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green mod term

Green Mod - musculoskeletal & digestive terminology

acromi/o acromion (projection of scapula)
arthr/o joint
carp/o wrist
cervic/o neck
calcane/o heel bone
condyl/o condyl
dactyl/o digit, fingers & toes
fibul/o fibula
ili/o ilium (lateral, flaring portion of hip bone)
lumb/o loins (lower back)
tendin/o tendon
leiomy/o smooth muscle
metacarp/o metacarpus (hand bones)
my/o muscle
oste/o bone
patell/o patella (knee cap)
pod/o foot
pub/o pelvis bone
rhabd/o rod shaped (striated)
rhabdomy/o rod shaped (striated) muscle
ankyl/o stiffness, bent, crooked
brachi/o arm
cephal/o head
cost/o ribs
crani/o cranium (skull)
chondr/o cartilage
femor/o femur (thigh bone)
humer/o humerus (upper arm bone)
ischi/o ischium (lower portion of hip bone)
thorac/o chest
vertebr/o vertebra(e)
lamin/o lamina (part of vertebral arch)
myel/o bone marrow, spinal cord
orth/o strait
phalang/o phalanges (bones of fingers & toes)
ped/i foot
pelv/i pelvis
rachi/o spine
spondyl/o vertebra(e)
ten/o tendon
tal/o ankle
steth/o chest
lord/o curve
muscul/o muscle
metatars/o metatarsus (foot bones)
synov/o synovial fluid, synovial membrane
fasci/o band
stern/o sternum (breast bone)
tibi/o tibia (large bone of lower leg)
pector/o chest
kyph/o hump back
scoli/o bent
clavicul/o clavicle (collar bone)
fibr/o fibre, fibrous tissue
radi/o radiation, xray
aliment/o nourishment
append/o appendix
hepat/o liver
cheil/o lip
cec/o cecum
cholecyst/o gall bladder
cholangi/o bile vessel
cyst/o bladder
colon/o colon
dent/o, dent/i tooth
esophag/o esophagus
gloss/o tongue
gingiv/o gum
hemat/o blood
ile/o ileum (third part of small intestine)
labi/o lip
lith/o stone
odont/o tooth
proct/o anus, rectum
pharyng/o pharynx
peps/o digest
an/o anus
appendic/o appendix
bucc/o cheek
celi/o abdomen
chol/o bile
choledoch/o bile duct
cholelith/o gall stone
col/o colon
decidu/o shedding, falling off
diverti/i turning aside
enter/o small intestine
gastr/o stomach
hem/o blood
hiat/o opening
jejun/o jejunum
lingu/o tongue
or/o mouth
palat/o palate
pancreat/o pancreas
peridont/o gums
pyr/o fever, fire
pylor/o pylorus
stomat/o mouth of stomach
sigmoid/o sigmoid colon
vill/o tuft of hair
duoden/o duodenum
rug/o wrinkle, fold
sial/o saliva
uvul/o uvula
rect/o rectum
a-, an- not, without
inter- between
quadri-, quadra- four
supra- above, excessive, superior
dia- through, across
peri- around
sub- below, under
dys- bad, painful, difficult
syn- together, joined, union
ultra- excess, beyond
per- through
endo- in, within
-desis binding, fixation (of a bone)
-plasty surgical repair
-scopy visual exam
-clasis to break, surgical fracture
-malacia softening
-porosis porous
-asthenia weakness, debility
-clast to break
-physis growth
-schisis split, cleft, fissure
-emesis vomit
-orexia appetite
-prandial meal
-iasis abnormal condition
-pepsia digestion
-rrhea discharge, flow
-megaly enlargement
-phagia swallow, eat
Created by: MedixMOA
Popular Clinical Skills sets




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