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TB Quiz

How does TB spread Through the air from one person to another. When a person with active TB disease coughs, sneezes or sings.
How is TB not spread by shaking hands, sharing food or drink, touching bed linens or toilet seats, sharing toothbrushes or kissing
s/s for Latent TB Infection none
s/s for TB Disease a bad cough for three weeks or longer, chest pain, hemoptysis, weakness or fatigue, weight loss, decrease appitite, chills, fever, and night sweats
Name the two TB related conditions? Latent TB infection and TB disease
Do people with TB feel sick? latent infection = no, disease = yes
Who can spread TB? latent infection = no, disease = yes
Results of skin or blood test for TB latent infection = usually positive, disease = usually positive
Chest x-ray and sputum smear results latent = normal and negative, disease = abnormal and positive
What does TB stand for? tuberculosis
Name the bacterium that causes TB? Mycobacterium turberculosis
Where does the TB bacterium attack? usually lungs, but can attack any part of the body....kidney spine or brain
Does everyone infected with TB get sick? no
What % of people infected get sick? 5% - 10%
How long does it take for an infected person to get sick? Some develope TB disease within weeks and others years.
Why does it take some people longer to develop TB disease? Increased risk for developing TB disease for persons whose immune systems are weak.
What are the two catagories for people at high risk for devloping TB disease? People who have been recently infected with TB bacteria. People with a medical condition that weakens the immune system.
Who are the people most likely to be recently infected with TB bacteria? Close contacts of a person with TB disease, Persons who have immigrated from areas of the world with high rates of TB Children less than 5 years old who have a positive TB test Groups such as homeless persons,Injection drug users and people with HIV
What conditions weaken your immune system making you a higher risk for developing TB disease? HIV, Substance abuse, Diabetes, Severe kidney disease, Low body weight, Organ transplants, Head and neck Cancer,and Corticosteroids
Treatment for Latent TB infections Isoniazid (INH), Rifampin (RIF)
Treatment for TB Disease Isoniazid (INH), Rifampin (RIF), Ethambutol (EMB), and Pyrazinamide (PZA)
Name the two phases for treating TB Disease. Initial phase = 2 months Continuation phase = 4 to 7 months
TB that is resistant to drugs is harder and more expensive to treat
Created by: MarybethMcCabe
Popular Science sets




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