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DIT CT/MS quiz

connective tissue/ musculoskeletal

fragments DNA, causes pulmonary fibrosis bleomycin
blocks purine synthesis, metabolized by xanthine oxidase 6 mercaptopurine
folic acid analog that inhibits dihydrofolate reductase methotrexate
prevents tubulin disassembly taxols/paclitaxel
DNA alkylating agents used in brain cancer Nitrosureas
SERM - blocks estrogen binding to ER+ cells Tamoxifen, Raloxifene
manifestations of CREST calcifications, raynauds, esophageal dysmotility, sclerodactyly, telangiectasias
manifestations of sarcoidosis (GRUELING) granulomas, RA, uveitis, erythema nodosa, lympadenopathy, idopathic, not TB, gammaglobulinemia
classic sx of sjogren's dry eyes, dry mouth, arthritis
signet ring cells in the ovary krukenberg tumor
signet rings in RBCs trophozoites(malaria)
smudge cell CLL
spike and dome of glomerulus on EM membranous glomerulonephritis
Tram track of glomerulus on light microscopy membranoproliferative
strawberry tongue scarlet fever, kawasaki, TSS
most common location of tophi external ear
pruritic,purple,polygonal papules lichen planus
pruritic vesicles a/w celiac disease dermatitis herpetiformis
antibodies against epidermal cell surface pemphigus bulgaris
parakeratotic scaling psoriasis
keratin-filled cysts sebhorric dermatitis
skin rash and proximal muscle weakness dermatomyositis
what drugs are used in the tx of acute gout NSAID, cochicine, steroids
What additional drugs are used in the tx of chronic gout? +allopurinol, probenecid
What is the mechanism of treating acetaminophen overdoes N acetylcystein
What drugs cause drug induced lupus (SHIPP_ Sulfonylureas, Hydralazine, Isoniazide, Phenytoin, Procainamide)
Created by: kayjames
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