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Red Mod - Endocrine
Question | Answer |
Acromegaly | enlarged features, particularl;y the face and hands; cased by hypersecretion of (Pituitary) Growth Hormone, after puberty. |
adrenocorticotropic hormone | ACTH |
Addison's Disease | Chronic disorder of the adrenal glands caused by deficiency of cortical hormones. |
Adenoma | Tumour of a gland. |
antidiuretic hormone - Vasopressin: promotes reabsorption of water in the kidneys | ADH |
Adrenal Cortex | Outer section of the adrenal gland which secretes steroids |
Adrenalectomy | Surgical excision of an adrenal gland |
Adrenal Glands | Two bean-shaped glands situated on top of the kidneys which secrete steroid and sex hormones |
Adrenal Medulla | Inner section of the adrenal gland which secretes epinephrine and norepinephrine |
Aldosterone | Steroid produced in the adrenal cortex. |
Cortisol | A glucocoricoid secreted by the adrenal cortex. |
Cushing's Syndrome | Disorder caused by hypersecretion of the adrenal cortex, resulting in excessive production of steroids. |
Diabetes Insipidus | Disorder more common in the young, caused b inadequate secretion of the antidiuretic hormone (ADH), which causes excessive thirst and excessive secretion of urine. |
Diabetes Mellitus | A common pancreatic disorder involving insulin secretion into the blood, either in too much or too little quantities. |
Diuresis | Increased excretion of urine |
Dwarfism | A condition of being abnormally small; may be hereditary or an endorcrine dysfunction. |
Endocrinology | The study of ductless glands, their secretions, and their function of homeostasis. |
Epinephrine | Adrenaline- produced in the adrenal medulla. Increases heart rate, fate metabolism for energy, and dilates the bronchial tubes. |
Exophthalmos | Protrusion o fthe eyes due to swelling in tussues; often associated with Grave's Disease |
fasting blood sugar | FBS |
Follicle Stimulating Hormone | FSH |
Growth Hormone. AKA PGH | GH |
Gigantism | Abnormal overgrowth of the netire body caused by hypersecretion of Pituitary Growth Hormone before puberty |
Glucogenesis | Formation of glucose from glycogen. |
glucagon | Hormone secreted by the pancreas which increases the amount of glucose in the blood. |
Glucocorticoids | Steroids in the adrenal cortex that influence the metabloism of fates, carbohydrates, and proteins. |
Glycogen | Substance in which carbohydrates are stored in the liver for future conversion into sugar. |
Glucose | The most important carbohydrate in the body metabolism |
Glucosuria | Glucose in the urine. |
Graves' Disease | Disorder of the thyroid-hyperthyroidism. Characterized by abnormal weight loss, muscular weakness, and emotional instability. |
Glucose Tolerance Test | GTT |
Human Chorionic Gonadotropin | HCG |
High Density Lipoproteins | HDL |
Hirsutism | A condition of abnormal hairiness, expecially in women |
Homeostasis | A state of stable internal enivironment of the body. |
Hormones | Secretions of endocrine glands which regulate function of the body (i.e. testosterone / estrogen) |
Hyperglycemia | excessive amount of sugar in the body |
Hyperinsulinsim | Excessive amount of insulin in the blood-insulin shock |
Hypersecretion | Excessive secretion |
Hypocalcemima | Abnormally low amount of calcium in the blood. |
Hypoglycemia | too little sugar in the blood |
hypogonadism | under-development of internal secretions of male sex glands |
hypokalemia | extreme depletion of potassium in the blood usually lost in diuresis |
hyponatremia | exteme depletion of sodium in the blood, usually through diuresis |
hyposecretion | inadequate secretion |
intracellular fluid | ICF |
interstitial cell stimulation hormone | ICSH |
Insulin | A hormone secreted by the Islets of Langerhans. Essential for metabolism of blood sugar(glucose). Can also be made syntheticall and give by injection |
Islets of Langerhans | Clusters of cells in the pancreas which produce insulin and glucagon |
Insulin Tolerance Test | ITT |
Ketoacidosis | An acute stage of diabetes mellitus characterized by hypotension and, eventually, coma |
Low Density Lipoproteins | LDL |
Luteinizing Hormone | LH |
Lactogenic Hormone (prolactin) | LTH |
Metabolism | Processes in which substances are broken down or built up during chemical reactions that are necessary to maintain life. |
Melanocyte Stimulating Hormone (melanin) | MSH |
Mineralcorticoids | HOrmones in the adrenal cortex that regulate water and mineral salts (electrolytes) in the body |
Norepinephrine | Noradrenaline; produced int he adrenal medulla. Increases blood pressure and constricts vessels. |
Neutral Protamine Hagedorn - a synthetic insulin | NPH |
Obesity | Excessive accumulation of fat in the body |
Oral Hypoglycemics | Medications used to stimulate the pancreas to secrete insulin |
Pancreas | An organ that contains groups of cells called the Islets of Langerhans which produce endocrine secretions, such as insulin and glucagon |
Parathyroid | Four separate glands that are located on the posterior glands surgaces of the loves of the thyroid gland |
Pituitary Growth Hormone | PGH |
Pineal Gland | Pinecone shaped gland that is attached to the posterior part of the third ventricle of the brain which secretes melatonin |
Pituitary Gland | Hypophysis; pea-shaped gland that gland that is located at the base of the brain |
Polydipsia | excessive thirst |
Polyphagia | A condition of eating abnormally large amounts of food |
Polyuria | Excessive secretion of urine |
Parathyroid Hormone | PTH |
Radioactive iodine uptake test on the thyroid gland | RAIU |
Serum Glucose Tests | Blood tests to aid in the diagnosis of insulin deficiency |
Somatotropin | Human Growth Hormone found in the anterior pituitary lobe |
Thyroid Echogram | Ultrasound examination of the thyroid gland |
Thyroidectomy | Surgical excision of the thyroid gland |
Thyroid Gland | Largest gland on the endocrine system. Located in the neck, just below the larynx |
Thyrotoxic | Thyroid poisoning |
Thyrotoxicosis | Abnormal condition of poisoning of the thryroid gland |
Thyroxine (T4) | One of the two major hormones produced by the thyroid. REgulates metabolism and energy levels. |
Triidodothyronine (T3) | One of the two major horomones produced, stored, and released by the thyroid gland |
Thyroid Stimulating Hormone | TSH |