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Neuro3 Motor System

Neuro3 Motor System IV

2 ways proprioception reaches the ICP? 1.Spinocerebellar Tract (lower Ext via Dorsal Nuclei of Clark). 2.Fasciculus Cuneatus (Upper Ext via accessory Nucleus).
How will the patient present with ICP damage? 1.Sensory-Type Ataxia. 2.Normal Awareness of body position.
What is Sensory-type Ataxia If the cerebellum loses group 1 fiber input, they WONT be Ataxic until they are deprived of either the vestibular system or the eyes. **close eyes, ataxia sets in.
How will the patient present with ML damage in terms of proprioception? 1.No ataxia. 2.No Awareness of Body Position. **Cant locate their limb with their eyes closed
How will the patient present with a complete loss of Group 1 fibers? (tertiary syhpillis) 1.Sensory-type Ataxia. 2.No awareness of body position. **If they close their eyes, they will fall to the floor (Rhomberg's sign).
What structure passes through the Pontocerebellar angle and Cistern? CN VIII. **Common place to develop CN VIII schwannoma.
How can pushing the cerebellum towards the foramen magnum kill someone? B/c the Tonsils will attempt to herniate out of the foramen magnum which will compress the medulla and stop breathing.
What is the function of Purkinje cells in there cerebellum? Integrate info and project onto the Deep Nuclei. **usually inhibitory output.
Describe the 3 main zones of the cerebellum and their respective deep nuclei that their purkinje cells project to 1.Lateral Zone (Neocerebellum): Projects to Dentate Nuc. 2.Paramedian Zone (Gap b/w the vermis and lateral hemisphere): Projects to the Interposed Nuc. 3.Median Zone (Vermis): Projects to the Fastigeal Nuc.
Where does the Flocculonodular zone's purkinje cell's project to? Vestibular Nuc. **Controls & coordinates head and neck movement.
Where does most of the info from the torso end up in the cerebellum? Projected down the Vermis (media Zone) to the Fastigeal Nuc.
Where does most of the info from our limbes end up in the cerebellum? Projected down the Paramedian zone to the Interposed Nuc.
Are the feet registered in the Ant Cerellum? NO, posterior.
Decribe the Input, deep nuclei, output, and type of ataxia if damaged associated with the Floccularnodular lobe (Vestibulo-cerebellum) 1.Input: Vestibular apparatus. 2.Deep Nuc: Vest Nuc. 3.Output: MLF & Vestibulospinal tracts. 4.Ataxia: head & neck (dizziness, vertigo, nystagmus).
Decribe the Input, deep nuclei, output, and type of ataxia if damaged associated with the Vermis portion of the Spinocerebellum 1.Input: Spinal cord. 2.Deep Nuc: Fastigial Nuc. 3.Output: Reticular formation (RST) & Vestibular Nuc (VST). 4.Ataxia: Trunkal (cant sit unassisted).
Decribe the Input, deep nuclei, output, and type of ataxia if damaged associated with the Paramedian portion of the spinocerebellum 1.Input: Spinal Cord. 2.Deep Nuc: Interposed Nuc. 3.Output: Red Nuc & Thalamus/Cortex (CST). 4.Ataxia: Limb (Finger to nose, heel to shin, tandem walking).
Is limb ataxia usually proximal or distal? Proximal.
Decribe the Input, deep nuclei, output, and type of ataxia if damaged associated with the Neocerebellum (Lateral Zone) 1.Input: Cerebral Cortex (via pontocerebellar fibers). 2.Deep Nuc: Dentate Nuc. 3.Output: Thalamus & cortex. 4.Ataxia: Fine Movement (No dexterity in fingers, cant do repid alternating movements).
What is Athentosis? Where is the stroke? It is a slow writhing/distonic movement that results from a stroke in the BASAL GANGLIA on the contralateral hemisphere. **Either damage to Globus Pallidus or its fibers as they pass through the internal capsule of thalamus.
How will Athentosis initially present? Weakness, but it will improve exposing the Athentosis.
What are the 2 clinical manifestations of cerebellar disease 1.Ataxia. 2.Hypotonia.
What are the 3 different Forms that ataxia can present as with Cerebellar diseae? 1.Dysmetria (Past-pointing: cant touch finger to the nose). 2.Dyssynergia (Decomposition of movements). 3.Disdiadokokinesia (Breakdown in rapid alternating movements).
What are Choreic Movements? Describe the progression Random, jerky (brief and sudden) purposeless movements about a joint complex. 1.Early on: one involved joint (hand and wrist). 2.Then progresses to entire extremity. 3.Then progresses to axial part of the body. **will also see a dance-like gait.
Describe the 2 different types of Huntington's Chorea 1.With Choreic movements. 2.Rigid Huntingon's Chorea (degeneration of GABA/SubP cell in corpus striatum cause Inc GABA secretions from Globus Pallidus Internus): Produces Parkinson's like akinesia w/ rigidity to passive ROM.
What is Hemiballism? What is it a result of? Unilateral ballism involving involuntary movements of the arm and leg (usually a continuous, rotatory nature). **Results from an infarct to the basal ganglia (Subthalamic Nuc & its radiations).
List the 5 Clinical manifestations of Basal Ganglia disorder 1.Akinesia. 2.BradyKinesia. 3.Athetosis. 4.Chorea. 5.Hemiballism/ ballism.
What is the root cause of Parkinsonism? Loss of dopaminergic neurons from the Substantia Niagra.
What are the 4 cardinal manifestations of Parkinsonism 1.Tremor. 2.Akinesia. 3.Rigidity. 4.Postural Embarrasment
Parkinsonism: Tremor 1.Alternating agonistic & antagonistic movements about a joint. 2.Present at rest. 3.Improved (decreased) during purposefull movement.
Parkinsonism: Akinesia 1.Masked face. 2.Lack of associated movements (no arm swing w/ walking). **Difficulty initiating action leads to small shuffling gate
Parkinsonism: 2 different types of Rigidity 1.Lead pipe form: feels like bending a lead pipe. 2.Cog Wheel form: feels like your bending their joint over a cog wheel (rhythmic jerky motion). 2.
Parkinsonism: Postural Embarrassment No postural reflexes when threatenend. **Retropulsive steps when pushed backwards.
Created by: WeeG
Popular Neuroscience sets




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