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Med Term 7*

med term

amni amnion
cervic cervix, neck
colp vagina
ectop ectopia, displaced
gravid pregnant women
gynec woman
hyster uterus
lapar abdomen
mamm mammary glands
mast breast
men menstration
metr uterine tissues
nat birth
o egg
oophor ovary
salping uterine tube
top place
vagin vagina
syphil syphilis
A Without lack
aniso unequal
ante before
bi two both
dys difficult, painful
ecto outside of
endo inner
infra below infer
iso same equal
multi many
neo new
post After
Primi First
TRans Across
Blast Immature
Centesis Surgical puncture for fluid femoval
Graphy Process of making a picture or record
gravida pregnancy
para women who carries pregnancy to viability
partum delivery, childbirth
pexy fixation of prolapse
phobia fear
ptosis prolapse
scope process of using a scope
Fertilization penetration of the ovum by the sperm with combination of chromosomes from the egg and sperm resulting in 23 pairs
Conception implantation of the blastocyst into the endometrium
ova,ovum egg,eggs
Zygote Fertilized ovum in the earliest stages of cell division
Embryo Multiple cell stages in the first trimester
Blastocyst embro comprised of multiple cells
Implantation attachment of the embryo onto the endometrium
Abortion Termination of pregnancy
Miscarriage Spontaneous abortion
premature delivery delivery of fetus in the second or third trimester before full-term gestation
newborn, neonate baby in the first two weeks after birth
Infant Baby from birth until walking
Ab I, II, III and so on, A1, A2, A3 one abortion, two, three, and so on
C-section cesarean section delivery
D dilation and curettage
F Female
FTT FAilure to thrive
Grav I, II, III and so on G1, G2, G3 one pregnancy, two, three, and so on
GYN Gynecology
HPV Human Papollpma Virus
HSG hysterosalpingogram
IUD intrauterine device
LAVH aparoscopically assisted vaginal hysterectomy
LMP last menstrual period
OB Obstetrics
Pap papanicolaou test (smear)
para I, II, III and so on P1, P2, P3 one live birth, two, three, and so on
PMS premenstrual syndrome
Preg Pregant
RPR syphilis test (also VDRL, STS, RPR)
SIDS sudden infant death syndrome
STI and STD sexually transmitted infection (disease)
TAH total abdominal hysterectomy
Created by: klindsay
Popular Medical sets




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