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4020 term last wk


TMA Tricare Management Activity
NATO North Atlantic Treaty Organization
DEERS Defense Enrollment Eligibility Reporting System
NAS Nonavailability Statement
MTF Military Treatment Facility
HCF Health Care Finder
HBA health Benefits Advisor
ADSM Active Duty Service Member
SHCP Supplemental Health Care Program
CHAMPVA Civilian Health & Medical Program of the Veterans Administration
DOD Department of Defense
PERRLA Public Equal Round Reacting to Light & accommodation
LOC Loss of Consciousness
WBC White Blood Count
PA Posterior Anterior
CHAMPUS Civilian Health & Medical Program of the Uniformed Services
Beneficiary an individual entitled to receive insurance policy/ government program health care benefits
Sponsor Active duty service Member ( ADSM )
Service Retiree or Military Retiree an individual who is retired from a career in the armed forces, military retiree
Defense Enrollment Eligibility Reporting System (DEERS) an electronic database used to verify beneficiary eligibility for those individuals in the Tricare programs
Military Treatment Facility (MTF) All uniformed service hospitals/ health clinics, military hospitals/ uninformed service hospitals
Non Availability Statement certification from a military hospital stating it cannot provide the care needed
Catchment Area an area defined by zip codes, that is approximately 40 miles in radius surrounding each United states military treatment immediately
Urgent Care medically necessary treatment that is required for illness/injury that results in further disability or death if not treated immediately
Emergency a sudden unexpected medical condition or the worsening of a condition that poses a threat to life
Cooperative Care consists of services or supplies that maybe cost shared by Tricare standard under certain conditions
Health Care Finder A health care professional generally a RN who helps the patient work with his or her primary care physician to locate a specialist or obtain a preauthorization for care
Tricare Prime a voluntary HMO type option for Tricare beneficiaries
Tricare For Life A healthcare program that offers additional Tricare benefits as a supplementary payer to medicare for uninformed service retiree's, their spouses, & survivors 65 plus
Tricare Extra A PPO type of Tricare option in which the individual doe not have to enroll/pay annual fee
Veteran any person who has served in the armed forces of the US and has received an honorable discharge for at least 10years
Created by: deefuerte
Popular Medical sets




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