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Everest 345 mod b wk 3

abduction movement away from midline
adduction movement toward midline
atonic without normal tone or tension
atrophy wasting or underdevelopment of tissue
circumduction movement in a circular direction on a fixed axis
claudication limping
dystaxia difficult controlling voluntary movement
dystonia state of abnormal tone
hypertonia extreme tone or tension in a muscle
tenosynovitis inflammation of a tendon
antagonistic having opposite functions
ataxia uncoordinated muscle activity
contraction shortening or increasing tension
extensor muscle contraction that straightens
fascicle bundle of fibers
fascia sheet of fibrous tissue
flaccid relaxed, without tone
flexor muscle contraction that bends a body part
Kinesiology the science or study of movement
myofibrils muscle fiber
neuromuscular the relationship between nerve and muscle in motor innervations
oblique slanting
platysma neck muscle
sarcomere functional unit of muscle
spasticity state of increased muscle tone/tension
sternocleidomastoid muscle attached to the sternum, crosses the clavical and attaches to the mastoid process
tendon fibrous cord attaches muscle to bone
tonic state of continuous unremitting action
torticollis spasm of muscle in the neck
transverse crosswise
voluntary An action undertaken or controlled by a person's free will or choice
a- without
ab- away from
ad- toward
-asthenia weakness
circum around
claudicat/o limping
duct/o to lead
dys bad, difficult, painful
ex out, away from
fasci/o fibrous band
hyper excessive, increased
hypo deficient, decreased
-ic pertaining to
-itis inflammation
kinesi/o movement
my/o muscle
synovi/o sac pertaining to a joint space
tax/o coordination
ten/o extend, tendon
ton/o tension
-trophy nourishment, development
Created by: everest
Popular Medical sets




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