Spinal levels of sympathetic fibers to head T1 – 2
Autonomic ganglia for CN III Ciliary
Sensory ganglia for CN VII Geniculate
Autonomic ganglia for CN VII PPG and submandibular
Autonomic ganglia for CN IX Otic
Muscle attached to disc of TMJ Lateral pterygoid
Muscle that retracts mandible Temporalis
Major nerve to TMJ (pain) Auriculotemporal (V3)
Specific nerves that elicit secretion from the parotid gland Tympanic branch of CN IX and lesser petrosal
Branch of CN V that carries parasympathetics to parotid Auriculotemporal (V3)
Structure that opens into superior meatus of nasal cavity Posterior ethmoid sinus
Structures that open into middle meatus of nasal cavity Frontal, maxillary, anterior and middle ethmoid sinuses
Structure that opens into inferior meatus of nasal cavity Nasolacrimal duct
Major artery to nasal cavity Sphenopalatine
Most common site of nose bleed Kiesselbach’s plexus
Innervation of levator veli palatini CNX
Muscle that opens auditory tube Tensor veli palatini
Innervation of tensor veli palatini CN V3
Nerve that provides taste to anterior 2/3 of tongue Chorda tympani
Site of cell bodies for nerve that carries taste to anterior 2/3 of tongue Geniculate ganglion
Specific nerve that elicits secretion from submandibular gland Chorda tympani
Branch of CN V that carries parasympathetic to submandibular Lingual
Nerve injured when tonsilar pillars sag and uvula deviates CN X
Nerve potentially injured with tonsillectomy CN IX
Muscle that protrudes tongue Genioglossus
Nerve injured when deviation of protruded tongue Ipsilateral CN XII
Specific nerve that stimulates tear production Greater petrosal CN VII
Sensory nerve to cornea CN V1 (nasociliary)
Muscle that elevates and abducts eye Inferior oblique
Muscle that depresses and abducts eye Superior oblique
Site of preganglionic nerve cells that elicits dilation of pupil Lateral horn, T1 - 2
Site of postganglionic nerve cells that elicits dilation of pupil Superior cervical ganglion
Site of preganglionic nerve cells that elicits constriction of pupil Edinger-Westphal
Site of postganglionic nerve cells that elicits constriction of pupil Ciliary ganglion
Innervation of external surface of tympanic membrane Auriculotemporal(V3),CN X
Innervation of internal surface of tympanic membrane CN IX
Created by: tessah10
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