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Cardio 8 (myocardia)
Question | Answer |
What are the symptoms of neuroleptic malignant syndrome? | altered mental status, m ridgitidy, hyperthermia, autonomic instability, rhabdo |
What is the tx for NMS? | discontinue medication, cooling and IVFs, dantrolene or Bromocriptine or amantadine |
A young pt whose father died at age 30 in a MVA suddenly collapses and dies while exercising. What is the cause of death? | HOCM |
What are the common viruses that cause myocarditis? | coxsakie virus, influenza, EBV, CMV, Adenovirus and echovirus |
A south american immigrant has cardiomegaly and achalasia. What is the organism likely responsible for the pts dz? | chagas dz caused by trypanosoma cruzi |
What are the major Jones criteria in the diagnosis of RHD? | JONES: Joints(polyarthritis), pancarditis/valve damage, nodules(subcutaneous), erythema marginatum, sydenham chorea |
What are some of the drugs that can cause myocarditis? | cancer drugs(doxorubicin, daunorubicin, cyclophosphamide), chloroquine, PCNs, sulfonamides, cocaine, radiation |
What causes RHD? | untreated GAS infection, provokes autoantibodies to attack heart valves and joints |
Duke criteria is used for diagnosis of ______. | infective endocarditis |
What is Libman-Sacks endocarditis? | SLE patients present similarly to patients with endocarditis, but have noninfective endocarditis called Libman-Sacks |
What are the mcc of acute endocarditis? | staph aureus, strep pneumo, staph pyogenes, N.gonorrhoeae. |
What are the mcc of subacute endocarditis? | strep viridans(associated with dental procedures), enterococcus, fungi and staph epidermidis |
Should patient with damaged valves from endocarditis get prophylaxi before surgery or dental work? | YES! You do not need give prophy to patient with damage caused by RHD. |
Prosthetic valves are particularly susceptible to _____________infection. | staph epidermidis |
Which imaging tool do you use to help diagnose endocarditis? | TEE |
What are the HACEK bacteria (which cause negative culture endocarditis)? | haemophilis, actinobacillus, cardiobacterium, Eikenella, Kingella |
Describe the following peripheral sign of endocarditis: janeway lesions | painless petechia on palms and soles |
Describe the following peripheral sign of endocarditis: osler node | painful nodules on fingers/toe pads |
Describe the following peripheral sign of endocarditis: roth spots | retinal hemorrhages |
Describe the following peripheral sign of endocarditis: splinter hemorrhages | petechia under nails |
What is the best study to visualize a vegetation on a heart valve? | TEE |
What is the treatment for endocarditis? | long-term IV ABX (usually IV vanco) for 4-6 weeks. |