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Final Exam
Question | Answer |
What would be the most likely cause of an iatrogenic disease? | an unwanted effect of a prescribed drug |
The best definition of the term prognosis is the _______ | predicted outcome of likelihood of recovery from a specific disease |
What is considered a systemic sign of disease? | fever |
Etiology is defined as the study of the what? | cause of a disease |
Hypertrophy of the heart would be related to what? | increase in the size of the individual cells |
A tissue in which the cells vary in size and shap;e and show increased mitotic figures would be called what? | dysplasia |
When a group of cells in the body dies, the cange is called ______. | necrosis |
Lack of exercise during an illness may cause skeletal muscle to undergo ____. | atrophy |
The inflammatory process is caused by _____. | any tissue injury |
Chemical mediators released during the inflammatory response include | histamine and prostaglandins |
Which of the following result directly from the release fo chemical mediators following a moderate burn injury | Pain, Increased capillary permeability |
Which of the following is an attempt to localize and c ontain the foreign material during an inflammatory response | Fibrinogen |
Edema or tissue swelling associated with inflammation results directly form | Increased fluid and protein in the interstitial compartment |
The process of phagocytosis involves the | ingestion of foreign material of cell debris by leukocytes |
Sytemic effects of sever inflammation include | fatigue, anorexia, and mild fever |
Replacement of damaged tissue by similiar cells is termed | regeneration |
Scar tissue consists primarily of | Collagen fibers |
patients taking glucocorticoids for long periods of time are likely to develop all of the following except _____ | Releif of fever |
A burn area in which the e[idermis and part of the dermis is destroyed is classified as | deep partial-thickness |
A woman has burns on the anterior sufrace fo the right arm, chest, and right let, The percentage of body surface area burned is approximately | 22.5% |
a large burn area predisposes to decreased blood pressure because | fluid and protein shift out of the vascular compartment |
Neutrophils are | primarily phagocytic cells |
Which cells are required to process and present antigens form foreign material as the intial step inthe immune response | Macrphages |
Humoral immunity is mediated by ______ | B lymphocityes |
When an allergen binds with IgE antibodies on mast cells, resulting in release of chemical mediators, this reaction is called | Typ I hypersensitvity |
The role of memory cells is | to support the immune response by recognizing certain antigens |
Which statement applies to contact dermatitis | a type IV reaction occures ina reas of direct contact with the causative substance |
An autoimmune disease means | Failure of the immune system to distinguish self from nonself |
Systemic lupus erythemoatosus is caused by | immune complex depostis of antinuclear antibodies |
Bacteria that form a cluster of spheres are called | staphylococci |
An anaerobe thribes and reprodeuces best in | the absence of oxygen |
The structure of a virus includes | a PROTEIN COAT AND RNA rna |
Which of the folloowing is a charaterisitc of rickettsia | Very small gram negative intercellular microbe |
The nosocomial infection means | Infection acquired in a hospital of medical facitlity |
The incubation period refers to the time peeriod between | entry of the pathogen into the body and the first signs of infecious disease |
A vaccine contains | Attenuated (weakened) or dead pathogenes or their toxins |
Culture and sensitivity tests are used to | identify the cuasative microbe and the effective antimicrobial agen for it |
The process of carciogensis usually begins witgh | an irreversibel change in cell DNA |
The most critical adverse effects of chemotherapy and radiation therapy include | throbocytopenia and leukopenia |
The spread of malignant cells through blood and lympyh to distant sites is termed | metastasis |
Which of the following cells in the gastric muscosa produce intrinsic factor and hydrocholoric acid | Parietal cells |
Which of the floowing is the primary site for absorption of nutrients | ileum |
which of the following iscontained in pancreatic exocrine secretions | bicarbonate ion |
Which of the following processes is likely to occure in the body immediately after ameal | glycogenesis |
Achalasia is best define as | lack of a nerve plexus to relax the lower esphageal sphincter |
Oral candidiasis is considred to | be an opprtunistic fungal infection of the mouth |
Congential pyloric stenosis involves | hypertrophy and hyperplasia of smooth muscle in the pylorus |
commons signs of acute gastritis include | epigastic tenderness and vomiting |
The pathophysiology of chronic gastritis includes | atrophy of the gastic mucosa with decreased secretions |
Prolonged or sever stress may predispose to peptic ulcer because | of reduced blood flow to the gastic wall and mucous glands |
The pathophysiology of peptic ulcer diesease may involve any of the following except | increased stimulation of mucus-producing glands |
Predisposng factors to choleithiasis include increased | billirubin or cholesterol concentratiuon in the bile |
Which of the following applies to hepatitis a IONFECTION | IT IS TRANSMITTED BYH TH E ORAL-FECAL ROUT |
The most common type of hepatitis transmitte by blood transfusion is | HCV |
Elevated serum levels AST and ALT during the preicteric stage of hepatitis result form | necrosis of liver cells |
Acute pancreatis causes massive inflammation and necrosis because of | activation and spread of preteolytic enzyems |
Esphageal varices are caused primariloy by | Portal hypertension |
Steatorrhea is best described as | bulky, fatty turd |
The typical changes occuring with Crohn's disease include | infalmed area of the wall of the ileum alternatingf with thick fibrotic normal areas |
An open or compound fracture occures when | the skin and soft tissue is exposed at the fracture site |
A Colles' fracture results when | the distal radius is broken |
New bone is produced by | osteoblasts |
AWhich of the following is correct about Duchenne's musculat dystrophy | Difficly clinging stair of standin up at 2-3 years of age |
All of the following predispose to osteoproris except | estrogen replacement therapy |
Rheumatoid arthritis is considered to be a/an | systemic inflammatory disorder due to an autoimmue reaction |
An attack of gout is precipitated by | a sudden increase in serum uric acid levels |
In ankylosing spondylitis, progressive inlammation begins at the | sacroiliac joints and progresses up the spine |
A myelomenigocele is described as | herniation of the meinigers, DFS, and spinal cord or nerves through the vertebral defect |
Generalzied seizures are charaterized by | the uncontrolled discharge of neurons in both hemishperes |
The clonic stage of a seizure consists of | Alternating contractions and relaxation of skeletal muscles |
Which statement does not apply to the patho of multiple sclerosis | Progressive random degeneration of peripheral nerves |
The patho changes in parkinson disease are best described as | Degeneration of the basal nuclei with a defiecit of dopamine |
common early manifestations of parkinson disease include | tremors at rest in the hands and difficulty initiating voluntary movements |
With amyotrophic lateral sclerosis there is a progressive degeneration of | upper and lower motor neurons |
which of the following statements does not apply to myashenia gravis | dementia develops in the later stage |
huntingtons disease | presents with choriform movements in the upper body and decreased ability to concentrate |
with alzheimers disease characteristic changs in the brain include | cortical atrophy with plaques and neurofibrillary tangles, impairing conduction |
the function of baroreceptors is to | notify the cardiovascular control center of changes in systemic blood pressure |
the term preload refers to the | volume of vennous return |
predisposing factors to thrombus formation in the circulation include | damaged blood vessel walls, immobility, prosthetic valves |
the basic patho of myocardial infarction is best described as | total obstruction of a coronary artery causes myocardial necrosis |
a reduced number of erythrocytes in the blood would result in | decreased hematocrit |
a deficit of all types of blood cells is referred to as | pancytopenia |
vitamin k is required by the liver to synthesize | prothrombin |
individuals with type o blood are considered to be universal donors because their blood | lacks a and b antigens |
compensation mechanisms for individuals with anemia include | tachycardia |
pernicious anemia is treated with injections fo vitamin b12 because | the ingested vitamin could not be absorbed into the blood |
the basic abnormality in thalassemia us | failure to synthesize either the alpha or beta chains in the hemoglobn molecule |
which anemia is considered to result from a malabsorption problem | penicious anemia |
common early signs of aplastic anemia include | excessive bleeding and recurrent infections |
in pernicious anemia antibodies form to | intrinsic factor or parietal cells |
in cases of polycythemia vera blood pressure is elevated primarily because of | increased numbers of circulating blood cells |
petechiae and purpura are common signs of | increased bleeding tendencies |
which statement applies to the disorder hemophilia A | hematomas and hemarthrosis are common |
which of the following occur when disseminated intravascular coagulation develps | multiple thrombi and deficit of clotting factors |
substances classified as anitcoagulants include | heparin, streptokinase |
which of the following is typical of hodgkins disease | initial tumor is single , painless, enlarged lymph node , often cervical |
nonhodgkins lynphoma differs form hodgkins usually presents as | multiple, scattered, enlarged and painless lymph nodes |
multiple myeloma is a malignant tumor involving | plasma cells |
multiple opportunisic infections develop with acute leukemia primarily becauseof | many nonfynctional immature leukocytes |
excessive bleeding is common with acute leukemia because of | decreased platelets |
the maximum volume of air a person can exhale after a maximum inspiration is called the | vital capacity |
normally the central chemoreceptors are most sensitive to | elevated carbon dioxide levels |
the term hemoptysis | bright red streaks, of blood in frothy sputum |
typical s/s of epiglottis includes | sudden fever, sore throat , and drooling saliva |
severe hypoxia develops with pneumonia because | oxygen diffusion is impaired by the congestion |
legionnaires disease is caused by | a gram negative bacterium |
select the statement related to tuberculosis | the microbe is an acid fast bacillus resisitant to many disenfectants |
the basis patho of cysic fibrosis is considered to be | an abnormality of the exocrine glands |
histoplasmosis is caused by a | fungus |
during as acute asthma attack respiratory obstruciton occurs due to | edema of the mucosa, increased secretions of thick, tenacious mucus |
destruction of alveolar walls and septa is typical of | emphysema |
chronic bronchitis is cause by | chronic irritation, inflammation, and infection of the larger airways |
the common source of pulmnary embolus is | thrombus formation if the femoral veins |
flail chest occurs when | several ribs are fractured at two sites |
psoriasis is a chronic inflammatory disorder resulting from | incresased mitois and shedding of epithelium |
which of the following statements regarding acute necrotizing fascitis is true | infection rapidly causes extensive tissue necrosis and toxic shock |
the itching associated with scabies results from | the mites burrowing into the epidermis |
which of the following skin lesions are usually caused by staphylococcus aureus | furuncles, cellulitis, and impetigo |
the charecterisitcs lesions of herpes zoster includes | painful vesicles along a dermatome or cranial nerve pathway |
infant repiratory destress syndrome results from | insufficient surfactant production |
thank you theresa | love ya bunches, |
i printed these all out and they are great | (blank) |