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Med Neuro Lect8

Med Neuro Lect8 Ventricular System & CSF

Parts of the Lateral Ventricles 1.Anterior Horn. 2.Body. 3.Posterior Horn. 4.Inferior Horn. **Trigone/Confluence is where 2,3,& 4 come together.
What is the only ventricle in the Cerebrum? Lateral Ventricles.
Formamen of Monro Drains the lateral ventricle into the 3rd ventricle right at the junction of the Anterior Horn and Body of Lateral ventricle.
What fills the hole pass horizontally through the 3rd ventricle? Thalamic Adhesion or Massa Intemedia. **Big nucleus with cell bodies, NOT fiber tracts like the Ant & Post Commisure.
Septum Pellucidum Separates the 2 lateral ventricles
What structure in the cerebrum bulges into the inferior horn of the lateral ventricle? Hippocampus. **Associated with Schizophrenia
Anterior, Floor, Posterior and Roof boundaries of the 3rd ventricle 1.Ant: Ant commisure, lamina terminalis ending at the optic chiasm. 2.Inf: Optic tract, mamillary body, tagmentum Midbrain, (cerebral aquaduct). 3.Post: Tectum midbrain, Pineal gland. 4.Sup: Fornix
Once CSF drains down the foramen of Monro, what structure guides in to the cerebral aquaduct as it goes underneath the thalamic adhesion (massa Intemedia) Interthalamic Sulcus
Does any CSF flow into the infundibulum or optic chiasm? YES, there are resceses in both that allow small amounts of CSF circulation
As the cerebral aquaduct flows through the Midbrain, it seperetes the Midbrain into 1. a thin roof and 2.thick body 1.Tectum. 2.Tegmentum.
What are the 3 main exit points for CSF from the 4th ventricle? What do these structures empty into? 1&2. Foramen of Luschka (laterally). 3.Foramen of Magendie (Medially). **Emptying into Cisterna Magna (Inferior Cerebellar Cistern).
Flow of CSF from the Cisterna Magna? It can flow upward or downward around the brain to be filtered into the Sup Sag Sinus via arachnoid granulations, OR it can be filtered out by SPINAL GRANULATIONS near the Dorsal root ganglia.
3 main types of Hyrdocephalus? Explain the mechanisms behind each 1.Communicating (Ventricular system is OPEN). 2.Noncommunicating (Ventricular system is blocked/occluded). 3.Hydrocephalus Ex Vacuo (Neuronal cells loss from trauma/stroke allowing fluid/ventricular expansion)
What should you suspect as a possible cause of a patients unremitting headaches? NON-communicating Hydrocephalus. **will see Ventriculomegaly.
Difference b/w T1 & T2 MRI? T1 used to analyze anatomy. T2 used to analyze inflammation & infection (fluid is bright white).
Are calcifications of the choroid plexus normal with aging? YES
What will a CT of Hydrocephalus Ex Vacuo show? 1.Sulcul Megaly. 2.Ventriculomegaly. **Fluid is invading white matter causing neuronal loss.
Dandy-Walker Syndrome Failure of cerebellar hemispheres to fuse on the midline which leads to a lack of growth of the cerebellum. (Will see fluid and small cerebellum in posterior cranial fossa). **Associated with movement dissorders & mental retardation.
Created by: WeeG
Popular Neuroscience sets




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