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nwscc cardiac drugs

Cardiac Drugs up to date

What Classification is ASA (Aspirin)? Antiplatlet, nonnarcotic analgesic, antipyretic
Prevents platelet aggrigation is the action of what medication? Aspirin,ASA
What are the indications of Aspirin? Chest pain, angina, MI
Anaphalaxis, bronchospasm, Bleeding, stomach irritation, and N/V are the adverse effects of what medication? Aspirin,ASA
GI bleeding, active ulcer disease, hemorragic stroke, bleeding disorders, children with flu like symptoms, and sensitivity are the contraindications of what medication Aspirin,ASA
What is the Dosage for aspirin,ASA for Chest pain/MI? 4 81mg "baby" aspirin 324mg total or 1 325mg tablet
What are some trade names of Nitroglycerin? Nitrolingual,Nitroquick,Nitro-Dur
What is the Classification of Nitroglicerin? Antianginal agent
what are the Indications of Nitroglycerine? Chest pain/Angina, Myocardial Ischemia
Relaxes Vascular smooth muscle reduces left ventricular wall systalic pressure is the action of what medication? Nitroglycerin
What are the adverse effects of Nitrogycerin? Headache, hypotension, bradycardia, lightheadedness, flushing, cardiovascular collapes, methemoglobinemia
what are the contraindications of nitrogycerin? hypotension,profond bradycardia/tachycardia, increased ICP, intracranial bleeding,patients taking erectile dysfunction medications, and sensitivity to nitrates.
What is the dosage for nitrogycerin? one 0.4mg tablet Sublingual, 5 min intervals 3 dose max One 0.4mg sublingual spray 5 min intervals, 3 spay max
An opiate Agonist is the classification of what medication? Morphine Sulfate
What is the Action of Morphine Sulfate? Binds with opioid receptors, reduces stimulation of the sympatetic nervous system caused by pain or anxiety.
Moderate to severe chest pain associated with Acute Coranary Syndrome, CHF, and Pulmonary Edema, are the Indications of what medication? Morphine Sulfate
What are the Adverse Effects of Morphine Sulfate? Resriratory depression, hypotension, N/V, dizziness, lightheadedness, sedation, Diaphorisis, euphoria,disphoria, worsening of bradycardia/heart blocks,seizures, cardiac arrest
Respiritory depression, shock, and sinsitivity are the contraindications of what medication? Morphine Sulfate
What is the dosage of Morphine Sulfate for Pain? 2.5mg-15mg IV/IO/IM
What is the dosage of Morphine Sulfate for Chest Pain? 2mg-4mg slow IV/IO repeated every 5-15 minutes until patient relieved of chest pain
What are the trade names for Metoprolol? Lopressor, Toprol XL
Metoprolol is in what Classification? Beta adrenergic antagonist, antianginal, antihypertensive
Inhibits the streangth of the hearts contractions, as well as heart rate is the action of what medication? Metoprolol
What are the indications for metoprolol? Acute Coronary Syndrome, hypertension, SVT, A-fib/flutter, thyotoxicosis.
What are the Adverse Effects of Metoprolol? Tiredness, dizziness, diarrhea, heart block, bradycardia, bronchospasm, drop in blood pressure.
Cardiogenic Shock, AV Block, bradycardia, and sensitivity are the contraindications of what medication? Metoprolol
What is the adult dosage of Metoprolol? 5mg slow IV/IO, over 5 min, repeat 5 min intervals up to 15mg
What is the Trade name for Atenolol? Tenormin
What is the classification for Atenolol? Beta adrenergic antagonist, antianginal, antihypertensive, class 2 antiarrhythmic
ACS, Hypertension, SVT, Atrial Flutter/Fibrillation are the indications of what medications Atneolol (Tenormin)
What are the Adverse effects of Atenolol? Bradycardia, brochospasm, hypotension
cardiogenic shock, AV Block, bradycardia, and sensitivity are the contraindications of what medication? Atenolol (tenormin)
What is the ACS dosage for Atenolol? 5mg IV/IO over 5 min repeat in 5 min
Atropine Sulfate has what Classification? Anticholernergic, antimuscarinic.
What is the action of Atropine Sulfate? competes reversably with acytycholine at the site of the muscarinic receptor
symptomatic bradycardia, asystole, and PEA is the indication of what medication? Atropine Sulfate
What are the Adverse Effects of Atropine Sulfate? Decreased secretions resulting in dry mouth and hot skin temperature, intense facial flushing, blurred vision/dialation of pupils, tachycardia, and restlessness
What are the contraindications of Atropine Sulfate? Acute MI, Myasthenia gravis, GI obstruction, slosed angle glaucoma, sensitivity.
What dosage of Atropine Sulfate would you administer for sympomatic bradycardia in an adult? 0.5mg IV every 3-5 min 3mg max
What dose of Atropine Sulfate would you administer for an adolescent with sympomatic bradycardia? 0.02 mg/kg (min dose 0.1mg)(max 1mg/dose)a max of 2mg
What dose of Atropine Sulfate would you administer for an pediatric with sympomatic bradycardia? 0.02 mg/kg (min dose 0.1mg/dose)(max 0.5mg/dose) 1mg max
What dose of Atropine Sulfate would you administer for PEA/Asystole? 1mg IV/IO every 3-5 min. max 3mg
What is the Adult Cardiac Arrest dosage for Epinephrine? 1mg (1:10000) IV/IO every 3-5 min
What is the pediatric cardiac arrest dosage for Epinephrine? 0.01mg/kg (1:10000) IV/IO every 3-5 min PRN
What dosage of Epinephrine would you give for adult symptomatic bradycardia? 2-10 mcg/min infusion
What dose of Epinephrine would you administer for a pediatric patient with sympomatic bradycardia? 0.01 mg/kg every 3-5 min, max dose of 1mg
What is the Generic Name for Inotropin? Dopamine
Dopamine is in what classification? Adrenergic Agonist, inotropic, Vasopressor
Dopamine has what action? stimulates alpha and beta adrenergic receptors.
Hypotension, and decreased cardiac output associated with cardiogenic and septic shock, symptomatic bradycardia unresponsive to atropine, hypotension after return of spontainious circulation following arrest are the indications of what medication. Dopamine
Dopamine has what adverse effects? Tachycardia, arrhythmias, skin/soft tissue necrosis, severe hypertension, angina, dyspnea, headache, and N/V.
What are the contraindications of Dopamine? pheochromocytoma, VT/VF, or other ventricular Arrhythmias and sensitivity
what is the dosage for Dopamine? 2-20 mcg/kg/min titrate to effect.
What is the trade name for Adenosine? Adenocard
What is the classification of Adenosine? Antiarrhythmic
Slows the conduction of electrical impulses at the AV Node is the action of what medication? Adenosine
What is the indication for Adenosine? Stable reentry SVT
Adenosine has what adverse effects? sense of impending doom, flushing, chest pressure, throat tightness,and numbness
What are the contraindications of adenosine? Sick sinus syndrome, 2nd/3rd degree block, and cardiogenic shock.
What is the adult dosage of Adenosine? Initial dose of 6 mg IVP, repeat if needed with 12 mg Rapid IV/IO, repeat 3rd dose with 12 mg rapid IVP. follow each administration with 20 ml saline flush. (6,12,12)
What is the trade name for Amnioderone? Cordarone
Amnioderone is in what Class? Antiarrhythmic, class III
What is the action of Amniodorone? Delays repolorization and increase the duration of the action potential
What are the indications of Amniodorone? Ventricular Arrhythmias, 2nd line agent for atrial arrhythmias,
What are the adverse effects of Amniodorone? Burning at the IV site, hypotension, bradycardia.
What are the contraindications of Amniodorone? Sick sinus syndrome, 2nd/3rd Degree Heart Block, Cardiogenic Shock
What is the dosage of Amniodorone for VF/VT for an adult? 300 mg IV/IO, repeat if needed with 150 mg in 3-5 min
What is the dosage of Amniodorome for stable tachycardia? 150 mg in 100 ml D5W IV/IO over 10 min,may repeat in 10min up to max 2.2 G over 24 hours
What is the Generic name for Xylocaine? Lidocaine
What is the Classification for Lidocaine? Antiarrhythmic,class 1b
What action does Lidocaine have? Sodium Channel Blocker, increases recovery period for repolerazation, supresses automaticity in the ventricles.
Ventricular Fibrillation and Ventricular Tachycardia are the indications of what medication? Lidocaine
Toxicity, seizures, cardiac arrhythmias, hypotension, cardiac arrest,and injection site pain are adverse effects of what medication> Lidocaine
What are the contraindications of Lidocaine? AV Block, Bleeding, thrombocytopenia, sensitivity.
What is the PVT/VF dosage for Lidocaine? 1-1.5 mg/kg IV/IO may repeat with half the original dose 0.5-0.75 mg/kg IV/IO. max 3 mg/kg
What is the Purfusing Ventricular Rhythms dosage for Lidocaine? 0.5-0.72 mg/kg IV/IO, Max 3 mg/kg
What is the Classification of Vasopressin Nonadrenergic vasoconstrictor
What Action does Vasopressin have? Vasoconstriction, independant of adrenergic receptors.
Refractory VF, Pulseless VT, Asystole PEA, Vasodialation, and Shock are indications for what medication? Vasopressin
Cardiac Ischemia and angina are the adverse effects of what medication? Vasopressin
What are the Contraindication(s) for Vasopressin? responsive patients with cardac disease.
what is the dosage for vasopressin? 40 U single dose IV/IO
What is the generic name for Lasix Furosemide
What class is Furosemide? Loop diuretic
What action does Furosemide have? Inhibits the absorbtion of the sodium and choride ions and water in the loop of Henle
What adverse effects can Furosemide (Lasix) have? Vertigo, dizzinessm weakness, orthostatic hypotension, hypokalemia, thrombophlebitis.
What are the indications for Furosemide (lasix)? Pulmonary Edema, CHF, Hypertensive emergency
what are the contraindications for Furosemide? Sensitivity to sulfonamides/furosemid
What is the dosage for Furosemide (Lasix)? 40 mg IV/IO slowly of a 1-2 min period
What is the Trade name for Digoxin? Lanoxin
Digoxin has what classification? Cardiac Glycoside
What is the action of Digoxin? Inhibite the sodium-potassium-adenosine triphosphatase membrane pump, resulting in an increase in calcium inside the heart muscle cell, therefore increases the force of contraction.
CHF, control ventricular rate in chronic A-fib/flutter, and narrow complex SVT are the indications for what medication? Digoxin (lanoxin)
What are the adverse effects for Digoxin? Headache, weakness, GI disturbances,arrhythmias,N/V, diarrhea, vision disturbances,
What are the contraindications for Digoxin? Digitalis allergy, VT/VF, Heart block, sick sinus syndrome, tachycardia without heart failure, pulse less than 50, MI, Ischemic heart disease.
What is the dosage for Digoxin? Varries by Patient.
What is the classification of Magesium Sulfate? Electrolyte, totolytic, Mineral
What is the action of Magnesium sulfate? Naturally occuring mineral. controls seizures by blocking periphrial neuromuscular transmission. cofactor n neurochemical transmission and muscular excitability.
Torsades de points, cardiac arrhythmias associated with hypomagnesimia, preclampsia, eclampsia, and status asthmaticus are indications for what medication? Magnesium Sulfate
What are the adverse effects of Magnesium Sulfate? Magnesium toxicity,(S/S flushing, diapharisis, muscle peralysis, weakness, hypothermia, cardiac, CNS, or respiritory depression.)
What are the contraindications for Magnesium Sulfate? AV Block, GI Obstruction
What is the dosage of Magnesium Sulfate for torsades de points? 1-2 G IV/IO infussed over 5-10 min
What is the dosage of Magnesium Sulfate for Eclampsia/Preclampsia? 4-6 g IV/IO infused over 20-30 min followed by infusssion of 1-2 g/hr
What is the Trade name for Diazapam? Valium
What classification is Diazapam? Benzodiazepine (schedule C-IV)
What is the Action of Diazapam? Binds to the benzodazapine receptor and enhances GABA effects. produces any level of CNS depression (sedation, skeletal, muscle relaxant, anticonvulsant.)
Anxiety, skeletal, alcohol withdrawal, seizures are the indications for what medication? Diazapam (Valium)
What are the adverse effects of Diazapam? Respiritory depression, drowsiness, fatigue, headache, injection site pain, confusion, nausea, hypotension,and oversedation.
What are the contraindications of Diazapam? Acute-angle glaucoma, CNS depression, Alcohol intoxication, sensitivity
What is the dosage of Diazapam for Anxiety? 2-10 mg slow IV/IM
What is the dosage of Diazapam for seizure? 5-10 mg slow IV/IO every 10-15 min, max 30 mg (adult)
Created by: spreadthewordmin
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