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HHS Female Reproduct

Diagnostic, Symptomatic, and Related Terms

contraceptive diaphragm Contraceptive device consisting of a hemisphere of thin rubber bonded to a flexible ring; inserted into the vagina together with spermicidal jelly or cream up to 2 hours before coitus so that spermatoza cannot enter the uterus, thus preventing conception
corpus luteum Ovarian scar tissue that results from rupturing of a follicle during ovulation and becomes a small yellow body that produces progesterone after ovulation
dyspareunia Occurence of pain during sexual intercourse
endocervicitis Inflammation of the mucous lining of the cervix uteri
fibroids Benign uterine tumors composed of muscle and fibrous tissue; also called leiomyomas and fibromyomata uteri
infertility Inability or diminished ability to produce offspring
hormonal contraception Use of hormones to suppress ovulation and prevent conception
menarche beginning of menstrual function
oligomenorrhea scanty or infrequent menstrual flow
perineum Region between the vulva and anus that constitutes the pelvic floor
puberty Period during which secondary sex characteristics begin to develop and the capability of sexual reproduction is attained
retroversion Turning or state of being turned back, especially an entire organ, such as the uterus, being tipped from its normal position
sterility Inability of the female to become pregnant or the male to impregnate the female
viable Capable of sustaining life; denotes a fetus sufficiently developed to live outside of the uterus
abortion Termination of pregnancy before the embryo or fetus is capable of surviving outside the uterus
abruptio placentae Premature separation of a normally situated placenta
amnion Membrane, continuous with and covering the fetal side of the placentae, that forms the outer surface of the umbilical cord
dystocia difficult labor, which may be produced by the large size of the fetus or the small size of the pelvic outlet
eclampsia Most serious form of toxemia during pregnancy
ectopic pregnancy Pregnancy in which the fertilized ovum does not reach the uterine cavity but becomes implanted on any tissue other than the lining of the uterine cavity, such as a fallopian tube, an ovary, the abdomen, or even the cervix uteri
gravida Pregnant woman
multigravida Woman who has been pregnant more than once
multipara Woman who has given birth to more than one viable infant
para Woman who has given birth to one viable infants
pelvimetry measurement of pelvic dimensions to determine whether the head of the fetus will be able to pass through the bony pelvis during the delivery process
placenta previa Condition in which the placenta is attached near the cervix and ruptures prematurely, with spotting as the early symptom
Menopause Cessation of ovarian activity Diminished hormone production Occurs around age 50
Endometriosis Presence of functional endometrial tissue in areas outside the uterus
Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID) Inflammation of the uterus, fallopian tubes, ovaries, caused by bacterial infections
Vaginitis Localized infections and inflammations confined to the vagina caused by viruses, bacteria, yeast
Sexually Transmitted Disease Also called Venereal Disease Contracted through sexual activity with an infected partner, 20 different STD’s, regarded as an epidemic
Popular Medical sets




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