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HY Terms 2
Question | Answer |
Who gets the blame for the great depression because he is president at the time? | Herbert Hoover |
Black Tuesday (October 29, 1929) | stock market crashes (3rd crash, but most severe) |
Lack of economic diversification (Cause of stock market crash/Great Depression) | they produced cars and construction. Wasn't enough diversification (we needed more sources of income). |
Consumption Demand (Cause of stock market crash/Great Depression) | most ppl cannot afford the things that we're producing. Happens when money is not being distributed across the board. 50% of ppl are living at the poverty line. |
credit and chronic debt (Cause of stock market crash/Great Depression) | Credit and debt gave the false appearance of prosperity. |
lack of a “safety net,” (Cause of stock market crash/Great Depression) | no FDIC, if a bank goes under, all your savings are gone. |
No FCC (Cause of stock market crash/Great Depression) | Wallstreet was not regulated. Many companies selling fraudulent stock. |
Speculation (Cause of stock market crash/Great Depression) | guessing about risky investments (banks being too careless with the loans they give) |
protective tariff (Cause of stock market crash/Great Depression) | tariff was too high, making the foreign goods unaffordable |
reparations and international debt (Cause of stock market crash/Great Depression) | Treaty of Versi, WWI caused much debt. Caused deflation, massive layoffs. |
Federal Reserve System (what did they end up doing?) | they did the wrong thing. Contracted the money supply (no borrowing money, no spending money). |
Things that resulted from the people being homeless/starving | Relief, bread lines, soup lines, “dumpster diving” |
The Dust Bowl | They stripped off a lot of the sod that covers the land, in order to get to the rich soil. Terrible heat and wind descends upon them during the great depression. Winds pick up the dust and we have black blizzards. Many people move out west as result. |
“black blizzards” | can bury ppl alive, block out the sun, etc (Dust Bowl) |
The Black Shirts | beats, harasses, terrorizes blacks and other people. “No jobs for negros, until every white man has a job” |
Radio programs during the great depression | Superman, The Lone Ranger, “War of the World” (1938)—Orson Welles |
Movies during the great depression | The Studio System, Frank Capra, Walt Disney, “Gone with the Wind” “Wizard of Oz” |
Dale Carnegie, How to Win Friends and Influence People (1936) | conservative values went out. This book said that the route to success and money was being able to conform, fit in, etc. |
The Popular Front | socialism unites with liberalism. Communists are told to tone down their criticism of roosevelt, and liberals. |
Fascism | opposite of communism. Extremely right-winged. |
The “Scottsboro Boys” (1931-50) | Frate train runs through there. 2 white women, many black on train, it hits that they are raped. They are charged with rape even though there is little evidence. This precipitates 2 decades of court fights over the Scottsboro Boys (international scandal). |
Who puts together the FBI? | J. Edgar Hoover |
J. Edgar Hoover (what are his views? Actions taken?) | He's into crushing any hint of unamerican behavior (radicalism, critics of economic system, communists, etc). Hoover is cold, uncaring, conservative, pro-business. He was smart, yet unwilling to change and try new things. |
Andrew Mellon | morally corrupt. Says poor people need to stop being lazy and get up and get a job. |
Norris-LaGuardia Act (1932) | banned “yellow dog contracts”; injunctions |
Smoot-Hawley Tariff (1930) | tariffs get higher, making things worse. |
The “Bonus Army” (1932)—Douglas MacArthur | vets of wwI who were promised a bonus for serving, that was not collecting. Hoover responds by crushing them. Very brutal and unpopular. |
The Interregnum | When roosevelt (democrat) is elected and hoover is defeated. Promises something new. |
Franklin Delano Roosevelt | greatest liberal figure of the 20th century. He is very confident, optimistic. Comes up with the “New Deal Coalition”. |
“New Deal Coalition” | technically, it did not end the great depression. But it provided incredible assistance and relief to those hungry, freezing, w/o jobs. Tremendously successful. |
John Maynard Keynes | becomes the most important economic figure in the world. |
Keynesian economics | Gov must spend money and tax in different economic systems. Economy depressed: gov spend more money and tax less to stimulate the economy. Interest rates goes down. When inflation: reverse this. |
deficit spending / “priming the pump” | the process of spending like crazy (going into more debt) temporarily (can be spent on anything), to kick start the economy again. |
General Theory (1936) | proscribes a cure for the great depression. Government needs to engage in defecit spending. |
The First 100 Days | time of stopping the bleeding, restoring confidence in people. Roosevelts personality, character helps this very much. |
The Bank Holiday | shuts down every bank in country for 4 days, so people can calm down. |
Prohibition | Roosevelt gets rid of prohibition, immediately. |
Emergency Banking Act | People are hording money because they dont trust banks. Reorganizes banks, recovers a billion dollars that has been horded/burried. |
Economy Act | comforts conservatives. tries to balance the buget if it can. |
Agricultural Adjustment Act (1933) | gov gets involved in asking farmers to cut their production. Idea: we have an over supply of food, so gov will pay farmers to plow under crops and slaughter pigs. Which will raise prices for farmers (suppose to help farmers) |
National Recover Administration | business will recognize union's right to exist. They'll get their right (min wage, max hours). Trying to level the playing field. So that management and laborers are closer. Dominated by whites. |
Gen. Hugh Johnson | Conservative, pro business |
“Blue Eagle” | symbolizes that you are part of NRA. Seen as patriotic. |
Public Works Administration | problem: take gov money and spend it on public works. |
Tennessee Valley Administration (TVA, 1933)—Muscle Shoals, Ala. | idea: to bring electricity and power to the country side. Electricity is at a low price because gov is paying for this. |
Glass-Steagall Act | separates community banking from investment banking. When ppl put money in community, you cannot take that money and treat it as if it's in an investment bank (make any wild, crazy investments in that money) |
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) | The money that you deposit into that bank is insured by the federal gov. If bank goes out of business, you will get your money back. |
Securities and Exchange Committee (SEC) | regulates the stock market. (keeping nobodies from selling faulty stocks) |
Buying on the margin | borrowing money to invest into stocks (gambling) |
Federal Emergency Management Relief Act—Harry Hopkins | gives relief to poor, starving, jobless, orphans, widows. |
Civil Works Administration | puts 4 million people to work on public projects (building parks, schools, etc). |
Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) | consisted of young men being shipped off to camps. You'd work at the CCC, get money/paycheck. Idea: young ppl can make money too. The kids would send money home to parents who are out of job. |
Farm Credit Administration | help ppl hold onto family farm or house (prevent from losing to the bank). |
Frazier-Lemke Bankruptcy Act | if you've lost a farm, they will loan you money at a low rate to help you buy your farm/house back. |
Homeowners Loan Corporation/Federal Housing Administration (FHA) | Allowing gov to loan you money at a much lower rate, to help you buy a house. |
Critics of National Housing Act | Business and Corporations (wealthy hate it), and American Liberty League (attacks roosevelt with nasty/personal attacks) |
Dr. Francis E. Townsend | california doctor. comes up with old-age pensions. (He is an extremely left-winged liberal) |
old-age pensions | at a certain age, the gov should provide a pension for you that you have contributed to your whole life. (will become social security). |
Fr. Charles Coughlin | radio catholic preist. Pushes for these things: (free silver, inflation) (extrememly left winged liberal) |
“Share Our Wealth” | any money made over a certain amount should be taxed at 100%. |
“Economic Royalists” | wallstreet bankers, wealthy people (conservatives). Roosevelt says “economic royalists are unanimous in their hatred for me and I welcome it” |
Public Utilities Holding Company Act | Goal: break up of large utilities in order for real competition to occur |
Revenue Act | “soak the rich” - raised taxes on the wealthy. Attempt to steal the thunder of the “share our wealth” program. Called “soak the rich” by those who hated it. |
National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) b | ppl can file unfair labor practice charges, gave unions legal rights to exist |
Social Security Act (1935) | direct attempt to steal the thunder of Francis Townsin who had come up with the old age pension. It's an insurance program that ppl contribute to their whole working lives. |
These things are covered by what?: Unemployment insurance, Aid to Families with Dependent Children (AFDC), disability | Social Security Act |
Works Progress Administration (1935) | public spending on public projects at a massive level. |
National Youth Administration | a work and scholorship program for high school and college kids. |
Congress of Industrial Organizations (CIO, 1935) | “industrial unionism” - CIO opens up membership to everybody (for industrial unionism) |
GM and the “Sit-Down Strike” (1936-37) | they go into work but refuse to leave (remain seated) because they don't want ppl coming in to take their jobs |
Gov. Frank Murphy (Strike) | refuses to bring in state militia to break up the “Sit-Down Strike”. |
US Steel, “Little Steel” | US Steel signs a contract. “Little Steel”/smaller steel companies are much more violent. (Strikes) |
Gadsden, Ala. | named toughest anti-union city in America. Unions expereience much violence in attempt to bring a union in. |
Southern Tenant Farmers’ Union—H. L. Mitchell | attempts to orgranize tenant farmers. Incredibly violent. |
“Black Cabinet”—Mary McLeod Bethune, William Hastie | group of informal advisors to the president. |
Eleanor Roosevelt and the Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR), Marian Anderson concert at the Lincoln Memorial | Marian is scheduled to give a coscert at the Lincoln Memorial and the Daughter of American Revolution (DAR). They refuse to let her sing there because she is black. Eleanor Roosevelt resigns from the DAR as result. |
“Conservative Manifesto” (1938)—Josiah Bailey (NC) | rejects the new deal, opposes roosevelt. Bigs to mount the type of white southern resistance to the new deal that will eventually result in many southern whites leaving democratic party. |
Economic Report of 1938 | South as the “No. 1 Economic Problem” - designed to help south, but identifies south as biggest economic problem. Taken by south as slam in the face rather than an attempt to help. Hurts Roosevelt's popularity. |
The “Roosevelt Recession” (1938)—Henry Morgantheau, Treasury secretary | Conscervatives were criticising Him for too much spending so he agrees to make a lot of cuts (cutting back on Kaynsean policy). Results: double dip depression that occurred from this. |
$5 Billion Emergency Appropriation (April 1938) | gov begins to spend money again (returns to Kansean policy). This brings economy back up. |
Anti-Trust Division of the Justice Dept.—Thurman Arnold | actively begins to go after corporations that are too big. |
Fair Labor Standards Act (1938) | minimum wage, overtime pay, and abolishing child labor all become law. |
Hugo Black | (Ala.) becomes a member of the supreme court. He is a part of the FLSA (Fair Labor Standards Act). |
March on Washington | blacks marching for their civil rights. |
Fair Employment Practices Committee (1941) | a law to make sure that there is no discrimination in hiring. |
Indian Reorganization Act—John Collier | John begins to pursue a much more humane, progressive policy towards indians. Gov realizes that indians are not sub-human. |
Treaty of Versailles—League of Nations | ended WWI. So terribly crafted it pre-ordains WWII Leage of Nations was proposed by Wilson. Germany forced to take blame for WWI (causing much resentment). As result their economy gets busted. Inflation is out of control. |
Kellogg-Briand Pact (1928) | outlaw war as a method of foreign policy. |
Circular Loans | solution to solve international debt crisis – Chas Daws. Tried to allow americans to make massive loans to germany and austria, for them to be able to pay back their reparations. |
Yankee imperialism | latin americans believed that we were trying to control them. |
Fascism | an authoritarian and nationalistic right-wing system of government and social organization. – pride in the nation – militaristic |
Hitler and Nazi Germany | supremacy of white people. |
Aryan supremacy | whites were superior to all, especially jews. Gysies, gays, etc. |
“lebensraum” | Germany felt it was hemmed in. It needed space to grow. |
Sino-Japanese War (1931-41) | Japanese attack China, beginning of WWII. Japan was after materials. |
Chiang Kai-shek and the Kuomintang | Nationalist/anti-communist leader |
Mao Zedong | lead communists |
Reciprocal Trade Agreement (1934) | tarrif is cut in half. |
Good Neighbor Policy | treating latin america more kindly. |
The Nye Report (1936)—Sen. Gerald Nye (R-North Dakota) | we should have never gotten into the war. (American isolationism). We need to keep out of Europe affairs. |
World Court | US did not join the World Court (blow to Roosevelt) |
“cash and carry” | we'll sell non-military goods to beligerant countries, but they had to pay cash (no credit). Carry on their own ships. |
Geneva Arms Control Conference (who walks out) | Hitler walks out. |
London Naval Conference (who walks out) | Japan walks out. |
Munich Peace Conference (September 1938) | “peace in our time,” “Appeasement” - Hitler promises that his last territorial attempt is completed. |
Rhineland | French territory. Hitler takes this. |
“Anschluss”—Austria (March 1938) | Hitler wants austria too. Because they speak german, conscidered to be german. |
The Sudetenland (September 1938)—Czechoslovakia | they speak german, conscidered to be german, so Hitler wants them as well. |
Poland (September 1, 1939) | They don't submit to any of Hitlers threats. France and Britain say that they'll declare war if Hitlar invades Poland. Hitler invades, they declare war. |
Nazi-Soviet Non-Aggression Pact (1939)—Hitler and Joseph Stalin | German believe it is their destiny to take out the western front quickly. |
“Blitzkrieg” | poland, denmark, norway, netherlands, belgium, and France all fall in rapid succession to Hitler. |
Vichy Government | French ppl who callaberate with the Nontzies |
This person is known to be a fighter. Refuses to surrender. | Winston Churchhill |
The Blitz—Luftwaffe, V-1 and V-2 rockets | daily these rockets were being shot over english channel over on Britain. |
“Lend-lease” | US begins to lend or lease military equipment to Britiain and Russia to re-arm them to keep them on their feet. |
Invasion of USSR/Russia—Stalingrad, “scorched-earth policy” | Stalingrad germans have pushed into russia. Winter sets in and starts to freeze the Germans. Russians stop the nazi advances. |
USS Reuben James | US destoryer that is sunk by the Germans |
USS Greer | order to fire on sight on german vessels |
The Atlantic Charter | Churchhill meets with Roosevelt on board a british war ship and lays out the plans of the war WHEN the Americans come in. |
WWII | largest, most destructive war man has experienced yet. |
Pearl Harbor (December 7, 1941) | US gets involved after this (on the 8th). 8 US battleships were sunk, 200 planes, 400 americans killed, etc. Goal of Japan: take out american fleet. |
Axis | Germany, Japan, Italy |
Allies | Britain, France, USSR, and USA |
Manila, Guam, Wake Island, Hong Kong, Burma, the Philippines | all had fallen by may of 1942 in rapid succession by the Japanese (just shortly after Pearl Harbor). |
Battle of the Coral Sea (May 7-8, 1942) | First major allied victory of the Japanese. Stopped the (thought to be unstoppable) Japanese pacific war machine. |
Midway (June 3-6, 1942) | a turning point where US begins to take control of the pacific from the Japanese. |
Wanted to attack the nazis in Africa first | Winston Churchhill |
Wanted to invade France | Gen. George C. Marshall |
Kaserine Pass | Germans inflict a very serious defeat on the US. |
Gen. George C. Patton’s offensive | against the Germans, to drive them out of Africa. |
Stalingrad (winter 1942-43) | Russians vs Nazis. The Russians are victorious, finally stopping the Germans. |
Invasion of Sicily (July 1943) | Churchhill's idea to come from Africa, up through Italy, into Europe through way of Sicily. |
Monte Casino | Germans score big victory over the US and British. |
The Holocaust | 6 million Jews, 4 million others: Gypsies, Poles, gays, communists |
D-Day (June 6, 1944) | involved 3 million allied troops. (We made much progress) |
Omaha Beach | we missed our attacks because of the weather |
Patton’s 3rd Army | German resistance is worn down. |
Bastogne | Germans move 55 miles forward before they are stopped. |
V-E Day (May 8, 1945) | Allies achieve victory. |
Marshall Islands (Feb. 1944) | big victory for us. |
Battle of Leyte Gulf (October 23-26, 1944) | Largest naval battle in world history. This ends the naval part of WWII. Japan still will not surrender. |
Iwo Jima (Island battles against Japan) | The marines finally breakthrough and win this. |
Okinawa (Island battles against Japan) | Japanese employ kamakazi planes. |
The Fire-bombing of Tokyo—napalm - (Island battles against Japan) | we napalm Tokyo. |
Who receives word that we have the atom bomb? | President Harry Truman –We deploy first a-bomb in new mexico in the dessert. |
Drop A-Bombs here | Hiroshima (August 6), Nagasaki (August 9) |
V-J Day (September 2, 1945) | Japanese Surrenders. War ends in the pacific. |
Keynesianism ascendant | Keynes comes out of war being the ultimate economic theorist in the world. |
race riots that occurred during WWII | Detriot, Mobile |
The Zoot-Suit Riots (1943) | young latino youths wore these suits. These youths were attacked by mobs. |
Internment of the Japanese | Japanese are forced into camps after Japs attack US. Not quite as bad as concentration camps, but hardly given enough to survive. |
“Little Steel” Formula | an agreement with the small steel companies that there would be automatic union enrollment, but no strikes during the war. (There ended up being 15,000 strikes during the war) |
wildcat strikes | unauthorized strikes |
Office of Price Administration/War Production Board | set prices during the war to try to keep inflation from spiraling out of control, regulate economy. |
The Revenue Act | (“soak the rich”) - 94% tax rate for top 1% of population. |
Taxes, union growth, government debt | this all led to tremendous prosperity (this is all happening right after WWII) |
ENIGMA | US breaks the ENIGMA code so we know what the Germans are saying |
By end of war US and allies would have overtaken technologically. Many Germans fleeing the nazis and coming over to the US to devlope many things: | annevar Bush and MIT, German Jewish scientists, sonar, radar, B-17 “Flying Fortress,” the Ultra Project and ENIGMA, Alan Touring |
Cold War | tensions between east and west, (Russia and America). Cold because there is no shooting. However it does turn hot at times. |
containment | dominated US policy for a long time, theory: communism has to be contained, it will spread like a cancer (if one country became communist, other countries will become communist). |
The “Big 3” | FDR, Churchhill, Stalin. Americans and British promised Stalin that a western front would be open in 6 months. |
Casablanca (Jan. 1943) | effort for Roosevelt to meet with stalin and churchhill and iron out differences. |
Security Council | This is made up of 5 different powers. Any of these has the power to veto. So if something comes to UN and any one of these 5 countries vetos it, it's done. |
Dumbarton Oaks | is where we come up with idea of United Nations as a permanent organization to prevent another world war. |
East Berlin | Russian |
West Berlin | American, British, and French |
Yalta (Feb. 1945) | where Roosevelt Churchill and Stalin met to decide what to do w/ Germany and Polland after the war. US wanted Germany to be reconstructed and rebuilt. Stalin and Russians wanted Germany to be split up into pieces so it cannot threaten world peace again. |
Potsdam (July 1945) | Truman meets Stalin for first time here. They do not get along. Germany is split into East Germany and West Germany. |
West Germany | free |
East Germany | controlled by Soviets |
China Lobby | Identified with Gen. Douglas MacArthur who really wants to go to war with China. MacArthur has been running Japan. They look at Japan as the best chance at a strong American pro-domocracy, pro-capitalist influence in Asia. |
Marshall Plan | plan to pump in 12 billion dollars into reconstructing Japan and Europe. |
What happens to Czechoslovakia? | There is a communist take over of Czechoslovakia by the Soviet Union. |
Selective Service System | first military draft during peacetime. 18 year olds were forced to sign up for the draft. |
Atomic Energy Commission | Goal: work on the hydrogen bomb which is hundreds of times more powerful than a-bomb |
CIA | spy agency to gather intelligence about what our enemies are doing |
Dept. of Defense | They organize army, navy, airforce, coast guard. |
Berlin Airlift (1948-49) | Stalin decided to shut off West Berlin from the West. Solution: US airlifts supplies into West Berlin. Finally Stalin pulls back. |
NATO (north atlantic treaty organization)/Warsaw Pact | NATO agreed an attack on 1 is an attack on all so all 13 responded. Soviet union replied with Warsaw Pact which is same idea. |
NSC-68 | says US will become the free world's policeman. We will go anywhere and fight for anybody who wants to resist communism. This causes suspicion and distrust from the Russians (looks like we're attempting world domination) - “Free-World’s Policeman”. |
Korean war | N.K. invades S.K. N.K. take over most of S.K. Looks like Korea will become totally communist. Under MacArthur, US pushes N.K.s back, causing a stalemate. MacArthur wants to invade China. Talks with Truman, Truman won't let him. 70% of US backs MacArther. |
End of Democratic dominance | Truman is more and more unpopular. Democratic party has split 3 ways. |
Economic Reconversion | Economy has been booming under Kaynseinism and the wars. Korean War keeps economy going a little longer, Safe guards put into place by the new deal, (such as Social Security, different kinds of gov spending). |
G.I. Bill of Rights | lays foundation of rise of middle class after WWII, allow returning G.I.s (solidiers) to get loans to do things like getting a college education or buying a house, etc |
Truman’s intervention in labor disputes | When there's a massive coal strike, Truman seizes the mines from the operators, not tolorating these strikes. He tells them that He will send US army to run RR, during RR strike. |
‘Right to Work” laws | Decreased the number of union people in the country (35% to 7.8%). Any state can pass a law in which workers had voted for a union and the union would have to represent everybody in the work place whether they joined the union or not. |
Taft-Hartley Act (1947) | goal: weaken labor laws put into place by roosevelt. Taft was aimed to protect worker rights. |
“Dixiecrats” | conservative southern democrats |
“States’ Rights Democrats”/ “Dixiecrats” goal was to: | defeat/combat civil rights legislation |
Truman’s Civil Rights program | “To Secure These Rights” - Anti-lynching, anti-discrimination, anti-segregation, permanent FEPC, Clark Clifford |
The Fair Deal | national healthcare, public housing, a permanent FEPC |
The “Hollywood Ten” and the blacklist | if you refused to give names of people you knew were communists, you were placed on a blacklist, never to work again. Hollywood Ten lost their jobs and ability to get work in the future because of being blacklisted. |
McCarthyism—a “Second Red Scare” | Making accusations of people being unamerican/communist. |
Truman’s Loyalty Oaths | required to ensure that they are not communists |
The McCarran Act (1950) | all communist organizations are required to register |
Ethel and Julius | communist jewish people of the communist party. They were accused as ppl who passed secrets to the soviet union for the atomic bomb. They are executed. |
DDT | introduced as a miracle fertilizer. We later discovered it caused deaths, birth defects. |
Federal Highway Act (1956 | interstate highway system |
William H. Whyte, The Organization Man (1956) | modern coorporation is ruining individual expression. |
David Riesman, The Lonely Crowd (1950) | says that many people have repressed their own creativity just to fit in, even in the middle of the crowd, they are still very lonely. |
Michael Harrington, The Other America (1962) | poverty in America is far far more prevelant than ppl think. |
Warfare State | corporations are taking over the country. They're using fear of war to drum up business. |
Dien Bien Phu | After this battle, the French decided to abandon Vietnam (china) |
U-2 | US spy plane. We had one shot down and captured over Russia |
Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka (Kansas) (1954) | overturns plessy furguson. Supreme court will overturn “separate but equal”. Thanks to much effort of the NAACP. |
Plessy v. Ferguson (1896) | “separate but equal” |
“massive resistance” | effort to resist desegrigation. Mainly through legal means. |
the “Conservative Manifesto” (1956) | a rejection of civil rights. Massive resistance. |
“segregation academies” | private white academies that were not public schools, that white children would go to. |
Lynching of Emmett Till (1956) | black child was murdered by KKK. |
Arthurine Lucy and the University of Alabama (1956) | first black student to try to integrate UA. |
Little Rock (1957) | Central High School is ordered to be desegregated. Arkansas gov Orval Faubus won't allow it. Eisenhower demands him to desgregate or he will order troops to come in and do this. Faubus refuses so troops come in and desegregate. |
John F. Kennedy | Set the stage for the civil rights act before he died. |
Bay of Pigs | This was suppose to help Cuban freedom fighters, take over Cuba. Total failure. |
He signs civil rights act and voting rights act. He passes medicare and medicaid. | Lyndon Baines Johnson (LBJ) |
Engel v. Vitale (1962) | public school prayer is outlawed. |
Roe v. Wade (1973) | abortion becomes legal |
JFK’s Phone Call to Coretta Scott King (1960) | helped him establish friendship with civil rights movement |
Greensboro (NC) “Sit-Ins” (1960) | first major civil rights actions (organized). Nonviolent. They were just asking for service in places that were whites only. |
The “Freedom Rides” (1961) | group of rides on busses organized in the north. blacks from up north, some blacks from south and northern white liberal, violating segregation laws. Robert Kennedy sent US martial to protect the Freedom Riders |
Inaugural Speech of Gov. George Wallace (1961) | becomes gov of Alabama. He promotes segregation. |
‘Ole Miss (1962) | Jack and Bobby Kennedy and federal troops – a black student attempts to enroll. Kennedy brothers send in federal troops to ensure that she is enrolled. |
University of Alabama (June 1963)—Wallace’s “stand in the schoolhouse door,” | RFK and federal marshals - once again federal marshals escourt the student in. |
Murder of Medgar Evers | murdered in Mississipi. Black NAACP activist. |
Civil Rights Act of 1964—LBJ’s prediction | this is when blacks actually achieved their civil rights. |
“Freedom Summer” | college white kids decided to travel to mississipi and work for civil rights. they are arrested and then murdered. —Goodman, Chaney, and Schwerner |
Selma (1965) | March from Selma to Montgomery (civil rights march) |
Voting Rights Act (1965) | calls for federal supervision of the elections of the south to ensure fairness. |
Watts Riot (1965), Summer of 1966 | Race Riots |
“Black Power” | separatist, radical, violent, demanding |
The Black Panthers | Black Power movement lead by Huey Newton and Bobby Seale |
Malcolm X | Black Power movement. seen as ultimate threatening figure. Says white people are devils |
Berlin Wall (August 1961) | a wall constructed to separate east and west Berlin. |
Says Vietnam was most disasterous of all America's undertakings of all of it's history: | George F. Kennan |
Ho Chi Minh | Northern Leader of Vietnam |
North Vietnam | half of vietnam that is communist |
the 17th Parallel | a line drawn between north and south Vietnam. |
Diem reneges on free elections (1956) | we support Diem. Southern Vietnam leader. |
vietnam kills his presidency | LBJ (He is very effected/depressed by this war) |
The Rise of George Wallace—1964 and 1968 as an “Independent” | He used race as a tool to get things passed and get elected. (appealing to white southerners) |
Richard Nixon and the “Southern Strategy” | Nixon represents a conservative backlash. Talked about the silent majority (not protestors). Appealed to white southerners (racist) |
code words | saying words like law and order, other things which white southerners understood to mean blacks. Subtle way of appealing to white southerners |
Henry Kissinger | says that power is what people want to be around |
“Vietnamization” | Turning more and more vietnam over to the vietnamise. A way to pull out troops. |
Secret Bombing of Cambodia (1969), Laos | Nixon launches a secret campaign to bomb laos and cambodia. |
John Lennon | sings about anti-war. |
Kent State and Jackson State (1970) | college students protesting the war were shot down by state militia, national guardsmen. |
The Pentagon Papers | Daniel Ellsberg has papers proving that much of what is told to American public about Vietnam is a lie. He turns these papers over to the NY times and prints these articles. Nixon sues the NYTimes. Supreme court says they can print this. |
My Lai—Lt. William Calley | American troops are responsible for many deaths of men, women, and children. Calley is prosecuted as leader. |
The Easter Offensive | vietnamise launch a major offensive that routes south vietnamise forces, we respond by bombing them |
“Peace with Honor” | We're going to pull out of vietnam but it will be on our terms. |
The Christmas Bombing (1972) | Most destructive bombing of the war. We had 15 B-52 bombs shot down. |
Ceasefire (1973) | We pull out of south vietnam. South vietnam is immediately overrun by north Vietnamese. |
Fall of Cambodia—Pol Pot and the Khmer Rouge, the “Killing Fields” | Pol Pot is homicidal maniac, kills hundreds of thousands of people. |
Nixon and China | Nixon believed that if US began to open up with China and soviet union, the world would be a safer place. |
Nixon and the Soviet Union—Leonid Brezhnev, Détente | a toning down of the cold war between us and the soviet union. |