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Class For (Epinephrine)
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Drug Cards:)

Paramedic Drug Cards:)

Class For (Epinephrine) Adrenergic agent, inotropic
Actions For (Epinephrine) Binds strongly with both alpha/beta receptors, increases BP/HR, bronchodilation
Indications For (Epinephrine) Bronchospasm, allergic/anaphylaxis recations, cardiac arrest
Adverse Effects For (Epinephrine) Anxiety, HA, cardiac arrhythmias, HTN, nervousness, tremors, chest pain, n/v
Contraindications For (Epinephrine) Arrhythmias other than VF/Asystole/PVT, HTN, cerebral vascular dx, shock (other than anaphylactic), closed angle glaucoma, DM, pregnant women in active labor, sensitivity
Dosage For (Epinephrine) Adult Arrest: 1 mg (1:10 000) IV/IO q 3-5 min Ped Arrest: 0.01 mg/kg (1:10 000) IV/IO, repeat q 3- 5 PRN Adult Symptomatic Bradycardia: Adult 2 – 10 mcg/min infusion Ped Symptomatic Bradycardia: 0.01 mg/kg q 3 – 5 min, max dose 1 mg
Another Name For Diphenhydramine Hydrochloride (Benadryl)
Class For (Benadryl) Antihistamine
Actions For (Benadryl) Binds and blocks H1 histamine receptors
Indications For (Benadryl) Anaphylactic reactions
Adverse Effects For (Benadryl) Drowsiness, dizziness, HA, excitable state (children), wheezing, thickening of bronchial secretions, chest tightness, palpitations, hypotension, blurred vision, dry mouth, n/v, diarrhea
Class For (Hydrocortisone) Corticosteroid
Another Name For Hydrocortisone Sodium Succinate (Cortef, Solu-Cortef)
Action For (Hydrocortisone) Reduces inflammation by multiple mechanisms.
Indications For (Hydrocortisone) Adrenal insufficiency, allergic reactions, anaphylaxis, asthma, COPD
Adverse Effects For (Hydrocortisone) Leukocytosis, hyperglycemia, increased infection, decreased wound healing, increased rate of death from sepsis
Contraindications For (Hydrocortisone) Cushings syndrome, sensitivity to benzyl alcohol. Caution in DM, HTN, CHF, systemic fungal infection, renal disease, idiopathic thrombocytopenia, seizure disorder, GI disease, glaucoma, sensitivity
Dosage For (Hydrocortisone) Anaphylactic Shock: 100 – 500 mg IV, IO, IM (Adult)Ped: 2 – 4 mg/kg/day IV, IO, IM (500 mg max)
Another Name For (Albuterol) (Proventil, Ventolin)
Class For (Albuterol) Bronchodilator, beta agonist
Action For (Albuterol) Binds and stimulates beta 2 receptors (results in bronchial smooth muscle relaxation
Indications For (Albuterol) Asthma, bronchitis with bronchospasm, and COPD
Adverse Effects For (Albuterol) Hyperglycemia, hypokalemia, palpitations, tachycardia, anxiety, tremor, n/v, hypertension, headache, paradoxical bronchospasm
Contraindications For (Albuterol) Angioedema, sensitiviy.
Dosage For (Albuterol) Nebulizer: 2.5 – 5 mg q 20 minutes, max three doses MDI: 4 – 8 puffs every 1 – 4 hrs
Another Name For (Levalbuterol) (Xopenex)
Class For (Levalbuterol) Beta Agonist
Action For (Levalbuterol) Stimulates beta 2 receptors
Indications For (Levalbuterol) Acute bronchospasm or bronchospasm prophylaxis in asthma patients
Adverse Effects For (Levalbuterol) Hyperglycemia, hypokalemia, palpitations, tachycardia, anxiety, tremor, n/v, HTN,HA
Contraindications For (Levalbuterol) Angioedema, sensitivity.
Dosage For (Levalbuterol) Nebulizer: 1.25 to 2.5 mg q 20 minutes for 3 doses
Another Name for (Ipratropium Bromide) (Atrovent)
Class for (Atrovent) Bronchodilator, anticholinergic
Action for (Atrovent) Antagonizes the acetylcholine receptor on bronchial smooth muscle
Indications for (Atrovent) Asthma, bronchospasma associated with COPD
Adverse Effects for (Atrovent) Paradoxical acute bronchospasm, cough, HA, dizziness, palpitations
Contraindications for (Atrovent) Closed angle glaucoma, bladder neck obstruction, prostatic hypertrophy, sensitivity to peanuts, soybeans, or atropine
Dosage for (Atrovent) Nebulizer: Adult 0.5 mg q 6 – 8 hr
Another Name For Methylprednisolone (Solu-Medrol)
Class for (Solu-Medrol) Corticosteroid
Action for (Solu-Medrol) Reduces inflammation by multiple mechanisms
Indications for (Solu-Medrol) Anaphylaxis, COPD, asthma
Adverse Effects for (Solu-Medrol) Depression, euphoria, HA, restlessness, HTN, bradycardia, n/v, swelling, weakness, parasthesias
Contraindications for (Solu-Medrol) Cushings syndrome, fungal infection, measles, varicella, sensitivity (sulfites)
Dosage for (Solu-Medrol) Asthma/COPD: 40 – 80 mg IV (Adult)
Another Name For Racemic epinephrine (Racepinephrine)
Class for(Racepinephrine) Bronchodilator, adrenergic agent
Action for(Racepinephrine) Stimulates both alpha and beta receptors, causing vasoconstriction, reduced mucosal edema, bronchodilation
Indications for(Racepinephrine) Bronchial asthma, croup
Adverse Effects for(Racepinephrine) Anxiety, dizziness, HA, tremor, palpitations, tachycardia, arrhythmias, HTN, n/v
Contraindications for(Racepinephrine) Glaucoma, elderly, cardiac disease, HTN, thyroid disease, diabetes, sensitivity to sulfites
Dosage for(Racepinephrine) Adult: 11.25 mg in 3 mL nebulizer
Another Name For (OXYGEN) (O2)
Classification For(O2) Elemental Gas
Action For(O2) Facilitates cellular metabolism
Indications For(O2) Hypoxia, cellular energy metabolism
Contraindications For(O2) Known paraquat poisoning
Precautions For(O2) High concentrations may cause respiratory depression in COPD patients
Dosage For(O2) 1 – 15 lpm
Other Names For(Acetylsalicylic Acid) ASPIRIN, Alka-Seltzer, Bayer, St Joseph
Classification For (ASPIRIN) Antiplatelet, antipyretic, non-narcotic analgesic
Action For (ASPIRIN) Inhibits platelet formation; lowers body temperature; relieves pain
Indications For (ASPIRIN) Fever, inflammation, angina, chest pain indicative of MI
Contraindications For (ASPIRIN) Sensitivity, bleeding disorders, GI bleeding, hemorrhagic stroke, active ulcer disease, children with chicken pox/flu-like symptoms
Precautions For (ASPIRIN) Anaphylaxis, angioedema, bronchospasm, n/v, stomach irriatation
Dosage For (ASPIRIN) 325 mg PO (Four – 81 mg “Baby Aspirin”
Other Names For (NITROGLYCERIN) Nitrolingual, NitroQuick, Nitro-Dur
Classification For (Nitro) Nitrate/Antianginal agent
Action For (Nitro) Relaxes vascular smooth muscle, reduces blood pressure, venous return, and cardiac workload
Indications For (Nitro) Angina, hypertension, myocardial ischemia
Contraindications For (Nitro) Hypotension, severe bradycardia/tachycardia, increased ICP, patients taking medications for erectile dysfunction (Viagra ®, Levitra ®, Cialis ®)
Precautions For (Nitro) Headache, hypotension, bradycardia, lightheadedness, flushing. NTG is sensitive to light and will loose potency.
Dosage For (Nitro) SL tablet: 1 tablet (0.4 mg) at 5-minute intervals, max 3 doses. Spray: 1 spray (0.4 mg) at 5 minute intervals, max 3 sprays.
Classification for (MORPHINE SULFATE) Narcotic Analgesic (Opiate agonist),Schedule II
Action for (MORPHINE SULFATE) Binds with opioid receptors, reduces stimulation of the sympathetic nervous system caused by pain/anxiety. Reduces venous return and myocardial oxygen demand.
Indications for (MORPHINE SULFATE) Moderate to severe pain, including chest pain associated with ACS, CHF, pulmonary edema.
Contraindications for (MORPHINE SULFATE) Respiratory depression, hypotension, sensitivity
Precautions for (MORPHINE SULFATE) Respiratory depression, hypotension, n/v, dizziness/lightheadedness, euphoria, worsening of bradycardia/heart block
Dosage for (MORPHINE SULFATE) Adult: (MI) 2 – 4 mg IV over 1 – 5 min, q 5 – 15 min (Pain)2.5 – 15 mg IV, 5-20 mg IM/SQ. Ped: 0.05 – 0.2 mg/kg IV/IO 0.1 – 0.2 mg/kg IM/SQ
Classification For (METAPROLOL Lopressor) Beta blocker (Beta adrenergic antagonist), antihypertensive, antianginal
Action For (METAPROLOL Lopressor) Inhibits the strength of heart’s contractions & heart rates thereby reducing blood pressure.
Indications For (METAPROLOL Lopressor) ACS, hypertension, SVT, A-Flutter/A-Fib, thyrotoxicosis
Contraindications For (METAPROLOL Lopressor) Cardiogenic shock, AV block, bradycardia, sensitivity
Precautions For (METAPROLOL Lopressor) Dizziness, diarrhea, heart block, bradycardia, bronchospasm, hypotension
Dosage For (METAPROLOL Lopressor) 5 mg slow IV/IO over 5 min. Repeat 5 min intervals up to a total 15 mg.
Antoher Name For (Atenolol) (Tenormin)
Class For (Tenormin) Beta adgrenergic antagonist, antianginal, antihypertensive, class II antiarrhythmic
Action For (Tenormin) Inhibits the strength of the heart’s contractions and HR
Indications For (Tenormin) ACS, hypertension, SVT, Atrial Flutter/Fibrillation
Adverse Effects For (Tenormin) Bradycardia, bronchospasm, hypotension
Contraindications For (Tenormin) Cardiogenic shock, AV block, bradycardia, sensitivity
Dosage For (Tenormin) ACS, Adult: 5 mg IV/IO over 5 min, repeat in 5 min
Class For (Atropine Sulfate) Anticholineric, antimuscarinic
Action For (Atropine Sulfate) Competes reversibly with acetylcholine at the site of the muscarinic receptor
Indications For (Atropine Sulfate) Symptomatic bradycardia, asystole, PEA
Adverse Effects For (Atropine Sulfate) Decreased secretions resulting in dry mouth and hot skin temperature, intesnse facial flushing, blurred vision/dilation of pupils, tachycardia, restlessness.
Contraindications For (Atropine Sulfate) Acute MI, myasthenia gravis, GI obstruction, closed angle glaucoma, sensitivity
Dosage For (Atropine Sulfate) Symptomatic Bradycardia Adult: 0.5 mg IV q 3-5 min, max 3 mg Adolescent: 0.02 mg/kg, (minimum 0.1 mg/dose, max 1 mg/dose) max dose 2 mg Pediatric: 0.02 mg/kg, (min 0.1 mg/kg, max 0.5 mg/dose), max of 1 mg . Asystole/PEA 1 mg IV/IO q 3-5 min, max 3 mg
Another Name For (Dopamine) (Inotropin)
Class For (Dopamine) Adrenergic agonist, inotropic, vasopressor
Action For (Dopamine) Stimulates alpha and beta adrenergic receptors
Indications For (Dopamine) Hypotension and decreased CO associated with cardiogenic and septic shock, symptomatic bradycardia unresponsive to atropine, hypotension after return of spontaneous circulation following arrest
Adverse Effects For (Dopamine) Tachycardia, arrhythmias, skin/soft tissue necrosis, severe hypertension, angina, dyspnea, headache, n/v
Contraindications For (Dopamine) Pheochromocytoma, VF/VT or other ventricular arrhythmias, sensitivity
Dosage For (Dopamine) 2-20 mcg/kg/min titrate to effect
Another Name For (Adenosine) (Adenocard)
Classification For (Adenosine) Antiarrhythmic
Action For (Adenosine) Slows conduction of electrical impulses at AV node
Indications For (Adenosine) Stable reentry SVT
Adverse Effects For (Adenosine) Sense of impeding doom, flushing, chest pressure, throat tightness, numbness
Contraindications For (Adenosine) Sick sinus syndrome, 2nd /3rd degree heart block, poison/drug induced tachycardia
Dosage For (Adenosine) Adult, initial dose of 6 mg rapid IVP, repeat if needed with 12 mg rapid IV/IO, repeat 3 rd dose of 12 mg rapid IVP. Follow each administration with 20 mL saline flush. (6mg, 12 mg, 12 mg)
Another Name For (Amiodarone) (Cordarone)
Class For (Amiodarone) Antiarrythmic, class III
Action For (Amiodarone) Delays repolarization and increase the duration of the action potential
Indications For (Amiodarone) Ventricular arrhythmias, second-line agent for atrial arrhythmias
Adverse Effects For (Amiodarone) Burning at the IV site, hypotension, bradycardia
Contraindications For (Amiodarone) Sick sinus syndrome, 2nd/3rd degree heart block, cardiogenic shock
Dosage For (Amiodarone) Adult VF/VT: 300 mg IV/IO, repeat if needed with150 mg in 3-5 min Stable Tachycardia: 150 mg in 100 mL D5W IV/IO over 10 min, may repeat in 10 min up to max 2.2 g over 24 hrs.
Another Name For (Lidocaine) (Xylocaine)
Class For (Lidocaine) Antiarrhythmic, Class IB
Action For (Lidocaine) blocks sodium channels, increases the recovery period after repolarization, suppresses automaticity in the ventricles
Indications For (Lidocaine) VF/VT
Adverse Effects For (Lidocaine) Toxicity, seizures, cardiac arrhythmias, hypotension, cardiac arrest, injection site pain
Contraindications For (Lidocaine) AV block, bleeding, thrombocytopenia, sensitivy
Dosage For (Lidocaine) PVT/VF: 1 – 1.5 mg/kg IV/IO, may repeat with half the original dose 0.5 – 0.75 mg/kg every 5 – 10 min, max 3 mg/kg Perfusing Ventricular Rhythms: 0.5 to 0.75 mg/kg IO/IV, max 3 mg/kg
Class For (Vasopressin) Nonadrenergic vasoconstrictor
Action For (Vasopressin) vasoconstriction independent of adrenergic receptors
Indications For (Vasopressin) Refractory VF, Pulseless VT, Asystole, PEA, vasodilation/shock
Adverse Effects For (Vasopressin) Cardiac ischemia, angina
Contraindications For (Vasopressin) responsive pts with cardiac disease
Dosage For (Vasopressin) 40 U single dose IV/IO
Another Name For (Furosemide) (Lasix)
Class For (Lasix) Loop diuretic
Action For (Lasix) Inhibits the absorption of the sodium and chloride ions and water in theloop of Henle
Indications For (Lasix) Pulmonary Edema, CHF, hypertensive emergency
Adverse Effects For (Lasix) Vertigo, dizziness, weakness, orthostatic hypotension, hypokalemia, thrombophlebitis
Contraindications For (Lasix) Sensitivity to sulfonamides/furosemid
Dosage For (Lasix) Adult: 40 mg IV/IO slowly of a 1 – 2 min period
Another Name For (Digoxin) (Lanoxin)
Class For (Digoxin) Cardiac glycoside
Action For (Digoxin) inhibits sodium-potassium-adenosine triphosphatase membrane pump, resulting in an increase in calcium inside the heart muscle cell, therefore increases the force of contraction
Indications For (Digoxin) CHF, control ventricular rate in chronic AFib/Flutter, narrow complex SVT
Adverse Effects For (Digoxin) Headache, weakness, GI disturbances, arrhythmias, n/v, diarrhea, vision disturbances
Contraindications For (Digoxin) Digitalis allergy, VT/VF, heart block, sick sinus syndrome, tachycardia without heart failure, pulse less than 50, MI, ischemic heart disease
Dose For (Digoxin) Varies by patient
Class For (Magnesium Sulfate Electrolyte, tocolytic, mineral
Action For (Magnesium Sulfate) Naturally occurring mineral. Controls seizures by blocking peripheral neuromuscular transmission. Cofactor in neurochemical transmission and muscular excitability.
Indications For (Magnesium Sulfate) Torsades de pointes, cardiac arrhythmias associated with hypomagnesemia, preeclampsia/eclampsia, status asthmaticus
Adverse Effects For (Magnesium Sulfate) Magnesium toxicity (s/s: flusing, diaphoresis, hypotension, muscle paralysis, weakness, hypothermia, cardiac, CNS, or respiratory depression)
Contraindications For (Magnesium Sulfate) AV block, GI obstruction
Dosage For (Magnesium Sulfate) Torsades: 1 – 2 g IV/IO infused over 5 – 10 minutes: Eclampsia/Preeclampsia: 4 – 6 g IV/IO infused over 20 – 30 minutes, followed by infusion of 1 – 2 g/hr
Another Name For (Diazepam) (Valium)
Class For (Valium) Benzodiazepine (Schedule C-IV)
Action For (Valium) Binds to the benzodiazepine receptor and enhances GABA effects. produces any level of CNS depression (sedation, skeletal muscle relaxant, anticonvulsant)
Indications For (Valium) Anxiety, skeletal, alcohol withdrawal, seizures
Adverse Effects For (Valium) Respiratory depression, drowsiness, fatigue, headache, injection site pain, confusion, nausea, hypotension, oversedation
Contraindications For (Valium) Acute-angle glaucoma, CNS depression, alcohol intoxication, sensitivity
Dosage For (Valium) Anxiety: 2 – 10 mg slow IV/IM Seizure: 5 – 10 mg slow IV/IO q 10-15 min, max 30 mg (Adult)
Class for (Activated Charcoal) Antidote, absorbent
Action for (Activated Charcoal) Certain chemical/toxins will attach to the surface of the charcoal and becomes trapped, reducing absorption into the body.
Indications for (Activated Charcoal) Toxic Ingestion
Adverse Effects for (Activated Charcoal) n/v, constipation, diarrhea. Aspiration into lungs can induce potentially fatal form of pneumonitis
Contraindications for (Activated Charcoal) Ingestion of acids, alkalis, ethanol, methanol, cyanide, ferrous sulfate or other iron salts, lithium; coma; GI obstruction
Dosage for (Activated Charcoal) Adult: 50 – 100 g/dose Ped: 1 – 2 g/kg
Class for (Sodium Bicarbonate) Electrolyte replacement
Action for (Sodium Bicarbonate) Counteracts existing acidosis
Indications for (Sodium Bicarbonate) Acidosis, drug intoxications
Adverse Effects for (Sodium Bicarbonate) Metabolic alkalosis, hypernatremia, injection site reaction, sodium and fluid retention, peripheral edema
Contraindications for (Sodium Bicarbonate) Metabolic alkalosis
Dosage for (Sodium Bicarbonate) Metabolic Acidosis during cardiac arrest: 1 mEq/kg slow IV, IO; may repeat at 0.5 mEq/kg in 10 minutes. Metabolic Acidosis not associated with cardiac arrest: Dosage should be individualized
Another Name For (Naloxone) (Narcan)
Class For (Narcan) Opioid antagonist
Action For (Narcan) Binds the opioid receptor and blocks the effect of narcotics
Indications For (Narcan) Narcotic overdoses, reversal of narcotics used for procedure-related anesthesia
Adverse Effects For (Narcan) n/v, restlessness, diaphoresis, tachycardia, HTN, tremulousness, seizures, cardiac arrest, narcotic withdrawal. Beware combativeness
Contraindications For (Narcan) Sensitivity to naloxone, nalmefene, or naltrexone.
Dosage For (Narcan) Adult: 0.4 mg – 2mg IV, IO, ET, IM, SQ, (2 mg intranasally) Ped (less than 20 kg): 0.1 mg/kg IV, IO, ET, IM, SQ
Another name for (Fentanyl citrate) (Sublimaze)
Class for (Fentanyl) Narcotic analgesic; Schedule II
Action for (Fentanyl) Binds to opiate receptors, producing analgesia and euphoria
Indications for (Fentanyl) Pain
Adverse Effects for (Fentanyl) Resp depression, apnea, hypotension, n/v, dizziness, sedation, euphoria, sinus bradycardia, sinus tachycardia, palpitations, hypertension, diaphoresis, syncope, pain at injection side
Contraindications for (Fentanyl) Sensitivity. Caustion with TBI, resp depression
Dosage for (Fentanyl) Adult: 50 – 100 mcg/dose IM, Slow IV, IO (administer over 1 - 2 minutes) Ped: 1 – 2 mcg/kg IM, slow IV, IO (over 1 – 2 minutes)
Another name for (Meperidine) (Demerol)
Class for (Demerol) Narcotic analgesic, Schedule II
Action for (Demerol) Binds to opiate receptors, producing analgesia and euphoria
Indications for (Demerol) Moderate to severe pain
Adverse Effects for (Demerol) Resp depression, n/v, palpitations, HTN, hypotension, orthostatic hypotension, diaphoresis, syncope, shock, cardiac arrest
Contraindications for (Demerol) MAOI in past two weeks, pts using other CNS depressants or alcohol, sensitivity.
Dosage for (Demerol) Adult: 50 – 150 mg, IV, IO, IM, SQ (Elderly 50 mg) Ped: 1 – 2 mg/kg IV, IO, IM, SQ
Another Name For (Propofol) (Diprivan)
Class for (Propofol) Anesthetic
Action for (Propofol) Produces rapid and brief state of general anesthesia
Indications for (Propofol) Anesthesia induction
Adverse Effects for (Propofol) Apnea, cardiac arrhythmias, asystole, hypotension, HTN, pain at injection site
Contraindications for (Propofol) Hypovolemia, sensitivity (including soybean oil, eggs)
Dosage for (Propofol) 1.5 – 3 mg/kg IV, IO
Another Name for (Midazolam) (Versed)
Class for (Versed) Benzodiazepine, Schedule IV
Action for (Versed) Binds to benzodiazepine receptor and enhances the effect s of GABA.
Indications for (Versed) Sedation, anxiety, skeletal muscle relaxant
Adverse Effects for (Versed) Respiratory depression, respiratory arrest, hypotension, n/v, HA, hiccups, cardiac arrest
Contraindications for (Versed) Acute-angle glaucoma, pregnant women, sensitivity
Dosage for (Versed) Healthy Adult less than 60: 1 – 2.5 mg over 2 minutes Max 5 mg
Another name for (Lorazepam) (Ativan)
Class for (Ativan) Benzodiazepine, Schedule IV
Action for (Ativan) Binds to benzodiazepine receptor and enhances the effects of GABA.
Indications for (Ativan) Preprocedure sedation induction, anxiety, status epilepticus
Adverse Effects for (Ativan) HA, drowsiness, ataxia, dizziness, amnesia, depression, dysarthria, euphoria, syncope, fatigue, tremor, vertigo, resp depression, paradoxical CNS stimulation
Contraindications for (Ativan) Sensitivity to benzodiazepines, polyethylene glycol, propylene glycol, benzyl alcohol; COPD, sleep apnea, shock, coma, acute closed angle glaucoma
Dosage for (Ativan) Adult: 2 mg IV, IO (Sedation) 4 mg slow IV, IO (Seizures)
Another name for (Haloperidol) (Haldol)
Class for (Haldol) Antipsychotic agent
Action for (Haldol) Selectively blocks postsynaptic dopamine receptors
Indications for (Haldol) Psychotic disorders, agitation
Adverse Effects for (Haldol) Extrapyramidal symptoms, drowsiness, tardive dyskinesia, hypotension, HTN, VT, sinus tachycardia, QT prolongation, torsades de pointes
Contraindications for (Haldol) Depressed mental status, Parkinson’s disease
Dosage for (Haldol) 5 mg IM, may repeat every 15 minutes, max 20 mg Not recommended for pediatric patients
Class for (Dextrose)(Dextrose 50%, Dextrose 25%, Dextrose 10%) Antihypoglycemic
Action for (Dextrose) Increases blood glucose concentrations
Indications for (Dextrose) Hypoglycemia
Adverse Effects for (Dextrose) Hyperglycemia, warmth, burning from IV infusion. Infiltration of IV site during administration may cause tissue necrosis.
Contraindications for (Dextrose) Intracranial and intraspinal hemorrhage, delirium tremens, solution is not clear, seals not intact
Dosage for (Dextrose) Hyperkalemia Adult: 25 g dextrose 50% Ped: 0.5 – 1 g/kg IV, IO Hypoglycemia Adult: 10 – 25 g of dextrose 50% Ped (older than 2): 1 g/kg dextrose 50% Ped (less than 2): 1 – 2 g/kg dextrose 10%
Class for (Glucagon) Hormone
Action for (Glucagon) Converts glycogen to glucose
Indications for (Glucagon) Hypoglycemia, beta blocker overdose
Adverse Effects for (Glucagon) n/v, rebound hyperglycemia, hypotension, sinus tachycardia
Contraindications for (Glucagon) Pheochromocytoma, insulinoma, sensitivity
Dosage for (Glucagon) Hypoglycemia Adult: 1 mg IM, IV, IO, SQ Ped (<20 kg): 0.5 mg IM, IV, IO, SQ Beta blocker overdose Adult: 2 – 5 mg Ped (less than 20 kg): 0.5 mg
Class for (Thiamine) Vitamin B1
Action for (Thiamine) Thiamine combines with adenosine triphosphate to produce thiamine diphosphat, which acts as a coenzyme in carbohydrate metabolism
Indications for (Thiamine) Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome, beriberi, nutritional supplementation
Adverse Effects for (Thiamine) Itching, rash, pain at injection site
Contraindications for (Thiamine) Sensitivity
Dosage for (Thiamine) Adult: 100 mg IV, IO Ped: not recommended
Class for (Insulin) Hormone
Action for (Insulin) Binds to a receptor on the cell membrane and facilitates the transport of glucose into cells
Indications for (Insulin) Hyperglycemia, IDDM, hyperglycemia
Adverse Effects for (Insulin) Hypoglycemia, tachycardia, palpitations, diaphoresis, anxiety, confusion, blurred vision, weakness, depression, seizures, coma, insulin shock, hypokalemia
Contraindications for (Insulin) Hypoglycemia, sensitivity
Dosage for (Insulin) Diabetic Ketoacidosis Adult: 0.1 U/kg IV, IO Infusion 0.05 – 0.1 U/kg/hr IV, IO Hyperkalemia Adult: 10 U IV, IO regular insulin, coadministered with 50 mL of D50 Ped: 0.1 u/kg regular insulin
Another name for (Phenytoin) (Dilantin)
Class for (Dilantin) Anticonvulsant
Action for (Dilantin) Depresses seizures by affecting the movement of sodium and calcium into neural tissue
Indications for (Dilantin) Generalized Tonic Clonic Seizures
Adverse Effects for (Dilantin) n/v, depression of cardiac conduction, sedation, nystagmus, tremors, ataxia, dysarthria, gingival hypertrophy, hirsutism, facial coarsening, hypotension
Contraindications for (Dilantin) Sinus bradycardia, SA block, 2nd and 3rd degree heart block, Adams-Stokes syndrome, sensitivity to hydantoins
Dosage for (Dilantin)
Another name for (Succinylcholine) (Anectine)
Class for (Anectine) Neuromuscular blocker, depolarizing
Action for (Anectine) Competes with the acetycholine receptor of the motor end plate on the muscle cell, resulting in muscle paralysis
Indications for (Anectine) To induce neuromuscular blockade for the facilitation of ET intubation
Adverse Effects for (Anectine) Anaphylactoid reactions, respiratory depression, apnea, bronchospasm, cardiac arrhythmias, malignant hyperthermia, HTN, hypotension, muscle fasciculation, postprocedure muscle pain, hypersalivation, rash
Contraindications for (Anectine) Malignant hyperthermia, significant burns greater than 24 hrs, trauma.
Dosage for (Anectine) 1 – 1.5 mg/kg
Another Name For (Vecuronium) (Norcuron)
Class for (Norcuron) Neuromuscular blocker, nondepolarizing
Action for (Norcuron) Antagonizes acetylchonline at the motor end plate, producing skeletal muscle paralysis
Indications for (Norcuron) To induce neuromuscular blockade for the facilitation of ET intubation
Adverse Effects for (Norcuron) Muscle paralysis, apnea, dyspnea, resp depression, sinus tachycardia, urticaria
Contraindications for (Norcuron) Known sensitivity to bromides.
Dosage for (Norcuron) 0.08 to 0.1 mg/kg IV, IO
Antoher name for (Etomidate) (Amidate)
Class for (Amidate) Hypnotic, anesthesia induction
Action for (Amidate) Exact mechanism is unknown, have GABA-like effects
Indications for (Amidate) Induction for rapid sequence intubation and pharmacologic-assisted intubation, induction of anesthesia
Adverse Effects for (Amidate) Hypotension, resp depression, temporary involuntary muscle movements, n/v, adrenal insufficiency, hyperventilation, hypoventilation, apnea, hiccups, laryngospasm, snoring, tachypnea, HTN, cardiac arrhythmias
Contraindications for (Amidate) Sensitivity. Use in pregnancy only if the potential benefits justify the potential risk to the fetus.
Dosage for (Amidate) 0.2 – 0.6 mg/kg slow IV, IO.
Another name for (Dobutamine) (Dobutrex)
Class for (Dobutrex) Adrenergic agent
Action for (Dobutrex) Acts primarily as an agonist at beta 1 adrenergic receptors with minor beta 2 and alpha 1 effects. Increases myocardial contractility and stroke volume with minor chronotropic effects, resulting in increased cardiac output.
Indications for (Dobutrex) CHF, cardiogenic shock
Adverse Effects for (Dobutrex) Tachycardia, PVCs, HTN, hypotension, palpitations, arrhythmias
Contraindications for (Dobutrex) Suspecteed or known poisoning/drug-induced shock, systolic pressure less than 100 with signs of shock, idiopathic hypertrophic subaortic stenosis, sensitivity (including sulfites)
Dosage for (Dobutrex) 2 – 20 mcg/kg/min IV, IO.
Another name for (Norepinephrine) (Levophed)
Class for (Levophed) Adrenergic agonist, inotropic, vasopressor
Action for (Levophed) Alpha 1, Alpha 2, and beta 1 agonist, causes vasoconstriction, increased heart rate and dilates coronary arteries
Indications for (Levophed) Cardiogenic shock,septic shock, severe hypotension
Adverse Effects for (Levophed) Dizziness, anxiety, cardiac arrhythmias, dyspnea, exacerbation of asthma
Contraindications for (Levophed) Patients taking MAOIs, sensitivity
Dosage for (Levophed)
Created by: Tabitha_Renea
Popular Paramedic/EMT sets




Use these flashcards to help memorize information. Look at the large card and try to recall what is on the other side. Then click the card to flip it. If you knew the answer, click the green Know box. Otherwise, click the red Don't know box.

When you've placed seven or more cards in the Don't know box, click "retry" to try those cards again.

If you've accidentally put the card in the wrong box, just click on the card to take it out of the box.

You can also use your keyboard to move the cards as follows:

If you are logged in to your account, this website will remember which cards you know and don't know so that they are in the same box the next time you log in.

When you need a break, try one of the other activities listed below the flashcards like Matching, Snowman, or Hungry Bug. Although it may feel like you're playing a game, your brain is still making more connections with the information to help you out.

To see how well you know the information, try the Quiz or Test activity.

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