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Diagnostic terms 111

diagnostic and symptomatic terms (green box)

Acidosis Excessive acidity of body fluids
anosmia Absence of or decrease of sense of smell
Apnea temporary loss of breathing
asphyxia condition caused by insufficient intake of oxygen
atelectasis collapsed or airless state of the lung
Cheyne-Stokes respiration repeated breathing pattern characterized by fluctuation in the depth of respiration
compliance ease with which the lung tissue can be stretched
coryza head cold
croup barking cough
epistaxis nosebleed
hypoxeima deficiency of oxygen in the blood
hypoxia absence or deficiency of oxygen in the tissues
pleurisy inflammation of the pleural membrance
pneumoconiosis disease caused by inhalind dust particles
rale abnormal respiratory sounds heard on ausculation
ronchus resembles snoring
wheeze whistling or sighing sound on ausculation that results from narrowing of the lumen of the respiratory pathway
anorexia lack or loss of appetite
appendicitis inflammation of the appendix
ascites accumulation of seroud fluid in the abdomen
borborygmus rumbling caused by passage of gas through the liquid content of the intestine
cachexia general lack of nutrition and wasting occurring
cholelithiasis presence or formation of gall stones
crohn disease chronic inflammation of the ileum
cirrhosis chronic irreversible degenerative disease of the liver
colic spasm in any hollow organ accompanied by pain
deglutition act of swallowing
dysentery inflammation of the intestine
dypepsia epigastric discomfort after eating (indigestion)
dysphagia inability or difficulty in swallowing
eructation producing gas from the stomach
flatus gas in the GI tract
hematemesis vomiting of blood
obstipation intestinal obstruction
melena passage of dark-colored stool (bloody)
peristalsis progressive wavelike movement that occurs in the GI tract
steatorrhea passage of fat in large amounts in the feces
aneurysm localized abnormal dilation of a vessel
arrest condition of being stopped or bringing to a stop
arrhythmia inability of the heart to maintain a stead rhythm
cardiomyopathy any disease of heart muscle that diminishes cardiac function
catheter thin, flexible, hollow plastic tube
embolus traveling blood clot
fibrillation quivering or spontaneous muscle contractions
hemostasis arrest of bleeding or circulation
hyperlipidemia excessive amounts of lipids
implantable cardioverter-defibrillator corrects irregular heart rhythm
infarct area of tissue that undergoes necrosis
ischemia temporary deficiency of blood supply
palpitation sensation that the heart is not beating normally, possibly including "thumping", "fluttering", "skipped beats"
perfusion circulation of blood through tissues
thrombus blood clot that obstructs a vessel
stent slender or threadlike device used to hold open vessels
ascites accumulation of serous fluid in the peritoneal or pleural cavity
bacteremia presence of viable bacteria circulating in the bloodstream
graft rejection recipient's immune system attacks a transplanted organ or tissue
hematoma localized accumulation of blood usually clotted. in an organ, space, or tissue
immunity state of being protected against infectious diseases
lymphadenopathy any disease of the lymph nodes
septicemia blood infection
titer blood test that measure the amount of antibodies in the blood
articulation joint
claudication lameness/limping
crepitation dry, grating sound of bones rubbing together
exacerbation increase in severity of a disease or of any of its symptoms
ganglion cyst tumor of tendon sheath of joint capsule
hypotonia loss of muscular tone
talipes any number of foot deformities
multiple myeloma primary malignant tumor that infiltrates the bone and red bone marrow
phantom limb perceived sensation, following an amputation of a limb, that the limb still exists
prosthesis replacement of a missing part by an artificial substitute
spondylolithesis any forward slipping of a vertebra over the one below it
spondylosis degeneration of the cervical, thoracic, and lumbar vertebrae and related tissues
sprain tearing of ligament tissue that may be slight, moderate, or complete
strain to exert physical force in a manner that may result in injury
subluxation partial or incomplete dislocation
anuria absence of urine production
azotemia retention of excess amounts of nitrogenous compounds
dysuria painful or difficult urination
enuresis involuntary discharge of urine
fistula abnormal passage from a hollow organ to the surface or from one organ to another
nephrotic syndrome loss of large amounts of plasma protein by way of urine
nocturia excessive or frequent urination after going to bed
oliguria diminished capacity to orm and pass urine so that the end products of metabolism cannot be excreted
urolithiasis presence of stones in any urinary structures
wilms tumor rapidly developing malignant neoplasm of the kidney that usually occurs in children
anorchidism ccongenital absence of one or both testes
aspermia failure to form or ejaculate semen
balanitis inflammation of the skin covering the glan penis
hydrocele accumulation of serous fluid in the testes
phimosis stenosis of preputial orifice so that the foreskin cannot be retracted over the glan penis
varicocele swelling and distension of veins of the spermatic cord
fulguration destruction of tissue using a high-frequency electrical current
puerperium time after childbirth that lasts approximately 6 weeks, during which the anatomic and physiological changes brought about during pregnancy resolve
adnexa accessory parts of a structure
atresia congenital absence or closure of a normal body opening
corpus luteum ovarian scar tissue that results from rupturing of a follicle during ovulation and becomes a small yellow body that produces progesterone
dyspareunia occurrence of pain during sexual intercourse
endocervictis inflammation of the mucous lining of the cervix uteri
fibroids benign uterine tumors
menarche beginning of menstrual function
oligomenorrhea scanty or infrequent mentrual flow
perineum region between the vulva and anus
vaginismus painful spasm of the vagina from contraction of the muscles
abruptio placentae premature separation of a normally situated placenta
breech presentation fetal buttocks or feet present rather than the head
dystocia difficult labor
eclampsia most serious form of toxemia during pregnancy
gravida pregnant woman
para woman who has given birth to one or more viable infants
parturition process of giving birth
pelvimetry measurement of pelvic dimensions
acromegaly chronic metabolic disorder characterized by a gradual enlargement and thickening of the bones of the face and jaw
diuresis abnormal secretion of large amounts of urine
glycosuria presence of glucose in the urine
Graves disease hyperthyroidism usually associated with enlarged thyroid and abnormal protrusion of the eyeball
hirsutism excessive distribution of body hair
hypervolemia abnormal increase in the volume of circulating blood
panhypopituitarism total pituitary impairment that brings about a progressive and general loss of hormonal activity
thyroid storm crisis of uncontrolled hyperthyroidism
virile masculine of having characteristics of a man
virilism masculinization in a women or development of male secondary sex characteristics in the woman
agnosia inability to comprehend auditory, visual, spacial, olfactory, or other sensations
asthenia weakness or loss of strength
ataxia lack of muscle coordination in the execution of voluntary movement
aura premonitory awareness of an approaching physical or mental disorder (seizures)
cerebral palsy self-limiting paralysis due to developmental defects in the brain or trauma during the birth process
clonic spasm alternate contraction and relaxation of muscles
closed head trauma injury to the head in which the dura mater remains intact and the brain tissue is not exposed
herpes zoster painful, acute infectious disease of the posterior root ganglia of only a few segments of the spinal of cranial nerves (shingles)
sciatica severe pain in the leg along the sciatic nerve
syncope fainting
Transient ischmic attack temporary interference with blood supply to the brain
hydrocephalus accumulation of fluid in the ventricles of the brain, causing thinning of brain tissue and separation of cranial bones
neurosis unconscious conflict that produces anxiety and other symptoms and leads to maladaptive use of defense mechanisms
spina bifida defect in tissue that forms the brain and spinal cord, fails to close during embryogenesis
occulta form of spina bifida where one or more vertebrae are malformed and the spinal cord is covered with a layer of skin
paresthesia sensation of numbness, prickling, tingling, or heightened sensitivity
poliomyelitits inflammation of the gray matter of the spinal cord caused by a virus
achromatopsia severe congenital deficiency in color perception
chalazion small, hard tumor developing on the eyelid
conjunctivitis inflammation of the conjunctiva with vascular congestion
convergence medical movement of the two eyeballs so that they are both directed at the same object
ectropion eversion or outward turning of the edge of the lower eyelid
entropion inversion of the lower eyelid
epiphora abnormal overflow of tears
exophthalmos protrusion of one or both eyeballs
metamorphopsia visual distortion of objects
nyctalopia inability to see well in dim light
nystagmus involuntary eye movements
photophobia unusual intolerance and sensitivity to light
presbyopia loss of accommodation of the crystalline lens associated with the aging process
retinopathy any disorder of retinal blood vessels
trachoma chronic, contagious form of conjunctivitis commons in the southwestern states that leads to blindness
anacusis deafness
labyrinthitis inflammation of the inner ear that usually results from an acute febrile process
Meniere disease disorder of the labyrinth that leads to progressive loss of hearing
otitis externa Infection of the external auditory canal
presbyacusis impairment of hearing resulting from old age
tinnitus perception of ringing when no external sound is present
vertigo hallucination of movement or a feeling of spinning or dizziness
Created by: porter44
Popular Medical sets




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