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health 290 test 2

health notess

Stress any specific or nonspecific response of the body to any demand made on it
ABC Activating event, Beliefs or perceptions, Consequences
Activating event anything that triggers a stress response
Three categories of stressors life changes, catastrophes (ie natural disasters), daily hassles
College stressors 1. Academics 2.Future 3.Spiritual 4. Relationships 5. Financial
Beliefs or perceptions The way someone construes an event effects how they respond
Beliefs that chain to distress All or nothing, mental filtering, emotional reasoning, labeling
All or nothing looking at things as black or white
Mental filtering dwelling on negatives and ignoring positives
Emotional reasoning Reasoning based on feelings “I feel lousy, thus things are lousy”
Labeling Identifying with shortcomings ie “I’m a jerk” rather than “I made a mistake”
Consequences Body releases stress hormones cortisol, epinephrine, and nonepinephrine
Fight-or-flight the physiological changes that occur when danger is perceived
Arousal a state of physiological and emotional activation
Drive theory the greater the arousal, the greater the performance
Inverted-U theory Low to moderate arousal levels of stress enhance performance, high doesn’t
Individual zones of optimal functioning optimal functioning is different for different ppl
Homeostasis a state of equilibrium
Stages of GAS (general adaption syndrome) 1. Alarm(fof)2. Resistance (restore equil)3. exhaustion
Stress coping Deep breathing, refocus(true,noble) exercise, prayer, humor
Stress hardy capable of keeping cool under pressure
Commitment having a commitment to overcome can affect survival rate
Control Take action: 1. Daily planning (todo) 2. Attitude toward time(awareness) 3. Long range plan
Challenge view change as an inevitable part of life and recognize need for flexibility
The three ccc of Hardiness Commitment, Control, Challenge
Clinical depression long periods o despondency that cripple physically, cognitively, socially, spiritually
Depression is not a character flaw or sign of weakness
Symptoms sadness, loss of interst in activities, <weight >, <sleep>, restlessness, fatigue, guilt, memory loss, thoughts about death
Causes of stress -sin-genetics-chemical imbalances-stress or trauma-inadequate social support- negative and irrational thoughts
Genetics influence on depression 3x as likely if related to depressed person
Chemical imbalances neurotransmitters are serotonin, norepinephrine and dopamine
Attribution The meaning we ascribe to the events/circumstances in our lives
Percentage that look for treatment 30%
Goals of treatment improve mood, improve ability to function normally, improve quality of life, prevent relapse
Counseling Cognitibe behavioral, rational-emotive,
Cognitive behavioral counseling replacing bad habits with good ones including habits of thinking and in relationships
Rational-emotive therapy confrontationally challenging negative thoughts
If depressed Keep God central 2. Maintain a positive attitude (optimistic) 3. No major life changes 4. Get support
Myths about happiness money, education, youth, weather
True source of happiness love and faith
Patterns of alcoholic dependence 1. Reg intake large amnts 2. Weekend drinking 3. Sobriety then binge 4.heavy drnkn thru stress
Who uses tobacco? Teens make up 90% of new users, 26% guys/21%women
Reinforcement The behavior produces a pleasurable state or relieves a negative one
Compulsion or craving the individual is compelled to engage in behavior
Loss of control
Escalation the individual devotes resources to the addiction
Substance dependence tolerance, withdrawal syndrome, larger amounts or for longer, persistent desire to cut down, pursuit, giving up activities, continuing despite problems
Physical risk dependence factors chemically predisposed, womb exposed, chronic pain
Psychological risk dependence factors impulsive, need for excitement, emotional state that requires coping, mental illness
Social risk dependence factors family users or acceptance, peer acceptance
Risks of drug use dependence impaired functioning, health probs- nausea, constipation, heart probs, fines and imprisonment
Affect on body changes brain chemistry, drug factors (dose response function, time action function), user factors (overall health, genetics, body mass), social factors (environment)
Stress response the physiological change associated w stress
Eustress positive stress (trying to make a choice between 2 positive things)
Distress -unpleasant stressor
Actions of nervous system central and peripheral
Actions of the endocrine system controls by releasing hormones
Fight or Flight in modern life Goal is to return to homeostasis (blood pressure, heartrate)
Ineffective behavioral response overeating, substance abuse, hostility
Allostatic load the long term wear/tear of the stress
High alostatic linked to disease, hypertension, obesity
Effective time management set priorities, schedule tasks for times of peak efficiency, visualize realistic goals, budget time, delegate
Physical health is not based on normality, conforming to social demands, never seeking help for personal probs, symptoms only
Maslow Hierarchy of needs -1 Physiolocigal needs 2. Safety/security 3. Love and belongingness 4. Self-esteem 5. Self-actualization
Psychologically healthy towards actualization, realistic, self acceptance, autonomous, capacity for intimacy, live creatively
Autonomous independent, self directed
Self Esteem satisfaction and confidence in ones self w/ relation to this
Self Concept ideas, feelings and perceptions about ones self
Percentage of “surprises” 50% of the four million born are unintended pregnancies
Infertility female 40% tubal blockage 40% failure to ovulate 10% anatomical abnormalities 10% inexplicable
Pregnancy tests check for a hormone
Ectopic pregnancy an abnormal outside the uterus, the fetus cant survive and doesn’t develop
Avoid during pregnancy alcohol, tobacco, caffeine, other drugs and chemical, stds and other infections
Spontaneous abortion miscarriage
Pre-elcampisal high blood pressure is a symptom of hypertension in pregnancy
Low birth weight less than 5.5 lbs
Sudden infant death syndrome SIDS
3 stages of labor 1. Contractions, mucus plug dislodged, effacement/dilation, transition (long, close, intense) 2. Expulsion crowning cesarean if not vaginal 3. Placenta delivery, baby assessed for Apgar score
Apgar score color, heart rate morrow reflex
Smoking is the leading preventable cause of death
Chemistry of alcohol ethyl alcohol is the psychoactive ingredient in alcohol
Proof beer 3-6% wine 9-13% (the concentration of alcohol -100 proof is 50% alcohol)
Absorption 20% from stomach into blood stream 75% through upper intestine, rest through gastrointestinal track, liver is main cite
BAC Blood alcohol concentration
Low concentrations of alcohol produce mild euphoria, become sociable
High concentrations of alcohol pleasant effects replaced with negative, .1% sensory and motor function are reduced
Alcohol hangover fatigue, nausea, headaches
Alcohol poisoning too much alcohol which raises BAC
Binge men 5 drinks, women 4 drinks at least 1 time in 2 weeks
Binge likely to 1miss class2argue w/friends3engage in unprotected sex4drive after5trouble w campus police6damage property7injury
Anxiety disorder fear that is out of proportion to the danger
Types of anxiety disorders simple phobia, social phobia, panic disorder, OCD, post-traumatic stress disorder
Mood disorders depression, manic, bipolar
Schizophrenia disorganized thoughts inappropriate emotions
Depression sadness,hopelessness, no interest in activities, poor appetite, weight loss, insomnia, restlessness/fatigue, guilt/worthlessness, trouble concentrating or making decisions, thoughts of death/suicide
Women are ___times more likely to be stressed 2
Suicide warning signs and risk factors discussing death wish/methods, increasing withdrawal/isolation, unexplainable lightening of mood, history of intents, suicide by fam/ friend, available means, substance abuse, eating disorders, serious medical probs, mood disorders
Bipolar two extremes of emotional swings mania and depression
Mania restlessness, excessive energy, insomnia
Schizophrenia -disorganized thoughts, delusions, disturbed thinking
Treatment pharmological-prosac(antidepressant
Behavioral model expose themselves to small amounts of the things they fear
Cognitive model taught to notice unrealistic thoughts and test emotions
Psychodynamic false beliefs are fed by unconscious ideas and impulses
Helps self-help, peer counseling/support groups, professional help
Created by: ok2bpure
Popular Science sets




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