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Question | Answer |
A- | without or lack of |
a/men/orrhea | without or lack of/monthly/flow |
Ab- | away (away from) |
ab/norm/al | away (away from)/normal or regular/ refers to |
ab/ducens | away/draw or lead |
-able | capability of or ability to |
erg/able | work/capable of |
abort/io | to miscarry (natural or induced) |
abort/ion | to miscarry (natural or induced)/procedure of or process of (discharge of the embry/o "early" or fet/us "young" deliberate or not) |
abrupt/io- | to tear away from |
abruptus placentae | to tear away from (seperate quickly)/ cake |
abscess | a going away |
acne | pointed |
acoust/i | hearing |
acoust/ic | hearing/refers to |
acr/o | extremities, height, and pointed |
acro/phob/ia | height/fear/refers to |
acro/megal/y | extremities/enlarged/refers to |
acr/om/ial | extremity/shoulder/refer to |
actin/o | sun, ray, radium |
actino/myco/sis | ray, sun, radium/fungus/condition (growth) |
acu- | sharp |
acu/ity | sharp/process of |
acute | quick, sharply, sudden |
-ac | refers to, state of, pertains to |
cardi/ac | heart/refers to, pertains to, state of |
ad- | near or beside |
ad/ren/al | near or beside/kidney/refers to |
aden/o | gland |
aden/ectomy | gland/removal |
adip/o | fat |
adip/oma | fat/tumor |
aer/o | air or gas |
aero/cele | air or gas/distension of cavity |
af- | toward |
af/ferent | toward/to carry |
alb/o | white |
albin/ism | white/state of |
alges/i- | pain |
an/alges/ic | without/pain/refers to |
-algia | pain |
neur/algia | nerve/pain |
alopec/i | fox mange or baldness |
alopec/ia | fox mange or baldness/refers to |
alveol/i | cavity |
alveol/us | small hollow or cavity/refers to |
ambi- | both |
ambi/later/al | both/sides/refers to |
ambi/dextr/ous | both/right (dominant hand)/refers to or state of |
dextero | right |
sinistro | left |
ambul/o | to walk |
ambul/atory | to walk or walking/ process of |
amphi- | both |
amphi/arthr/osis | both sides/joint/condition of |
amylo- | starch |
amyl/uria | starch/in urine |
amyl/ase | starch/enzyme |
an- | lack of or without |
an/orex/ia | lack of or without/appetite/refers to |
an/o- | ring |
an/al | ring (sphincter of anus)/refers to |
ana- | apart or up |
ana/tom/y | apart or up/cut/procedure of or process of |
ana/phase | up/stage |
anaphase | mitosis stage when chromosomes move up or apart |
angi/o- | vessel |
angi/oma | vessel/swelling or tumor |
angin/o- | vessel |
angin/a | refers to a vessel condition of choking or blocking of blood flow to the heart muscle (results in chest pain or discomfort) |
ankyl/o- | fuse or bind |
ankylo/spondylo/itis | fuse or bind/stiff/crooked,spine, inflammation |
ante- | before |
ante/nat/al | before/birth/pertain to |
ante/pyrect/ic | before/fever/refers to |
anter/o- | before or foremost |
anter/ior | before or foremost (in front)/refers to |
anthrax | coal or carbuncle |
anthr/ax | coal or carbuncle/ a lesion |
anti- | against |
anti/sept/ic | against/infection/refers to |
anti/bio/tic | against/life/refers to |
anuerysm- | dilation or ballooning |
anuerysm/oplasty | dilation or ballooning/surgical repair |
-apheresis | to remove or separate (blood into parts) |
leuko/aphere/sis | WBC/to remove or separate/condition of (separate blood into component parts or remove toxins) |
apo- | above or upon |
apo/plex/y | above or upon/paralyzed/process of |
aqua- | water |
aqua/therap/y | water/treat/process or procedure |
arachino- | spider |
arach/noid | spider/resembles |
arche/o- | first |
arche/type | first or original/form or shape (it produces other forms) |
-aria | air |
mal/aria | bad/air |
arteri/o- | artery |
arterio/gram | artery/recording |
arterio/scler/osis | artery/hard/condition |
arter/iol/oma | artery/small/swelling |
arthro- | joint |
arthro/scop/ic | joint/viewing or examining/pertains to |
articul/o- | jointed |
articul/ation | jointed/process of |
-ar | refers to or pertains to |
patell/ar | little dish (knee cap)/refers to |
ascar/i- | worm |
ascari/asis | worm/condition of |
helminthiasis | worm condition |
vermiform | worm/shape |
-ase | enzyme |
lip/ase | fat/enzyme |
-asthenia | weakness |
my/asthenia | muscle/without strength; or having weakness |
neur/asthenia | nerve/weakness |
asthma- | panting |
asthama/tic | panting/refers to |
ATELO- | incomplete, without end, imperfect ending |
atelo/spir/osis | incomplete, without end, imperfect ending/breathing/condition of |
ATHERO- | porridge or yellow fat |
athero/scler/osis | porridge or yellow fat/harden (in lumen of blood vessels)/condition or disease |
-ATION | process of or procedure of |
circul/ation | circle/process of (blood moving from heart and returning) |
cardio/graph/y | heart/instrument to record/procedure of |
-ATRESIA | closure |
ven/atresia | vein/closure |
ATRI/O- | chamber |
atri/um | chamber/refers to |
ATTRIT/I- | wearing out |
attrit/ion | wearing out/process of |
AUDI- | hearing |
audi/olog/y | hearing/science of or study of/ procedure or process of |
audio/meter | hear/measurement |
AUR/I- | ear |
aur/al | ear/pertains to |
aur/icle | ear/small or little |
AUSCULT/O- | to listen |
auscult/ation | to listen (physical diagnosis)/process of |
AUTO- | self |
auto/hypn/osis | self/sleep/condition of (simulated sleep in alpha brain state of consciousness) |
aut/ism | self/state of |
burs/a | sac, wine sac, pouch/refers to(protective pad-like structure in joints) |
blister or bulla 'bubble'/refers to(bleb/ic is a bulb or blister that often is filled with blood) | |
BLENNO- | mucus |
blen/oma | mucus/tumor or swelling |
BLEPHARO- | eyelid |
blephar/oma | eyelid/swelling or tumor |
BOL/O- | lump or ball |
bol/us | lump or ball, choice bit of food (in stomach), to throw up /refers to |
BRACH/I- | arm |
brachi/al | arm/refers to(humerus is the bone of upper arm) |
BRACHY- | short |
brachy/dactyl/ia | short/fingers (and toes)/refers to |
BRADY- | slow |
brady/pnea | slow/breathing |
BREVI- | short |
brev/ity | short/state of |
BRONCH/I- | windpipe or trachea like |
bronchi/al | windpipe or trachea like (large lung tubes)/refers to |
BRUX- | grinding |
brux/ism | grinding (teeth)/state of |
BUCCA- | cheek |
bucc/al | cheek/pertains to |
BULBA | blister or vesicle |
Bulb/us | blister or vesicle (little sac)/refers to |
BULIMO- | hunger |
bulim/ic | hunger or appetite (excessive)/refers to or condition of(eating and purging syndrome) |
BURS/O- | sac, wine sac, pouch |
burs/a | sac, wine sac, pouch/refers to(protective pad-like structure in joints) |
CAL/O- | heat, heated or hot |
cal/or | heat, heated or hot/one who is(1 of 4 characteristics of inflammation: calor-heat; rubor-red; tumor-swelling; and dolor-pain) |
CALCIN/O- | calcium |
calcin/osis | calcium/condition of(excessive calcium buildup on bones) |
CALCO- | pebbles or granules of calcium mineral |
calc/ium | pebbles or granules of calcium mineral/pertains to |
calc/urea | pebbles or granules of calcium mineral in urine |
CALX- | heel or lime |
calx/ectom/y | heel (foot bone)/removal/procedure of |
CANDID/I- | glowing white |
candidi/asis | glowing white (fungus infection)/condition of |
CANTH/O- | corner of eye |
cantho/plast/y | corner of eye (eyelid)/cosmetic or plastic surgery/procedure of |
CAPILL/O- | hair-like |
capill/ary | hair-like/pertains to or refers to |
CAPIT/O- | head |
capit/al | head/refers to |
CAPN/O- | carbon dioxide |
capno/graph | carbon dioxide (or smoke)/instrument(instrument used in exercise physiology to measure CO2) |
CAPUT | head |
caput femoris | head or head of (chief part of structure or organ)/thigh bone |
CARBUN/O- | glowing ember |
carbun/cle | glowing ember/small(numerous boils) |
CARCIN/O- | crab-like |
carcino/gen/ic | crab-like/producing/refer to(cancer causing) |
CARDI/O- | heart |
peri/card/itis | around/heart/inflammation(inflamed 2 layered membrane of heart: causing pain) |
CARP/O- | wrist |
meta/carp/al | beyond/wrist/refers to |
CATA- | breakdown or down |
cata/bol/ism | breakdown or down/choice bit of food or lump/state of |
CATARACT | waterfall or cloudiness |
cataract | waterfall or cloudiness(eyes lens under the cornea that is impervious to light) |
CATARRH- | to flow down |
Catarrh/al | to flow down/refers to(any drainage from mucus membrane: especially in the nose, sinuses, and throat) |
CATHETER/O- | to let down into |
catheter/iz/ation | to let down into/act of/procedure of |
CAUD/O- | tail or toward tail |
caud/al | tail or toward tail/refer to |
CAUST/O- | burn or heat |
caus/tic | burn or heat/refers to |
CAUTER/O- | to burn or to heat |
cauter/iz/ation | to burn or to heat/act of/procedure of |
CAV- | hollow |
cav/ity | hollow/state of or refers to |
CEBO- | meal or food |
ceb/um | meal or food/pertain to(cena- and dino- also means dinner) |
CEC/O- | blind pouch |
Ceco/pexy | blind pouch/surgically attached to abdominal wall(dead end pouch or 1st part of colon -right side) |
-CELE | swelling or tumor |
laparo/cele | abdominal/swelling or tumor |
CELI/O- | abdomen or belly |
celi/oma | abdomen or belly/tumor |
CELLUL/O- | chambers |
cellul/itis | chambers or body cells (tissues are cell groups)/infection |
CEMENT/O- | hard |
cement/um | hard/refers to (tooth root covering) |
-CENTESIS | surgical puncture to drain fluid |
thoraco/centesis | chest/surgical puncture to drain fluid (procedure) |
CENTI- | one-hundredth part (100) |
centi/meter | one-hundredth part (100)/of meter(metre- or -meter means to measure & a meter is 39.37 inches) |
CENTR/I- | center |
Centri/fug/al | Center (middle of circle)/to flee/refers to(heavy particles move to bottom or outside from the center) |
CEPHAL/O- | head |
en/cephal/itis | within/head/inflamed(refers to brain within the head) |
-CEPT- | receiver |
chemo/cept/or | chemical or drug/receiver or to recieve/one who |
CEREB/O- | brain |
cerebr/al | brain/refers to or pertains to |
CERU- | wax |
cerumen/ous | wax (in ear)/refer to or state of |
CERV/I- | neck |
cerv/ical | neck (seven upper vertebrae of spine)/refers to |
cerv/ix | neck/pertains to |
CHALAZ/IO- | hailstone |
Chalaz/ion | hailstone (eyelid sebaceous cyst)/process of(tumor that is small and hard on the eyelid) |
CHANCR/O- | ulcer (sore) |
chancr/oid | ulcer (sore)/resembles(this V.D. has granular lesions that form ulcers or sores like syphilis) |
CHEIL/O- | lip |
cheil/oma | lip/tumor |
CHIRO- | hand |
chiro/pract/or | hand/practice/one who(mano also means hand) |
CHLOR/O- | green |
chlor/emia | green (chlorides)/in blood |
CHOLANGIO- | bile duct |
cholang/itis | bile duct/inflamed |
CHOLE- | bile or gall |
chole/sterol | bile or gall (ingredient of)/ solid(Chole 'bile' is used to refer to anything |
CHOLECYST/O- | gallbladder |
cholecyst/ectomy | gallbladder/removal |
CHOLEDOCH/O- | gallbladder duct (canal) |
choledoch/ectomy | common bile duct/removal or excision |
CHOLERA | biliary acute diarrhea |
cholera | biliary acute dia/rrhea(bowel or intestinal diarrhea 'flow'. The bacteria causes de/hydra/tion and death) |
CHONDR/O- | cartilage |
chondr/oma | cartilage/tumor |
dys/chondro/plas/ia | faulty/cartilage/formation or development/refers to |
CHROM/O- | colored |
chromo/some | colored/body |
CHYME- | juice |
a/chym/ia | lack of/juice/condition |
-CICATRIX | scar |
brachio/cicatrix | arm/scar |
-CID | to kill |
sui/cid/al | oneself/to kill/refers to |
CIL/I- | eyelash-like |
cil/ia | eyelash-like (structures lining lungs)/refers to |
CINE/O- | movement filming |
cine/angio/cardio/graph/y | movement/vessel/heart/filming instrument/procedure |
CIRCUM- | around |
circum/flex | around/bend |
circum/cis/ion | around/cut/process of |
circum/duct/ion | around/movement/state of |
CIRRH/O- | yellow-orange |
cirrh/o/sis | yellow-orange (jaundiced) or yellow/condition of |
-CIS | cut or to cut |
in/cis/ion | into/cut/procedure of |
-CLAST | breakdown |
osteo/clast | bone/breakdown of cells |
cyto/clas/is | cell/breaking/refers to |
CLAVICUL/O- | collarbone |
infra/clavicul/ar | beneath/collarbone or clavicle (little key shape)/refer to |
CLEIDO- | clavicle or collar bone |
sterno/cleido/mast/oid | sternum/clavicle, collar bone/breast/resemble |
CLINO- | bent |
clino/dactylia | bent/finger or toe |
-CLYSIS | irrigation or injection |
hydro/clysis | water/irrigation or injection |
CO- | two |
co/llater/al liga/ment | two (2 outer knee ligaments)/sides/refers: binding/act of |
co-operat/ive | two/working/state of |
COAGUL/O- | clotting or to clot |
coagul/ation | clotting or to clot/process of |
-COCCUS | berry |
staphylo/coccus | grapelike/ berry (shape of bacteria) |
COCCYG/O- | tailbone |
coccyg/eal | tailbone/refers to or small |
COCHLE/O- | snail-like |
cochle/ar | snail-like/pertain to |
COL/O- | colon (big or large intestine) |
col/os/tom/y | colon /mouth or opening/cut/procedure of |
COLPO- | vagina |
colp/itis | vagina/inflamed |
COM- | together |
com/press/ion | together/contract/process of |
com/minuted fracture | together/small: break |
COMATO- | deep sleep |
comat/ose | deep sleep/condition or state |
CONCUSS/I- | violent shaking |
concuss/ion | violent shaking/process of |
CONDYLO- | knuckle |
condyl/oma | knuckle (nob)/tumor or swellings |
CONI/O- | dust |
pneumo/coni/osis | lung/dust/condition |
-CONIS | cone-shaped |
kerato/conis | cornea/cone-shaped |
CONJUNCTIV/O- | joined together |
conjunctiv/itis | joined together (united)/inflammation |
CONTRA- | against |
contra/cept/ion | against/heads (coming together)/process of |
CONTUS/I- | bruise |
contus/ion | bruise/process of |
CONVOLO- | to roll together |
convol/ution | to roll together/pertains to |
CORD- | vocal chords or cord |
cord/itis | vocal chords/inflamed |
CORI/O- | skin |
cori/um | skin/refers to |
CORNE/O- | cornea or horn shape |
corne/itis | cornea or horn/inflamed |
CORNU- | horn or horny |
stratum cornu (corneum) | layer/horn or horny (upper epidermis skin layer) |
CORON/O- | crowning |
coron/ary | crowning (heart blood vessels)/refer to |
CORONAL PLANE | crowning or frontal body cut |
coron/al | crowning or frontal body cut/refers to |
CORP/O- | body |
corp/us | body/refers to |
CORTIC/O- | bark, outer bark, rind, cortex |
cortico/ster/oid | bark, outer bark, rind, cortex/solid/resemble |
COST/O- | rib |
cost/al | rib/refer to |
CRANI/O- | skull |
crani/otom/y | skull (cranium)/cut into/procedure of |
crani/al | skull/refer to |
-CREAS | fleshy or flesh |
pan/creas | all/fleshy or flesh |
CRENAT/O- | notched |
crenat/ion | notched/process of |
-CRINE | secrete |
endo/crine | within/secrete (into blood) |
exo/crine | outside/secrete (into duct or canal) |
-CRIT | separate |
hemato/crit | blood/separate |
CRUC/I- | cross or cross-like |
cruci/ate | cross (shape)/state of or condition of |
CRYO- | cold |
cryo/therap/y | cold/treat or cure (killing cells)/procedure of |
CRYPTO- | hidden |
crypt/orchid/ism | hidden/testis/state of or condition of |
CUB/O- | cube or cube-shaped |
cub/oid | cube or cube-shaped/resemble |
CUBIT/O- | elbow |
cubit/al | elbow, forearm region/refer to elbow region |
CULD/O- | blind pouch |
culdo/scop/y | blind pouch/viewing/procedure of |
-CULE | little |
mole/cule | mass/little |
CURRETT/O- | scooping or scraping |
curett/age | scooping or scraping/refers to |
-CUSIS | hearing |
an/cusis | without/hearing |
CUSP/I- | pointed |
cusp/id | pointed (end)/refers to |
CUTI/O-, CUT-, CUTI- | skin |
cut/icle | skin/little |
sub/cut/aneous | under/skin/refers to |
CYAN/O- | blue |
cyan/osis | blue/condition of |
CYCL/O- | circle |
cycl/itis | circle/inflamed |
-CYESIS | pregnancy |
multi/cyesis | many/pregnancy |
CYST/O- | bladder or sac |
cyst/itis | bladder or sac/inflamed |
CYTE- | cell or chamber |
cyt/olog/y | cell or chamber/study of or science of/process of |
–CYTOSIS | increase in numbers |
leuco/cytosis | white(WBC)/ increase in numbers |
DACRYO- | tear |
dacry/doct/itis | tear/duct/inflamed |
DACTYLO- | digits (fingers and toes) |
lipo/dactyl/ia | fat/digits (finger or toes)/refers to |
DE- | away |
de/gluti/tion | away/swallowing/process of |
de/form | away/shape |
DECI- | one-tenth (1/10) |
deci/liter | one-tenth(1/10) / liter(Deca- means 10) |
DEEP | most inward |
deep | most inward(structure more internal than another) |
DEKA- | ten |
deka/gram | ten/grams(15.432 grains = 1 gram; 28.35 grams = 1 ounce) |
DELTA | fan shaped or triangular |
delt/oid (shoulder muscle) | fan shaped or triangular/resembles |
DEM/O- | people |
Dem/o/graphy | people/procedure of recording with an instrument |
DEMI- | Half |
demi/facet | half/little face(superior and inferior projections of the vertebral arch) |
DENDR/O- | tree shaped |
dendr/ite | tree-shaped/state of |
DENT/O- | tooth or teeth |
dent/al | tooth or teeth/pertains to |
DEPRESS/O- | Lower |
depress/or | lower/one who |
DERM/O- | skin |
pachy/derm/al | thick/skin/pertains to |
DERMAT/O- | skin |
dermato/phyte | skin/plant(fungus or other plant that causes parasitic skin diseases) |
dermat/itis | skin/inflamed |
–DESIS | binding or to bind |
ligo/desis | to bind/binding(surgical procedure to reattach ligaments to bone) |
DEXTR/O- | |
right | |
dextro/card/ia | right/heart/refers to(tilting of heart to the right) |
DIA- | across, through, total, between |
dia/phragm | across, through, total, complete, between/petition or wall |
dia/meter | across/measure |
dia/gnosis | total/ knowledge |
dia/stole | between/contractions |
–DIDYMUS | testis or testee |
pi/didymus | upon/testis or teste(coiled structure on top of teste 'seed producer') |
DIFFERENT- | to separate |
different/ial dia/gnosis | to separate or apart/refers to: total/knowledge |
DIGIT- | finger or toe |
Digit/al | finger or toe/refer to |
digit/ate | finger or toe/action of or refers to |
DIPLO- | double or two |
dipl/op/ia | double or two/sight or vision/refers to(person experiencing double vision) |
DIPS/O- | thirst or thirsty |
poly/dips/ia | many/thirst or thirsty/refer to |
multi/dips/ia | many/thirst or thirsty/pertain to |
DIPHTHER/I- | membrane |
diphther/ia | membrane/refer to |
DIS- | away from or reversed |
dis/ease | away from or reverse/comfort or ease |
DIST/O- | farther from |
dist/al | farther from/refer to |
DIVERTICUL/O- | outpouching |
diverticul/itis | outpouching/inflamed |
DOCH/O- | duct or canal |
chole/doch/itis | bile or gall/duct or canal/inflamed |
DOCT/O- | to teach or teacher |
doct/or (Latin docere) | to teach or teacher/one who |
DOL/O- | Pain |
dol/or | pain/one who (causes) |
DORS/O- | Back |
dors/al | back (posterior)/refers to |
DROMO- | running |
dromo/mania | running/madness |
pro/drom/al | before/running/pertains to |
DUCT/O- | to draw or to lead away |
ab/duct/ion | away/to draw or to lead away (motion)/process of |
DUODEN/O- | twelve |
duoden/itis | twelve/inflamed |
DURA- | Hard |
Dura/mater | hard: mother |
DY/O- | two or a pair |
dy/ad | two or a pair/refers to (pair of chromosomes formed during meiosis 'reduction division of gametes') |
DYNAM/O- | work or strength |
dynam/ics | work or strength/refers to |
dynamo/meter | strength/measurement (measure the strength of muscles) |
–DYNIA | Pain |
coccygo/dynia | tailbone (coccyx)/pain |
DYS- | difficult, faulty, painful |
dys/toc/ia | difficult or painful/birth/pertains to |
dys/chondro/plas/ia | faulty/cartilage/development/refers to |
dys/meno/rrhea | painful/monthly/flow |
-E (suffix) | Instrument |
rhino/scop/e | nose/view or examine/instrument |
E- (prefix) | out or remove |
e/viscer/ate | out or remove/organs/act of or state of |
EC- | outside, outward, outer, out |
ec/top/ic | outside/location/pertaining to |
ECCRINE- | secreting or to secrete |
eccri/tic | secreting or to secrete/state of or quality of |
ECHO- | Sound |
echo/gram | sound/writing or recording |
–ECTASIS | enlargement or dilation |
bronchi/ectasis | windpipe like tube/enlargement, dilation |
cardio/ectasis | heart/enlargement condition |
–ECTOMY | excision or removal |
tonsill/ectomy | almond or small mass/excision or removal |
ECZEMA | to boil out |
EDEMA- | swelling |
lymph/edema | lymph/swelling |
EF- | away or out |
ef/ferent | away or out/to carry (nerve or blood flow away from a structure) |
ef/fus/ion | out/attached/process |
ELECTR/O- | electrical |
electro/encephalo/gram | electrical/in head (brain)/recording |
–ELLUM | lesser or smaller |
cereb/ellum | brain/lesser or smaller |
EM- | In |
em/py/e | main/pus/refers to (collection of pus in body cavity) |
em/bol/ism | within/lump/state |
EMBRYO- | Early |
embryon/ic | early (2nd through 8th to 10th week of pregnancy)/refers to |
-EMESIS | vomit |
hem/emesis | blood/vomit |
-EMIA | blood |
leuc/emia (leukemia) | white/blood(abnormal increase in WBC's) |
EMPHYSEMA | puffed up |
emphysemat/ous | puffed up/state of or refers to |
EN- | in |
en/cephal/itis | in/head (refers to brain)/inflamed |
ENAMEL | hard |
EN/CEPHAL/O- | within head (referring to the brain) |
encephalo/gram | within head/recording |
ENDO- | within or inside |
endo/derm | within or inside/skin |
ENEMA | injection |
ENTERO- | intestine (usually refers to small intestine) |
enter/itis | intestine/inflamed |
ENURESIS | to void or expel urine |
enuresis | to void (expel) urine |
EOSIN/O- | rose red color |
eosino/phil | rose red (color)/love of |
EPI- | upon |
epi/didymis | upon/teste |
epi/gastr/ic | upon/stomach/pertains to |
epi/glott/itis | upon/tongue/inflamed |
EPISI/O- | pubic region |
episi/orrhaphy | pubic region/to stitch |
episi/o/tom/y | pubic region (vulva)/cut/process of |
ERGO- | work or labor |
ergo/meter | work/to measure |
ergot | work or labor (birthing drug) |
ERYTHERMAT/O- | red or flushed |
erythermat/ic | red or flushed/refer to |
ERYTHR/O- | red |
erythro/cyte | red/cell (chamber) |
ESCHAR | scab |
eschar/ification | snail like (scab)/process of (development) |
ESO- | toward |
eso/phag/us | toward/eater/refers to (tube from stomach to mouth) |
ESTHES/I- | physical feeling |
an/esthes/ia | without/physical feeling |
ESTR/O- | female |
estro/gen | female/beginning (phase of cycle) |
ETI/O- | cause |
eti/olog/y | cause/study or science of diseases/process |
EU- | good or normal |
eu/toc/ia | good or normal/birth/pertains to |
eu/gene/tics | good, new or normal/ to produce or form/ state of |
eu/phor/ia | good or normal/feeling (mental)/pertain to |
EX- | out, outside, outward |
ex/tens/ion | outward/to stretch/process of |
FACET/O- | face |
FASC/I- | band |
fasc/ia | band (covering around and between muscles 'membranous')/refers to |
FEBR/O- | fever |
febr/ile | fever/state of or refers to |
FEC/O- | stool or fecal matter |
fec/o/lith | stool (feces waste)/like stone |
FEMOR/O- | thigh |
femor/al | thigh/refer to |
-FERENCE | to carry |
vas de/ference | vessel: away/to carry |
FERRO- | iron |
ferr/ous | iron/state of |
FET/O- | young |
feto/graph/y | young/instrument/procedure of |
fet/us | young (last 6 & 1/2 months of development in uterus)/refer to |
FIBRILL/O- | to quiver |
fibrill/ation | to quiver (muscle fiber contraction)/process of |
FIBRO- | fiber |
fibr/oma | fiber (thread like structures)/tumor |
FIBUL/O- | to clasp |
fibul/a | to clasp/refers to (noun) |
FIL- | thread |
fila/ment | thread/state of or refers to |
FISS- | to split or splitting |
fiss/ion | splitting/refers to |
fiss/ure | cleft or split/state of |
FISTUL/O- | pipe or pipe stem |
pyo/fistula | pus/pipe or pipe-stem |
FLEX- | to bend |
ante/flex/ion | before/to bend or divert/process of |
FLU- | flowing |
in/fluenza | inward/condition of flowing |
-FLUX | to flow |
re/flux | again/flow |
FORAMEN/O- | opening |
Foramen/al | opening/refers to |
FORE- | before |
fore/arm | before/brachium or arm |
FRACT/O- | to break |
fract/ure | to break/refers to |
FRONT/O- | forehead or before |
front/al | forehead or before (front brow)/pertains to |
FUNGI- | mushroom |
fungi/form | mushroom or plant/shape |
FURUN/O- | boil |
furun/cle | boil/small |
GALACT/O- | milk |
galacto/poiesis | milk/production |
GANGLI/O- | knot, swelling, or collection |
gangli/ectomy | knot, swelling, or collection/excision |
GANGREN/O- | eating sore |
gangren/ous | eating sore/refers to |
GASTR/O- | stomach |
gastr/itis | stomach/inflamed |
gastrocnemi/us | calf of leg or stomach shape muscle in back of lower leg |
GEN/O- | race |
geno/type | race/classification (gene) |
GENI/O- | chin |
geni/ec/tom/y | chin/out/cutting/procedure of |
GENIT/O- | reproductive or birth |
genit/al | reproductive or birth/refers to |
GENU- | knee |
genu/clast | knee/breaking |
-GEN | origin, develop, to produce, to form, to make |
carcino/gen | crab-like/ to produce, to form, to make, origin, develop |
carcino/gen/esis | crab-like/origin or beginning/process of |
GER/O- | old or old age |
ger/iatr/ic | old or old age/treat or cure/study of or science of |
GEST- | to bear or separate |
gest/ation | to bear or separate/process of |
GINGIV/O- | gum |
gingiv/itis | gum/inflamed |
GLANDUL/O- | little acorn or gland |
glandul/ar | little acorn or gland/refers to |
GLAUC/O- | waterfall or gray |
glauc/oma | waterfall or gray/swelling |
GLI/O- | glue or glue-like |
gli/oma | glue or glue-like/tumor |
GLOMERUL/O- | small round mass or tiny ball |
glomerul/itis | small round mass or tiny ball/inflamed |
GLOSS/O- | tongue |
gloss/itis | tongue/inflamed |
glosso/pharyng/eal | tongue/pharynx or throat/refers to |
GLOTT/O- | back of tongue |
epi/glott/itis | upon/back of tongue/inflamed |
GLUT- | buttocks |
glut/itis | buttocks (rear-end)/refer to |
GLYCO- | sugar |
glyco/pen/ia | sugar/decrease or lower/refers to |
-GNOSIS | knowledge |
dia/gnosis | total or complete/knowledge |
GOITER | swelling (throat) |
goiter/ectomy | swelling (throat)/removal of thyroid goiter |
GON/O- | seed or seed producer |
gono/rrhea | seed or seed producer/flowing from |
GOUT | a drop |
-GRADE | a step, stage, or degree in a process |
retro/grade | backward or behind/a step, stage, or degree in a process |
-GRAFT | to probe or cut with a knife |
dermo/graft | skin/to probe with knife (pole; probe; or steak) |
-GRAM | to record |
myo/gram | muscle/to record (write or take down) |
-GRAPHY | procedure of using an instrument to do recording |
myo/graphy | muscle/procedure of using an instrument to do recording |
-GRAPH | instrument |
myo/graph | muscle/instrument |
GRAVID/O- | heavy or pregnant |
gravid/ium | heavy or pregnant/refers to |
GROIN | inguinal region |
GUMM/O- | gum or gum like |
Gumma | gum or gum like |
GUST/O- | tasting or to taste |
gust/ation | tasting or to taste/process of |
GYNEC/O- | woman |
gynec/olog/ist | woman/science and study of/specialist |
HALLUX | great or big toe |
hallux/ectomy | great or big toe/removal |
HAPLO- | half (single) |
hapl/oid | half or single/resembling |
HEALTH | wholeness |
HELICO- | spiral |
helico/bacter pylori | spiral (shaped)/bacteria: gatekeeper (lower end of stomach) |
HELIO- | sun |
helio/pathy | sun/injury (caused by) |
HELMINTH/O- | worms or worm |
helminth/iasis | worms or worm/disease of or condition of |
HEM/O- | blood |
hem/o/rrhage | blood/bursting forth |
hemo/kinesis | blood/movement or flow |
HEME- | iron |
hem/atin | iron/small part |
HEMI- | half or one half |
hemi/plegia | half (right or left side of body)/paralyzed |
HEPAT/O- | liver |
hepat/itis | liver (cells)/inflamed |
HEPT/A- | seven |
hepta/dactyl/ia | seven/fingers or toes/refers to |
HERNI/O- | rupture or protrusion |
hern/ia | rupture or protrusion/condition of |
HERPES | to creep |
HETER/O- | other or opposite |
hetero/gen/ous | other or opposite/form/state of |
HIAT- | an opening |
hiat/al | an opening/refers to |
HIDR/O- | sweat |
hidr/osis | sweat (watery)/condition of |
HIRSUT- | hairy or profound hair |
hirsut/ism | hairy or profound hair/state of |
-HISCENCE | to gape open |
de/hiscence | away/to gape (open) |
HISTO- | web-like or tissue |
hist/olog/y | web-like or tissue/science or study of/process of |
HOLIST/O- | whole |
holist/ic medicine | whole/state of remedy or drug |
HOMEO- | same, constant, or unchanged |
homeo/path/y | same, constant, or unchanged/disease/process of |
HORMON/O- | to urge on |
hormon/al | to urge on/refers to |
HUMER/O- | arm (upper) |
humer/al | arm (upper)/refers to |
HYAL/O- | glassy or glass like |
hyal/ase | glassy or glass-like/enzyme |
HYDRO- | water |
hydro/pneumo/thorax | water/lung(within)/chest |
hydro/cephalis | water (cerebral spinal fluid)/head (within) |
HYPER- | increase or above |
hyper/tens/ion | above or excess/pressure (above 140 systolic/90 diastolic -BP)/process of |
hyper/troph/y | increase/development/process of |
HYPN/O- | sleep |
Hypn/osis | sleep/condition |
HYPO- | under or below |
hypo/tens/ion | under or below (pressure in vessels)/contraction/process of |
hypo/derm/ic | below/skin/pertaining to |
HYSTER/O- | uterus |
hyster/ectomy | uterus /removal |
hyster/ia | nervous reaction/refers to |
IATR/O- | treat or cure, procedure of treating |
ger/iatr/ic | old age/treat or cure/pertains to |
-IA | refers to, condition, state of |
esthes/ia | feeling (physical)/refers to, condition, state of |
dys/phag/ia | difficult/eating or swallowing/refers to |
ICHTHY- | fish or fish like |
ichthy/osis | fish or fish-like |
-ICIAN | one who |
diet/ician | food/one who |
-ICLE | small or tiny |
oss/icle | bone/small or tiny |
-ISY | inflamed |
pleur/isy | side or rib/inflamed |
IDE/O- | idea, thoughts, emotions, image |
ideo/motor | idea, thoughts, emotions, image/movement |
ideo/vascul/ar | emotions/vessels/refers to |
IDIO- | unique to or unknown cause |
idio/path/ic | unique to or unknown cause/disease/refer to |
-ID | state of |
morb/id | disease/state of |
ILE/O- | twisted |
ile/um | twisted/pertains to |
ile/itis | twisted/inflamed |
ILIO- | flank |
ili/um | flank (area)/refers to |
IM- | into or not |
im/plant | into/place or locate |
im/potent | not/powerful or strong |
IMMUN/O- | safe, protect, immune |
immun/o/log/y | safe, protect, immune/science of/process of |
IN SITU | in position or location |
IN- | into or not |
in/di/gest/ion | not/two/separations/process of |
in/cis/or | into/cut/pertain to |
INCUS | anvil |
mallus/incus/stapes | hammer/anvil/stirrup (shapes) |
INFARCT- | to stuff into |
infarct/ion | to stuff into/refers to |
INFECT/O- | to invade |
infect/ion | to invade/process of |
INFLAM/O- | flame within |
inflamm/ation | flame within/process of |
INFRA- | under or below |
infra/clavicul/ar | under or below/collar bone/refers to |
infra/mur/al | below/wall/pertaining to |
INGUIN/O- | groin |
inguin/al | groin/refers to |
-ING | procedure of or process of |
operat/ing | working/procedure of or process of |
INTEGU- | covering |
integu/ment | covering/refers to or state of |
INTER- | between |
inter/cellul/ar | between/cell or chamber/refers to |
INTRA- | within |
intra/nuclear | within/refers to nut |
INTRO- | within |
intro/spect | within/to view |
INTUS- | within |
intus/suscept/ion | within/to receive/process of |
-IN | substance or chemical |
gastr/in | stomach/substance or chemical |
holo/crine (gland) | all or whole/secretes substance or chemical |
-IOLE | smaller, lesser, diminutive |
bronch/iole | trachea-like (tubes of lungs)/smaller, lesser, diminutive |
ION/O- | going, ion movement |
iono/therap/y | going (of ions)/treat or cure/procedure of |
-IOR | one who is |
infer/ior | under or below/ one who (is) |
-IOUS | state of |
delir/ious | mental confusion or excitement/state of |
IPSI- | equal |
ipsi/later/al | equal/side or sides/process of |
IR- | not or lack of |
ir/regul/ar | not or lack of/consistent or regular/refers to |
IR/O- | rainbow |
ir/is (noun) | rainbow/refers to |
ir/idescent | rainbow/having or exhibiting |
ISCH/O- | deficiency, blockage, to hold back |
isch/emic | deficiency or blockage/refers to blood |
isch/emia | hold back/pertains to blood |
ISCHI/O- | hip joint or hip |
Ischio/dynia | hip joint or hip/pain |
-ISH | resembling or related to |
lap/ish | stone/resembling or related to |
-ISM | state of or condition of |
giant/ism | large/state of |
albin/ism | white/state of or condition of |
ISO- | equal or same |
iso/ton/ic | equal or same/tone/refers to |
iso/cell/ar | equal/cells/refers to |
-IST | specialist |
endo/crin/olog/ist | within/secrete/science or study of/specialist |
-ITES | dropsy or drooping |
tympan/ites | drum/dropsy or drooping |
-ITIS | inflamed or inflammation |
gloss/itis | tongue/inflamed or inflammation |
-ITY | state of |
steril/ity | barren (not capable of fertility)/state of |
-IZE | state of or acts like |
cauter/ize | burn/state of |
hypnot/ize | sleep/state of or acts like |
JEJUNO- | to empty (2nd part of small intestine) |
jejun/um | to empty (the second part of the small intestine/refers to |
JUNCTIV/O- | joining or to join |
con/junctiv/itis | together/joining or to join/inflamed |
KALI- | potassium |
kali/penia | potassium/decrease of |
KARY/O- | nucleus |
karyo/kinesis | nucleus/movement or motion |
KEL/O- | scar |
kel/oid | scar/resembling |
KERAT/O- | cornea or horny |
kerato/malac/ia | cornea (eye)/softening/refers to |
KET/O- | sour or acid |
keto/sis | sour or acid/condition |
KIL/O- | one thousand |
kilo/gram | one thousand/grams |
KINE- | movement or motion |
kine/tic | movement/state of or condition of |
KRAUR/O- | dryness |
Kraur/o/sis | dryness/condition |
KYPH/O- | hunchback |
kyph/osis | hunchback/condition |
LABIO- | lip |
labi/oma | lip/tumor |
LABRYNITHO- | maze |
labrynith/itis | maze/inflamed |
LACER/O- | to tear |
lacer/ate | to tear/refers to |
LACRIM/O- | tearing or tear |
lacrim/al | tearing or tear/refer to |
LACT/O- | milk |
lact/ose | milk/sugar |
LAMIN/O- | thin flat plate or layer |
lamin/ectomy | thin flat plate or layer/removal |
lamin/ent | thin flat plate or layer/having or possessing |
LAP/I- | stone |
lap/is | stone/refers to |
-LAPSE | falling or slippage |
pro/lapse | before/falling or slippage (means normal before slippage) |
re/lapse | again/falling or slippage |
LARYNGO- | voice box |
laryng/itis | voice box (larynx)/inflamed |
LAT- | side |
lat/eral | side/refers to |
lat/issimus | side (dorsal chest muscle)/refers to |
LAX- | to loosen or loosening |
re/lax/ation | again/to loosen/process of |
LEI/O- | smooth |
leio/my/oma | smooth/muscle/tumor |
LENT/O- | freckle |
lent/icle | freckle/small |
LEPR/O- | scaly |
lepros/y | scaly/process of |
-LEPSY | seizure or convulsion |
epi/leps/y | upon/seizure/process of |
LEPTO- | thin or slender |
lepto/morph/ic | thin or slender/shape or form/refers to |
LEUK/O- | white |
leuk/aphere/sis | white (white blood cells: WBC's)/separation/condition of |
LEVAT/O- | lift up |
levat/or | lift up (muscle)/one who |
LIBID/O- | desire |
libid/al | desire/refers to |
LICHEN/I- | plant |
lichen/ific/ation | plant/process of making (plant-like) |
LIENO- | spleen |
lien/itis | spleen/inflamed |
LIGA- | to bind |
liga/ment | to bind/state of |
LINGU- | tongue |
bi/lingu/al | two/tongue/pertain to |
LIP/O- | fat |
lip/oma | fat/tumor or swelling |
-LISTHESIS | slippage |
spondylo/listh/esis | vertebrae/slippage/condition of |
-LITER | liter |
milli/liter | one-thousandth/litre of fluid measurement |
LITH/O- | stone, calculus or rock |
nephro/lith | kidney/stone calculus or rock |
LOB/O- | lobe |
lob/ectom/y | lobe/removal or excision 'cut out'/procedure of |
LORD/O- | swayback (to bend) |
lordo/sis | swayback (to bend)/condition of |
LUMB/O- | loin |
LUMP- | small mass |
lump/ectomy | small mass/excised or removed |
LUNA- | moon or crescent-shaped |
lun/ate | moon or crescent-shaped/refers to |
LUPUS | wolf |
lupus erythematosus | wolf: red (faced) |
LUTE/O- | yellow |
lute/al | yellow/refers to |
LUX- | to dislocate |
sub/lux/ation | under or less/to dislocate/refers to |
LYMPH/O- | Watery |
lymph/oma | watery (clear fluid or serum)/tumor or swelling |
–LYSIS | destruction, breakdown, declining |
auto/lysis | self/destruction, breakdown, declining |
hemo/lysis | blood/breakdown |
MACER/O- | to make soft |
macer/ation | to make soft/process of |
MACRO- | large or huge |
macro/phage | large or huge/eater (WBC's) |
macro/scop/ic | large/viewing or seeing (eyeballing)/refers to |
MACUL/O- | large spot or flat skin freckle |
macula lute | a large yellow macule large spot or flat skin freckle |
MAGNI- | large or greater |
magni/ficat/ion | larger or greater/to make/process of |
MAL- | bad, harm, injury |
mal/ignant | bad, harm, injury/refers to (growing worse or resisting treatment) |
mal/practice | bad/action |
MALAC/O- | soft or softening |
ostero/malac/ia | bone/soft or softening/pertains to |
MALL/E/OLUS | little hammer |
MALLE/O- | hammer |
malle/us | hammer (middle ear bone)/refers to(noun) |
MAMM/O- | breast |
mamm/ary | breast/refers to |
MAN/O- | Hand |
manu/al | hand/pertain to |
MAND/I- | chew or chewer |
mand/ible | chew or chewer/ability to(lower jaw bone) |
–MANIA | Madness |
klepto/mani/ac | theft or steal/madness/pertains to |
MASSET/O- | chewer or to chew |
masset/er | chewer or to chew/one who(muscle from cheek bone to lower jaw) |
MASSEUR | male massager |
MAST/O- | breast |
mast/ectom/y | breast/removal/procedure of(partial or complete) |
mast/oid | breast/resembling |
MASTIC/O- | to chew or chewing |
mastic/ation | to chew or chewing/process of |
–MATA | Multiple |
carcino/mata | crab-like (cancerous growths)/multiple (many) |
MAXILL/O- | upper jaw |
maxill/ary | jaw/refers to |
MEASLES | rubella, reddish or red |
MEAT/O- | Opening |
meat/us | opening/refer to |
MEDI- | Middle |
medi/an; medi/um; medi/al | middle/refers to |
MEGA- | great or big |
mega/colon | great (big)/large intestine |
MEGALO- | huge or large |
hepato/megal/y | liver/huge/process of |
MEI/O- and MIO- | lesser, smaller, fewer, and constrict |
mei/osis and Miotic | lesser, smaller, fewer/condition of |
MEL- | sweet, honey, cheek, limb |
mel/it is | cheek/inflamed |
mel/algia | limb/pain |
mel/on | sweet/one who is |
MELAN/O- | Black |
melan/oma | black/tumor (skin cancer) |
MEN/O- | monthly or month |
men/arche | monthly or month/start |
meno/pause | monthly/stoppage |
MENING/O- | membrane |
mening/itis | membrane/inflamed |
MENISC/O- | crescent |
menisc/ectomy | crescent ('C' shaped)/excision |
MENT/O- | Mind |
ment/al | mind/pertains to |
–MENTUM | Chin |
ante/mentum | before/chin |
MES/O- | middle |
mes/enter/y | middle/ intestines/ state of |
meso/derm | middle/skin |
META- | beyond or change |
meta/carp/al | beyond/wrist/pertains to |
meta/bol/ism | change/lump/state of |
meta/stasis | change (from)/standing or stoppage |
–METER | Measurement |
spiro/meter | breathe/measurement |
opto/metr/ist | eye/measurement/specialist |
METR/A- | uterus or womb |
endo/metr/iosis | within/uterus or womb/condition |
endo/metr/itis | within/uterus or womb/inflammation |
–METRY | measurement procedure |
opto/metr/y (O.D.) | sight or vision/measurement/procedure or process |
MICRO- | small |
micro/gloss/ia | small/tongue/refers to |
micro/scop/e | small/viewing/instrument |
MICTUR/O- | to make water or urinate |
mictur/ition | to make water or urinate/process of |
MILLI- | one-thousandth |
milli/meter | one-thousandth/of meter (39.37 inches) |
MINIMUS- | smallest |
minim/um | smallest/refers to |
MINUTE | Small |
com/minute | together/small |
-MITR/E | head band or mitre box |
mitr/al | head band or mitre box/refers to |
MOL/O- | to mill or grind |
mol/ar | to mill or grind/refer to |
MON/O- | one |
mono/nucle/osis | one/ nut/ condition of |
MORPHO- | shape |
a/morph/ous | without/shape or form/state of or composed of |
MORT/O- | Death |
mort/al | death/refers to |
–MOTOR | movement or motion |
oculo/motor | eye/motion or movement |
psycho/motor | mind/movement |
MUC/O- | Slime |
muc/oids | lime/resembles |
MULTI- | many, multiple, excessive |
multiple sclera/osis (MS) | many: hardening/condition of |
MUMPS | swelling |
MY/O- | muscle |
my/oma | muscle or muscular/tumor |
MYC/O- | fungus |
myc/oid | fungus/resembles |
MYDRI/O- | to widen |
mydri/opt/ic | to widen/vision/refers to |
MYEL/O- | spinal cord or bone marrow |
myelo/gram | spinal cord/recording |
myel/itis | bone marrow/inflamed |
MYRING/O- | eardrum |
myring/itis | eardrum/inflamed (infected) |
MYX/O- | mucus |
myx/oma | mucus/tumor or swelling |
myx/oid | mucus/resembles |
NANO- | 1 billionth |
nano/meter | 1 billionth part |
NARC/O- | sleep |
narco/lepsy | sleep/seizure |
NARES | nose opening |
NAS/O- | nose |
nas/al | nose/refers to |
NAT- | birth |
nat/al | birth/refers to |
NATRI- | sodium or salt |
hyper/natr/emia | increase/sodium or salt/in blood |
NAVICUL/O- | boat or boat shaped |
navicul/ar | boat shaped/refer to |
NECR/O- | death, dead, dying |
necrot/ic | death, dead, dying/refers to |
necr/osis | death, dead, dying/condition of |
NEO- | new |
neo/plasm | new/growth |
NEPHR/O- | kidney |
nephr/itis | kidney/inflamed |
NEUR/O- | nerve |
neur/algia | nerve/pain |
NEUTR/O- | neither or neutral |
neutro/phil(e) | neither or neutral/love for |
NEV/O- | birthmark |
nev/us | birthmark/refers to |
NIGRA- | black |
nigra bodies | black: structures in and around cell nucleus |
NIN/O- | nine |
nin/us | nine/pertains to |
NOCT/I- | night or blind |
noct/uria | night/urination (excessive) |
-NOIA | mind |
para/noia | beyond/mind |
NUCLE/O- | nut |
nucle/us | nut(shaped)/refers to |
NULL/I- | none or no |
nulli/para | none or no (null or voided)/births |
NUTRI/O- | to nourish |
nutri/tion | to nourish/process of |
-O/PEXY | to fixate, attach, sew |
nephr/opex/y | kidney/fixate, attach, sew (suture)/procedure of |
-O/PLASTY | repair or plastic surgery |
rhino/plast/y | nose/repair or plastic surgery/procedure of |
-O/RRHAGIA | bursting forth or heavy flow |
meno/rrhagia | monthly (female cycle)/bursting forth (heavy flow) |
-O/RRHEA | discharge or flow |
men/o/rrhea | monthly/discharge or flow (slow) |
gon/o/rrhea | gonad/flow |
-O/RRHEXIS | rupture or protrusion |
enter/o/rrhexis | intestine (small)/rupture or protrusion |
OBLIQUE | side-long or slanted |
OBSTETR/I- | midwife |
obstetr/ics | midwife(childbirth)/pertains to |
OCCIPIT/O- | back of head |
occipit/otomy | back of head/opening (surgical procedure) |
occipit/al | back of head/pertains to |
OCCLUSI/O- | closure or blockage |
occlus/ion | closure or blockage/process of |
OCCULT/O- | hidden |
occult/a (spina bi/fida) | hidden (thorn: two/clefts)/refers to |
OCT/O- | eight |
oct/agon | eight/walls |
OCUL/O- | eye |
oculo/motor | eye/movement |
ODONT/O- | tooth |
odont/oid | tooth/resembling |
-OID | resembling |
lip/oid | fat/resembling |
epi/derm/oid | upper/skin/resembling |
OLEO- | oil |
oleo/vitamin | oil (fish oil)/life giving (fat soluble vitamins) |
-OLEUM | oil |
oleo/infusion | oil/injection |
petr/oleum | stone/oil |
OLFACT/O- | smelling or smell |
olfact/ory | smelling or smell/process of |
OLIG/O- | few, scanty, slight, little |
oligo/meno/rrhea | few, scanty, slight, little/monthly/flow |
-OLOG/Y | science or study of, process of |
hist/olog/y | web-like or tissue/science of or study of/process of |
-OMA | tumor or swelling |
carcin/oma | crab or crab-like/tumor or swelling |
OMO- | shoulder |
omo/burs/itis | shoulder (near arm)/sack/inflamed |
OMPHAL/O- | navel or umbilicus |
omphal/ectomy | navel or umbilicus/removal (excision) |
ONC/O- | tumor |
onco/log/y | tumor/science or study of/process of |
onco/log/ist | tumor/science of or study of/specialist |
ONYCH/O- | nail |
onycho/fidia | nail/split |
OOPHOR/O- | ovary |
oophor/itis | ovary (seed producer)/inflamed |
OPHTHALM/O- | eye or eyeball |
ophthalm/olog/ist | eye/science or study of/specialist |
ophthalm/ic | eye or eyeball/refer to |
OPISTH/O- | backwards (bending) |
opistho/tonus | backward (bending)/tone |
OPTO- | vision, sight, eye |
opto/metr/ist | vision or sight/measurement/specialist |
ORA- | mouth |
or/al | mouth/pertains to |
ORB- | circle or dish |
orbit/al | circle or dish (eye socket)/pertains to |
ORCHI/O- | teste or seed producer |
orchi/oma | teste or seed producer/tumor or swelling |
orch/itis | testicle/inflamed |
-OREXIA | appetite |
an/orexia | without/appetite (not hungry) |
-ORRHAPHY | suturing or repair |
neur/orrhaph/y | nerve/suturing or repair/procedure of |
ORTH/O- | straight, normal, correct |
ortho/dont/ic | straight, normal, correct/teeth/refers to |
OS- | mouth |
trache/os/tom/y | windpipe/mouth/cut/process |
OSCILL/O- | to swing |
oscillo/graph | to swing/instrument |
-OSE | sugar |
malt/ose | malt/sugar |
-OSIS | condition of or disease |
scoli/osis | crooked (lateral curve)/condition of or disease |
OSMO- | smell |
an/osm/ia | without/smell/refers to |
OSTE/O- | bone |
osteo/path | bone/disease |
osteo/por/osis | bone/cavities (pores)/condition of |
-OSTOMY | mouth like opening produced by surgery |
col/ostomy | colon/opening (mouth like formation) procedure |
OT/O- | ear |
ot/itis | ear/inflamed |
-OTOMY | cutting, to cut, cut into |
tracheo/tom/y | rough (windpipe)/cut into/procedure of |
ana/tom/y | apart/cutting/procedure of or process of |
-OTRIPSY | crushing or to crush |
neur/otrips/y | nerve/crushing or to crush/procedure of (surgical) |
litho/tripsy | stone/crushing/procedure of (kidney or gall stones 'calculi') |
OV/O- | egg |
ov/ary | egg/refer to |
ovul/ate | egg/state of or process of (producing) |
OX/Y- | sharp or oxygen molecules |
oxy/op/ia | sharp/vision/refers to |
oxy/gen | sharp (mentally)/producing, developing, forming |
oxy/gen/ation | oxygen (molecules)/development/process of |
PACHY- | thick |
pachy/derm/ia | thick/skin/refers to |
PALAT/O- | palate, plate or plate of the mouth roof |
palato/plasty | palate (roof of mouth)/repair |
palat/oplasty | roof of mouth or palate/surgical repair |
palat/ine | plate of mouth roof (skull bones)/state of |
PALL/O- | pale or lack of color |
pall/or | pale or lack of color/one who |
PALM/A- | palm or palm of hand |
palm/ar | palm or palm of hand/refer to |
PALPAT/O- | touching or to touch |
palpat/ion | touching or to touch/process of |
PALPEBRA- | eyelid |
palpebr/itis | eyelid/inflamed |
PALPIT- | quivering or fluttering |
palpit/ation | quivering or fluttering (heart)/process of |
PALSY | slight or moderate paralysis |
Cerebral Palsy (C.P.) | brain: paralysis |
PAN- | all, total, complete |
pan/dem/ic | all, total, complete/people/pertain to |
pan/creat/itis | all/flesh/inflamed |
PAPILLA- | nipple |
papill/ary | nipple/state of or refer to |
PARA- | near, beside, beyond, around, similar, abnormal |
para/thyr/oid | near/shield shaped/resembling |
-PARESIS | paralysis |
hemi/pare/sis | half/paralysis (slight)/condition of |
PARIET/O- | wall or partition |
pariet/al | wall or partition/refer to (skull bone) |
PART/O- | birth or labor |
post/part/um | after/birth or labor/refers to |
PATELL/O- | little dish or knee cap |
patell/ar | little dish (knee cap)/refer to |
PATH/O- | disease |
path/o/log/y | disease/science of or study of/process of |
PAUS/O- | stoppage |
meno/paus/al | monthly/stoppage/refers to |
PECT/O- | chest |
pector/al | chest (anterior breast area)/refer to |
PED- | foot or feet |
ped/al | foot or feet/refer to |
PEDI- | child |
ped/iatrics | child/treat |
ped/ia/tric/ian | child/treats or cures/one who |
PEDICUL/O- | lice |
pediculo/sis | lice (head, body or pubic)/condition of |
PELI- | purple |
peli/osis | purple/condition of |
PELL- | skin |
pell/agra | skin/rough or painful |
PELVI/O- | base, basin, pelvis |
pelv/ic | base, basin, pelvis/refers to |
PEN/O- | tail, organ of copulation, penis |
pen/itis | penis/inflamed |
-PENIA | decrease in number |
leuko/cyto/penia | white (WBC's)/cells/decrease in number |
PENT/A- | five |
pent/agon | five/walls |
penta/dactyl | five (normal)/fingers and toes on each limb |
PEPS/O- | digestion |
dys/peps/ia | difficult or painful/digestion/refers to |
PER- | through |
per/cutane/ous | through/skin/state of |
per/meate | through/opening |
PERI- | around |
peri/cardi/um | around/heart/refers to |
peri/stal/sis | around/to clasp and compress/condition |
PERINE/O- | base or floor |
perin/eal | base or floor/refers to |
PERITON/E- | that which holds the lower viscera |
peritone/um | that which holds the lower organs/refers to |
periton/itis | membrane holding lower viscera or organs and structures/inflammation |
PERONEO- | pin or concerning the lower outside leg bone |
perone/al | pin or concerning the lower outside leg bone/refers to |
perone/us | pin/refers to |
PES | foot |
tali/pes | ankle/foot |
PETECH/I- | small |
petech/ial | small/refers to |
PETIT | little illness |
petit mal | little illness/bad |
PETRO- | rock, stone, hard |
petro/derma | rock, stone, hard/skin |
osteo/petr/osis | bone/stone-like/condition |
PHAGO- | eat, eating, perverse appetite |
phago/cyto/sis | eat, eating, perverse appetite/cells (WBC's)/refers to |
PHALANG/O- | close knit row (fingers and toes) |
a/phalang/ia | without/close knit row (fingers and toes)/refers to |
PHARMAC/O- | drug relationship, to drug, medicine |
pharmac/o/log/ist | drug or medicine/study of/specialist |
PHARYNG/O- | throat |
pharyng/itis | pharynx or throat/inflamed (sore throat) |
PHAS/O- | speech or speaking |
dys/phas/ia | difficult or faulty/speech or speaking/refers to |
-PHASE | stage |
meta/phase | change/stage or an appearance |
-PHERESIS | withdrawal or to separate |
hemato/pheresis | blood/to separate |
-PHILE | love of, to love, love for |
eosino/phil/ia | rose red (WBC staining)/love of/refers to |
PHIM/O- | to muzzle or muzzling |
phim/osis | to muzzle or muzzling/condition of |
PHLEB/O- | vein |
phleb/itis | vein/inflamed |
phleb/o/tom/ist | vein/cut/specialist (draws blood) |
PHOB/O- | fear |
hydro/phob/ia | water/fear (rabies)/refers to |
PHOC/O- | seal |
phoco/mel/ia | seal/limbs/refers to |
PHON/O- | voice or sound |
dys/phon/ia | faulty or difficult/voice or sound/refers to |
PHOR/O- | feeling (mental) |
eu/phor/ia | good/feeling (mental)/refers to |
-PHORESIS | migration, transport, move or carry |
a/phoresis | no or lack of/migration, transportation, movement |
hemo/phoresis | blood/carrying, migration, transmitting |
chema/phoresis | chemical/not moving |
epi/phoresis | above/to carry or bear |
PHOT/O- | light |
photo/graphy | light/process of recording with device |
photo/phobia | light/fear of |
PHRAG/O- | wall or partition |
dia/phragm | across or through/wall or partition |
PHRASO- | speech or talk |
a/phras/ia | without/speech, talk, unable to understand phrases/refers to |
-PHRAXIA | stoppage or obstruction |
hemo/phrax/ia | blood/stoppage or obstruction/refers to |
PHREN/O- | mind or diaphragm |
phren/ia | mind (mental disorder)/pertains to |
phren/ic (nerve) | diaphragm/pertains to |
-PHYLAXIS | protection or guard |
pro/phylaxis | before/protection or guard |
ana/phylaxis | away from/prevention |
PHYSI/O- | function of or nature of |
physi/o/log/y | function or nature of/science of/process of |
-PHYSIS | growth or nature of |
sym/physis | together/growth or nature of |
PHYTO- | plant |
phyto/toxin | plant/poison |
PIA- | gentle |
pia mater | soft or gentle: mother |
PIL/O- | hair |
pil/oma | hair/swelling or tumor-like |
PINN/A- | feather or feather like |
pinna/form | feather like/shape |
PITUIT/O- | phlegm or glue like mucus |
pituit/ary | phlegm or glue like mucus/refer to |
PITYR/I- | bran (cereal like scales on skin) |
pityri/asis | bran (cereal like scales on skin)/refers to |
PLACENT/A- | cake |
placent/itis | cake/inflamed |
-PLAKIA | plate or plate-like |
leuko/plakia | white/plate |
PLAN/O- | flat or a plain |
plan/us | pes plan/us |
PLANT/O- | sole of foot |
plant/ar | sole of the foot/refer to |
PLAS- | growth, development, formation |
hyper/plas/ia | excessive/growth, development, formation/pertains to |
-PLEG/IA | paralysis |
quadri/plegia | four (limbs)/paralysis |
para/plegia | beyond (lower two limbs)/paralyzed |
PLEUR/O- | side or rib |
pleur/itis | side or rib/inflamed |
-PLEXY | paralysis |
neuro/plexy | nerve/paralysis |
-PNEA | breathe or breathing |
a/pnea | without or lack of/breathe or breathing |
PNEUM/O- | lung, air, respiration |
pneumo/thorax | air (within)/chest |
-POIE/SIS | to make, form, produce |
hemato/poie/sis | blood (large amount)/to make, form, produce/condition or state of |
POIKIL/O- | irregular or varied shape |
poikilo/cytic | irregular or varied shape/cell |
POLI/O- | gray |
polio/myel/itis | gray/spinal cord/inflamed |
POLLEX- | thumb |
pollex/ectomy | thumb/removal |
POLY- | many |
poly/dipsia | many/thirsts (being thirsty) |
PONS | bridge |
POR/O- | cavity or passage (porous) |
osteo/por/o/sis | bone/cavity or passage (porous)/condition of |
POST- | after or behind |
post/part/um | after/birth/refers to |
poster/ior | after or behind/refers to |
-POX | pits |
small pox3tiny/pits | |
PRAND/I- | meal or breakfast |
prandi/al | meal or breakfast/pertain to |
a/prand/ial | without/meal/refer to |
-PRAX/IA | movement or action |
pharmaco/prax/ia | drug/movement or action/pertain to |
myo/prax/is | muscle/action/refers to |
PRE- | before |
pre/natal | before/birth |
PREPUCE | foreskin or hood |
PRESBYO-3old | |
presby/op/ia | old (weak eyes of elderly)/vision/refers to |
PRIM/I- | first |
prim/ary | first/refers to |
PRO- | before |
pro/gnosis | before/knowledge |
pro/phylax/is | before/prevention or guard/refers to |
PROCT/O- | rectum or anus |
proct/o/log/ist | rectum or anus/science or study of/specialist |
PRONE- | to bend forward |
pronat/ion | to bend forward/process of |
PROPRI/O- | property (nerve stimuli or information) |
proprio/ceptor | property (nerve stimulation or information)/ones own receives |
PROSTAT/O- | one who lies before |
prostat/ectomy | one who lies before/excision (cut out) |
PROT/O- | first |
proto/zoon | first/animals |
PROXIM/O- | close or closest |
proxim/al | close or closest/refer to |
PRUR/I- | itch or itching |
prur/itis | itch/inflamed |
PSEUD/O- | false |
pseudo/membranous | false/skin like/state of |
PSOAS | loin (lumbar) |
PSOR/I- | to itch |
psori/asis | to itch/condition of |
PSYCH/O- | mind |
psych/olog/y | mind/science of or study of/process of |
PTERYG/O- | winged |
pteryg/oid | winged/resembles |
-PTOSIS | to drop, fall, displace |
splanchno/ptosis | viscera or organ/to drop, fall, displace |
nephro/ptosis | kidney/to drop, fall, displace |
-PTYSIS | spitting or spit |
hemo/ptysis | blood/spitting or spit |
PUB/O- | pubis or pubic |
pub/ic | pubis or pubic/refers to |
PULMON/O- | lung |
pulmon/ary | lung/pertains to |
PULP/O- | solid flesh |
pulp/itis | solid flesh/inflamed |
PUPILL/O- | pupil |
pupilo/meter | pupil/to measure (size of ring shape) |
PURPUR/O- | purple |
purpur/ic | purple/refers to |
PYEL/O- | pelvis or kidney |
pyelo/nephr/itis | pelvis/of kidney /inflammation |
PYKN/O- | thick, dense, compact |
pykn/emia | thick/refers to blood |
PYL/O- | gatekeeper |
pyl/or/ic | gatekeeper/one who/refer to |
PYO- | pus |
pyo/gen/ic | pus/produce/refers to |
PYRET/O- | fever |
pyret/ic | fever 'febrile', heat, fire/refers to |
pyreto/gen | fever/producing |
QUADR/I- | four |
quadr/ants | four/refers to |
QUINT/I- | five |
quintu/plet | five/offspring or folds |
RADI/O- | ray, spoke, X-ray, radio activity |
radia/tion | ray, spoke, X-ray, radio-activity/process of or state of |
rad/ius | spoke/refer to |
RADIC/O- | nerve root or spinal nerve |
radicul/itis | nerve root/inflammation |
RAY- | spoke or wave length |
RE- | again |
re/spir/ation | again/breath/process of |
RECT/O- | rectum or straight |
recto/clysis | rectum or straight/washing out |
rectus abdominal muscles | straight/belly/muscle |
REN/O- | kidney |
ren/al | kidney/pertaining to |
RETICUL/O- | network |
reticul/ation | network/process of |
RETINA | net or net like |
Retin/itis | net or net like/inflamed |
RETR/O- | back of, behind, backward, after |
retro/cervic/al | behind/neck/refers to |
retro/grade | back of, backward, behind, after/movement |
retro/col/ic | back of/big intestine/refers to |
RHACHI/O- | jointed vertebrae, spine, spinal column |
rhach/itis | jointed vertebrae, spine, spinal column/inflamed |
RHEUMAT/O- | discharge or flow through |
rheumat/oid arthr/itis | discharge or flow through/resembles: joint/inflamed |
RHIN/O- | nose |
rhino/plasty | nose/repair or plastic surgery (nose job) |
rhin/itis | nose/inflamed |
rhin/o/rrhea | nose/running |
RHOMB/O- | parallelogram or diamond shaped |
rhomb/oid muscles | parallelogram (diamond shaped)/resembles: muscles |
RHYTID/O- | wrinkles |
rhytid/ectomy | wrinkles/plastic surgery to remove wrinkles |
rhytido/plasty | wrinkles/plastic surgery or repair |
RICHETTS/IA | rickets like symptoms in joints |
ROENT/O- | X-ray |
roent/gen/ic | x-ray/beginning or caused by/refer to |
ROTAT/O- | to turn or swing around |
rotat/or | to turn or swing around/one who |
-RRHYTHM | rhythm or contraction |
a/rrhythm | lack of or without/rhythm or contraction |
RUBE/O- | red |
rube/osis | red/condition of |
RUG/A- | folds |
rug/ae | folds/refers to |
SACCHAR/O- | sugar |
sacchar/ide | sugar/likeness |
SACR/O- | saucer or sacred bone |
sacr/al | saucer or sacred bone/pertaining to |
SAGITT/O- | arrow or arrow like |
mid/sagitt/al | middle/like and arrow or arrow-like (cut)/refers to(visual or surgical cut separating body or parts into right and left segments) |
SALIV/O- | spit |
saliv/ation | spit (making)/process of saliva/process of (making or producing) |
SALPING/O- | tube, duct, canal |
salping/itis | tube, duct, canal/inflamed |
SARC/O- | fleshy |
sarc/oma | fleshy/tumor |
SCAB/O- | to itch |
scab/ies | to itch/condition of(mite infestation of skin) |
SCAPUL/O- | shoulder blade |
scapul/ectomy | shoulder blade/removal (surgical excision) |
SCHIZ/O- | split or splitting |
schizo/phren/ia | split/mind/refers to |
SCLER/O- | hardening |
athero/scler/osis | yellow fat or porridge/hardening/condition of |
scler/itis | hard/inflammation |
SCOLI/O- | crooked or twisted |
scoli/osis | crooked or twisted (spine)/condition of |
-SCOP/E | an instrument that examines or views |
micro/scop/e | small/to view or examine/instrument(process of) |
-SCOPY | to examine or view |
lapro/scop/y | abdomen wall or abdominal/to examine or view/procedure of |
SCOT/O- | darknesss |
cot/oma | darkness (blind spot)/swelling or tumor (causing |
SCROT/O- | sac or pouch |
scrot/al | sac or pouch/refers to |
SCURVY | to scratch |
SEB/O- | oil |
seb/aceous gland | oil/pertains to |
SECRETO- | separating or to separate |
secreat/or | separating or to separate/one who |
SECT/O- | to cut |
sect/ion | to cut (several times) or to cut apart/procedure of(to section an organ) |
SEMI- | half |
semi/conscious | half/aware |
SEMIN/O- | seed or seed producer |
semin/al | seed or seed producer/refers to |
SENIL/E- | old |
senil/ity | old/state of(mental and/or physical weakness) |
SEPT/A- | partition or wall |
sept/um | partition or wall/refers to(wall dividing a space: nose and heart) |
SEPT/I- | seventh |
septi/para | seventh/child births or born infants |
SEPT/O- | poison, infection, decay, putrefy |
sept/ic | poison/refer to |
SIAL/O- | saliva or spit |
sial/aden/itis | saliva or spit/gland/inflammation |
hypo/sialo/gogic | low/saliva/production |
SIDER/O- | iron |
sidero/cyte | iron/cell |
SILIC/O- | silicon carbon particles |
silico/sis | silicon carbon particles/refers to |
SIN/O- | cavity |
sin/us | cavity/refers to |
SINISTR/O- | to the left or left |
sinistro/card/ia | to the left or left/heart/refers to |
SKELET/O- | dried up or to attach |
skelet/al | dried up or to attach/refers to |
SOLE- | the sole of the foot |
sole/us | sole of foot/refers to |
-SOL | in solution or solution |
aero/sol | air/solution |
SOM/O- | body |
psycho/somat/ic | mind/body/refer to |
SOMN/O- | sleep |
somni/pathy | sleep/disease |
SON/O- | sounds |
ono/gram | sound/recording or writing |
SPAD/I- | to tear |
epi/spad/ism | upon/to tear/state of |
-SPASM | involuntary contraction |
myo/spasm | muscle/sudden involuntary muscle contraction |
SPERM/O- | sperm |
spermo/cide | sperm/to kill |
SPHER/O- | ball, globe, round |
spher/o/cyte | ball, globe, round/cells |
SPHINCT/O- | that which binds together |
sphinct/er | that which binds together or tight (ring like) |
SPHYGM/O- | pulse |
sphygmo/mano/meter | pulse/by hand/measurement |
SPHYXI/O- | pulse or lack of pulse |
a/sphyx/ia | without/pulse/refers to |
SPIN/O- | thorn or thorny |
spin/al | thorn or thorny/refers to |
SPIR/O- | breathe or breathing |
spir/o/meter | breathe, breathing/measure |
spiro/gram | breathing/record |
spiro/graph | breathing/instrument used to record |
SPLANCHN/O- | organ |
splanchn/o/log/y | organ (viscera)/study of/process of |
SPLEN/O- | spleen |
splen/o/tom/y | spleen (organ)/cut into/procedure of |
SPONDYL/O- | vertebra |
spondyl/itis | vertebra/inflamed |
SPRAIN | to wring out or press out |
SQUAM/O- | scaly |
squam/ous | scaly/refers to |
-STALSIS | to contract |
peri/stalsis | around/to contract |
STAPED/O- | stirrup |
staped/ectomy | stirrup (shape)/excision or removal |
STAPHYL/O- | grape or grape-like clusters |
straphylo/coccus | grape or grape-like clusters/berry |
-STASIS | stoppage, standing, location |
hemo/stasis | blood/stoppage |
homeo/stasis | same or equal/standing or location |
-STAT | to stop or immediately |
hemo/stat | blood/to stop |
-STAXIA | dripping or trickling |
epi/staxia | upon/dripping or trickling |
STEAT/O- | fat |
steato/rrhea | fat/flow |
STEN/O- | narrowing |
sten/osis | narrowing/condition of |
STEREO- | three dimensional or solid |
stereo/cine/fluoro/graphy | three dimensional/motion picture/fluorescence/recording procedure |
STERN/O- | chest, sternum, or breastbone |
stern/al | chest, sternum, breastbone/pertain to |
STETH/O- | chest |
stetho/scope | chest/to examine |
-STOLE | contract |
sy/stole | together/contract |
dia/stole | between/contraction |
STOMAT/O- | mouth |
stomat/itis | mouth/inflamed |
STRABISM/O- | to squint or squinting |
strabism/us | to squint or squinting/refers to |
STRAIN | to draw tight |
STRAT/I- | layer |
strati/form | layer/shaped |
strat/um basal | layer/refers to: base of (skin) |
STREPT/O- | twisted or twisted chain |
strepto/coccus | twisted or twisted chain/spheres |
STRI/A- | stripes or threads |
stria/tion | stripes or threads/process of |
STRICT/O- | drawing or binding |
strict/ure | drawing or binding/state of |
STY/E | raised |