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agnostic (adj.) Believing that humans cannot know whether there is a god His devoutly Christian parents had problems with his agnostic beliefs.
devout دیندار، پارسا منش، مذهبی، عابد
animism (n.) The belief that natural objects, such as trees, have souls Desert cultures that practice animism often believe that winds contain spirits.
atheist (n.) One who does not believe in the existence of a supreme being He argued that his scientific training made it impossible for him to be anything but an atheist.
be inclined to (v.) To favor an opinion or a course of action He couldn’t say which candidate he favored, but he had always been inclined to vote Republican. خم کردن،کج کردن،متمایل شدن،شیب
contemplate (v.) To consider thoughtfully If you contemplate each step for so long, we will never complete this project on time. تفکر کردن ، درنظر داشتن ، اندیشیدن
deify (v.) To worship as a god When people deify the leader of their country, the leader is able to abuse power more easily. خدا دانستن،پرستیدن
ecclesiastical (adj.) Relating to a church He was looking specifically for a university where he could study ecclesiastical history.
exalt (v.) To praise or honor He would often exalt the virtues of his new wife. بلند کردن ، متعال کردن ، تجلیل کردن ، تمجیدکردن
virtue پرهیزکاری، پاکدامنی، عفت،
pious (adj.) Having or exhibiting religious reverence Sometimes she was so pious that the rest of us felt like heathens. پارسا
heathen کافر،بی دین
reverence تکریم، احترام گذاردن
sacrifice (v.) Anything offered to a deity as a religious thanksgiving;giving up something in order to have something more valuable later on Every harvest time, the Fadeloni people sacrificed vegetables to their gods as a show of thanks. In order to succeed in his career, he had to sacrifice his private life and his leisure time.
leisure تن آسائی، آسودگی، فرصت، مجال، وقت کافی، فراغت
aggravate (v.) To make worse; to anger or intensify Running will aggravate your sore knees. بدتر کردن،خشمگین کردن
decrepit (adj.) Weakened or worn out because of age, illness, or excessive use The once-beautiful building was now dirty, decrepit, and roofless. فرتوت
infection عفونت، سرایت مرض،
fatally (adv.) Causing death or disaster The soldier was fatally wounded in the battle. کشنده ، مهلک ، مصیبت آمیز، وخیم
forensics (n.) The use of science and technology to investigate facts in criminal cases Advances in the study of forensics have made it much easier to identify criminals from very small traces of evidence. دادگاهی،قانونی
prognosis (n.) An educated guess of how something will develop, especially a disease The room fell silent when the doctor gave Senator Grebe a grim prognosis of months of treatment. پیش بینی مرض، بهبودی از مرض در اثر پیش بینی جریان مرض
terminal (adj.) Located at an end; approaching death The cancer ward at the hospital held both terminal and recovering patients.
inflict ضربت وارد آوردن ، ضربت زدن
humor Sometimes he didn’t realize his sharp humor could wound as well as entertain. شوخیی،خوشمزگی
anesthesia (n.) Techniques for reducing sensation and feeling, especially to control pain The Civil War was the first American war when anesthesia was widely used in surgery on soldiers. ببیهوشی
augment (v.) To make bigger or better by adding to In some types of popular cosmetic surgery people augment parts of their bodies. افزودن،تقویت کردن
certifiably (adv.) In a manner that is officially recognized He couldn’t be institutionalized until he was declared certifiably insane. قابل تایید
cure (v.n.) To restore to health They say laughter can help cure many illnesses.
implant (v.) To set in firmly; to insert in the body surgically The actress had cheek implants to make her face look fuller. جای دادن ، فرو کردن ، کاشتن ، القائ کردن
obese (adj.) Excessively overweight More Americans are obese now because U.S. culture encourages overeating and discourages exercise.
evacuation تخلیه ، تهی سازی، برون بری
heal شفا دادن ، خوب کردن ، التیام دادن ، خوب شدن
scar (n.v.) A mark on the skin left after a wound has healed; a lasting sign of damage, either mental or physical The surgery was successful, but it left a large scar across her abdomen.
astrological (adj.) Related to the study of the position of stars, the sun, and the planets in the belief that they influence earthly events Every day, Mona read her astrological forecast in the newspaper, and she was careful if the horoscope predicted trouble.
forecast پیش بینی، پیش بینی کردن .پیش بینی وضع هوا یا حوادث
horoscope طالع،جدول ساعات روز
divination (n.) Foretelling the future by finding patterns in physical objects In Turkey, women offer divinations by reading the dregs from a coffee cup. غیب گوئی، پیش گوئی، فالگیری، تفال، حدس درست
dreg رسوب، آشغال، پس مانده ، مدفوع
haunt (v.) To continually appear (in the form of a ghost) in the same place or to the same person Some say the ghost of Princess Hilda haunts this castle, appearing as a headless form while she plays the piano. روحی که زیاد بمحلی آمد وشدکند، تردد کردن ، پاتوق،دوستی
intermediary (n.) Acting as an agent between people or things The plaintiff’s lawyer suggested that they hire an intermediary to help them discuss their case.
plaintiff خواهان ، دادخواه ، عارض، شاکی، مدعی
invoke (v.) To call on for support In many religions, believers invoke their god by holding out their hands. دعا کردن به ، طلب کردن ، بالتماس خواستن .احضار کردن
monk راهب، تارک دنیا
phantom (n.) A dimly visible form, usually thought to be the spirit of a dead person, a sunken ship, etc. Many visitors reported seeing a phantom who appeared around the lake.
psychic (adj.) Relating to the supposed ability of the human mind to sense things that cannot be observed The governor’s assistant claimed to have unique psychic abilities enabling him to read people’s minds. روانی،ذهنی،واسطه
self-perpetuating (adj.) Having the power to renew oneself for an indefinite period of time It is difficult to escape from a lie, as they are often self-perpetuating. همیشگی کردن ، دائمی کردن ، جاودانی ساختن
Anthropology علم انسان شناسی، مبحث روابط انسان با خدا
assimilate (v.) To consume and incorporate; to become similar Not all of the overseas students could assimilate into the rigidly controlled school. سازش کردن ، وفق دادن در بدن جذب کردن
cremation (n.) The act of burning the dead Cremation is particularly common in Japan, where land for burial is very limited.
domesticate (v.) To make something suitable for being in a home The Barnes family hoped to domesticate the tiger, but their neighbors were skeptical. اهلی کردن،رام کردن
skeptic ادم‌ شکاک‌ دردین‌ وعقاید مذهبی‌، شک‌ گرای‌، مشکوک‌.
folklore (n.) Traditional myths of a people transmitted orally Through folklore, archaeologists have learned about the migration of Native Americans in North America.
relic (n.) Something left from a long-ago culture, time period, or person Relics of the war can still be found in the sand dunes along this shore. عتیقه ، یادگار،اثار
rite (n.) A ceremony meant to achieve a certain purpose Many cultures have fertility rites that supposedly make it more likely for women to bear children. اداب وو تشریفات مذهبی
ritually (adv.) As part of a traditional ceremony or habit The children ritually kissed their parents on the cheek before bed. تشریفات مذهبی، آئین پرستش، تشریفات
saga (n.) A long story about important events long ago Many American families tell sagas about their ancestors’ arrival in the United States. حماسه
vestige (n.) A visible trace that something once existed The wilted flowers were the only vestige of their romantic weekend. اثر، جای پا، ردیا
Inequality اختلاف، فرق، ناهمواری.نابرابری
amend (v.) To change for the better The residents voted to amend their neighborhood policy on fences. .اصلاح کردن ، بهتر کردن ، بهبودی یافتن ، ماده یا قانونی را اصلاح و تجدید کردن
biased (adj.) Leaning unfairly in one direction Her newspaper article was criticized for being heavily biased toward the mayor’s proposal.
mayor شهردار
burden (n.) Something that is carried; a source of stress or worry The failing company faced the burden of bad debts and a poor reputation. طفل در رحم، بارمسئولیت، بارکردن ، تحمیل کردن،وزن
debt بدهی،وام،قرض
reputation شهرت، اعتبار، آبرو، خوشنامی
counter (v.n.adj.) To act in opposition to; to offer in response The hockey player countered the punch with a smashing blow from his hockey stick. ضربت متقابل،مقابله به مثل کردن
accusation حق تهمت، اتهام
de facto (adj.adv.) Truly doing a job, even if not officially Popular support established the Citizens Party as the de facto government.
discriminate To choose carefully among options The governor wisely discriminated between urgent issues and those that could wait. تبعیض قائل شدن ، با علائم مشخصه ممتاز کردن
notion (n.) A belief; a fanciful impulse One morning, she suddenly took the notion to paint her kitchen red.
oppress (v.) To keep down by force; to weigh heavily on Factory management oppressed workers through intimidation. ذلیل کردن ، ستم کردن بر
intimidation ارعاب
paradigm (n.) A pattern or model; a set of assumptions The usual paradigm for economic growth in developed countries does not apply to some poor nations.
prejudiced (adj.) Causing to judge prematurely and unfairly Many consumers are prejudiced against commercial goods made in third-world countries. تبعیض، تعصب، غرض، غرض ورزی، قضاوت تبعیض آمیز
curriculum (n.) The courses of study offered by an educational institution The teachers met to design a new curriculum for the Intensive English Program. برنامه آموزشی، آموزش برنامه
distinctly (adv.) Clearly I distinctly remember saying that we would meet at noon.
erudite (adj.) Highly educated Even though Stella was only a freshman, she was considered erudite by both her classmates and her professors. عالم، دانشمند، متبحر
fortify (v.) To strengthen The high-priced drink had extra vitamins and minerals to fortify the body. تقویت کردن
implicitly (adv.) Without being stated; unquestioningly By joining the competition, she agreed implicitly to the rules. مطلق، بی شرط.تلویحی، ضمنی
parochial (adj.) Restricted in outlook; relating to the local parish Marla moved from her rural community to get away from its parochial thinking. ناحیه ای، محدود، کوته نظر
rigor (n.) Strictness; difficult situations that come from following rules strictly The rigors of military life toughened the young men quickly. سختی
roster (n.) A list, especially of names Two of the names on the roster were misspelled.
secular (adj.) Worldly rather than spiritual; not related to religion Few private schools in the United States are secular.
allegiance (n.) Loyalty My allegiance to my country is based on respect for its principles. وفاداری،تبعیت
artillery (n.) Large guns that shoot powerful shells; army units that handle such guns An artillery barrage broke down the city’s thick walls within seconds. توپخانه ، توپ
cease (v.) Stop The lightning continued even after the thunder had ceased.
hierarchy (n.) A system of levels that places people high or low according to their importance Starting as a lowly private, Burt Jones gradually rose through the hierarchy of the army. سلسله سران روحانی وشیوخ، سلسله مراتب
in the trenches (adv’l) In the middle of the hardest fighting or work With their unrealistic view of this war, our generals don’t know what things are like out in the trenches.
mobilize (v.) To put members of a group into motion After a terrible storm, the governor mobilized the National Guard to rescue victims. بسیج کردن ، تجهیز کردن ، متحرک کردن
annex (v.n.) To make something (usually land) part of another unit Bardstown grew by annexing several farms at the north edge of town. پیوستن ، ضمیمه کردن ، ضمیمه
apex (n.) The highest point Gregory knew that his running skills had to be at their apex during the tournament.
collapse (v.n.) To fall down, usually because of weakness فروریختن ، متلاشی شدن ، دچار سقوط واضمحلال شدن ، غش کردن ، آوار
conquest (n.) A takeover by force or continued effort The first recorded conquest of Mt. Everest was by Tensing Norgay and Sir Edmund Hilary غلبه ، پیروزی، غلبه کردن
devise (v.) To find an original way to make an object or a plan The soldiers devised a way to cross the river into enemy territory without being seen.
prevailing (adj.) Strongest or most common The prevailing attitude among our neighbors is to be friendly but not too friendly
harsh تند، درشت، خشن ، ناگوار، زننده ، ناملایم.
violation (n.) An action that breaks a law or agreement; mistreatment of something that deserves respect The army’s testing of new weapons was a violation of the cease-fire agreement. جاوز، تخلف، تخطی، پیمان شکنی
sculpture مجسمه سازی، پیکر تراشی، سنگتراشی کرد
sacred مقدس، روحانی، خاص، موقوف، وقف شده
institutionalize در موسسه یا بنگاه قرار دادن ، در بیمارستان بستری کردن ، تبدیل به موسسه کردن ، رسمی کردن
Spirituality روحانیت، معنویت، عالم روحانی، روحیه مذهبی
Created by: baharcham
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