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ECG terms c, d, e
ECG heart terms c, d, e
Question | Answer |
Usually called mitral valve. A valve of two cusps or triangular segments located between the upper and lower chambers in the left side of the heart. | Bicuspid valve |
The pressure of the blood in the arteries. 1. Systolic pressure when the heart muscle is contracted(systole) 2. Diastolic pressure when the heart muscle is relaxed between beats. Blood pressure is generally | Blood pressure |
Abnormally slow heart rate. Generally, anything below 60 beats per minute is considered bradycardia. | Bradycardia |
One total heart, i.e., one complete contraction and relaxation of the heart. In man this normally occupies 0.85 seconds. | Cardiac cycle (kar'de-ak) |
The amount of blood pumped by the heart per minute. | Cardiac output |
Pertaining to the heart and blood vessels. | Cardiovascular (kar'de-o vas'ku-lar) |
A slight dilation at the point where the internal carotid artery branches from the common carotid artery. The carotid arteries are those which supply blood to the head and neck. The carotid sinus contains special nerve end organs which respond to a change | Carotid sinus (kah-rot'id si'nus) |
Fibrous cords which serve as guy ropes to hold the valves between the upper and lower chambers of the heart secure when forced closed by pressure of blood in the lower chambers. They stretch form the cusps of the valves to the muscles called papillary mu | Chordae Tendinae (kor'di ten'din-e) |
An operation to widen the opening in a heart valve which has become narrowed by scar tissue. The individual flaps of the valve are cut or spread apart along the natural line of their closure. This operation often performed in cases of rheumatic heart dise | Commissurotomy (kom'e-sur-ot'o-me) |
When the heart is unable to adequately pump out all of the blood that returns to it, there is a backing up of blood in the veins leading to the heart. A congestion or accumulation of fluid in various parts of the body may result from the hearts' failure t | Congestive heart failure(kon-jes'tiv) |
Two arteries arising from the aorta, arching down over the top of the heart, and conducting blood to the heart muscle. | Coronary arteries (kor'o-na-re) |
An obstruction (generally a blood clot) in a branch of one of the coronary arteries which hinders the flow of blood to some part of the heart muscle. This part of the heart muscle the dies because of lack of blood supply. Sometimes called a coronary heart | Coronary occlusion (ok-klu-zhun) |
Formation of a clot in a branch of one of the arteries which conduct blood to the heart muscle. A form of coronary occlusion. | Coronary thrombosis (throm-bo'sis) |
Heart disease resulting from disease of the lungs or the blood vessels in the lungs. This is due to resistance to the passage of blood through the lungs. | Cor pulmonale (kor pul-mo-nal'e) |
Blueness of the skin caused by insufficient oxygen in the blood. Oxygen is carried in the blood by hemoglobin, which is bright red when saturated with oxygen. When hemoglobin is not carrying oxygen it is purple and is reduced hemoglobin. The blueness of t | Cyanosis (si-ah-no'sis) |
Inability of the heart to maintain adequate circulation, usually resulting in a waterlogging of tissues. A person whose heart is failing to maintain normal circulation is said to be "decompensated". | Decompensation (de-kom-pen-sa'shun) |
Any agent or measure such as an electric shock which stops an incoordinate contraction of the heart muscle and restores a normal heart beat. | Defibrillator (de-fi'bre-la-tor) |
Two different types of congenital phenomena are often described as dextrocardia. The first is a condition in which the heart is slightly rotated and lies almost entirely in the right (instead of the left) side of the chest. The second is a condition in wh | Dextrocardia (deks-tro-kar'de-ah) |
In each heart beat, the period of relaxation of the heart. Auricular diastole is the period of relaxation of the atria. Ventricular diastole is the period of relaxation of the ventricles. | Diastole (di-as'to-le) |
A drug prepared from the leaves of the foxglove plant which strengthens the contraction of the heart muscle, slows the rate of contraction of the heart, and by improving the efficiency of the heart, may eliminate the buildup of fluids in the body tissues. | Digitalis (dig-e-tal'is) |
A stretching or enlargement of the heart or blood bessels beyond the norm. | Dilation (di-la'shun) |
Difficult or labored breathing. | Dyspnea (disp-ne'ah) |
Swelling due to abnormally large amounts of fluid in the tissues of the body. | Edema (e-de'mah) |
An electric device that control the beating of the heart by a rhythmic discharge of electrical impulses. | Electric cardiac pacemaker |
Often referred to as EKG or ECG. A graphical record of the electic curents produced by the heart. | Electrocardiogram (e-lek'tro-kar'de-o-gram) |
An instrument which records electric currents produced by the heart. | Electrocardiograph |
Any substance which, in solution, is capable of conducting electricity by means of its atoms or groups of atoms, and in the process is broken down into positively and negatively charged particles. Examples are sodium and potassium. | Electolyte (e-lek'tro-lit) |
The blocking of a blood vessel by a clot or other substance carried in the blood stream. | Embolism (em'bo-lizm) |
Inflammation of the inner layer of the heart (endocardium) usually associated with acute rheumatic fevers or some infectious agents. | Endocarditis (en'do-kar-di'tis) |
A thin, smooth membrane forming the inner surface of the heart. | Endocardium (en-do-kar'de-um) |
The outer layer of the heart wall. Also called the visceral pericardium. | Epicardium (ep-e-kar'de-um) |
One of the secretions of two small glands, called the adrenal glands, located just above the kidneys. This secretion, also called adrenalin and sometimes prepared synthetically, constricts the small blood vessels (arterioles), increases the rate of the he | Epinephrine (ep-e-nef'rin) |
Red blood cell. | Erythrocyte (e-rith'ro-sit) |
Sometimes called primary hypertension, and commonly known as high blood pressure. An elevated blood pressure not caused by kidney or other evident disease. | Essential hypertension (hi-per-ten'shun) |
The sum of knowledge about the causes of a disease. | Etiology (e-te-ol'o-je) |
The circulation of the blood outside the body as by a mechanical pump-oxygenator. This is often done while surgery is being performed inside the heart. | Extracorporeal circulation (eks-trah-kor-po're-al) |
A contraction of the heart which occurs prematurely and interrupts the normal rhythm. | Extrasystole (eks-trah-sis'to-le) |