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Peds 3 (Infections)


Which vasopressor matches the following statement: theoretically causes renal vasodilation dopamine
Which vasopressor matches the following statement: high doses optimize the alpha1 vasocontriction epi
Which vasopressor matches the following statement: ADH analogue vasopressin
Which vasopressor matches the following statement: best choice for anaphylactic shock epi
Which vasopressor matches the following statement: best choice for septic shock norepi
Which vasopressor matches the following statement: best choice for cardiogenic shock dobutamine
Which vasopressor matches the following statement: causes vasoconstriction but with bradycardia phenylephrine
The next one, what medication is given to accelerate fetal lung maturity, for how long is it given and at what gestation is it no longer necessary? bethamethosone for 48 hours, no longer necessary after 34 weeks
A pediatric pt presents with red currant jelly stool. What is the diagnosis? intussusception
What are the clinical features of measles infection(rubeola)? prodrome for 2-3 days, fever, malaise, anorexia, and 3 Cs(cough, coryza, conjunctivitis), Koplik spots on buccal mucosa after 1-2 days. Rash 5 days after prodrome onset. Get erythematous maculopapular rash starting on the head and then spreading to feet
What is the tx for measles? supportive (antipyretics, fluids), monitoring for and treating of bacterial superinfections such as pneumonia or otitis media. Give vit.A
What are the classic features of rubella virus? low grad fever, lymphadenopathy(suboccipital & posterior cervical), rash that is erthematous with tender maculopapuoles that start at the face then generalizes. Fever is mild and generally only on day 1. Polyarthritis may be seen
What are the characteristic features of Coxsackie, hand, foot and mouth dz? constitutional fever and anorexia, oral vesicles on the buccal mucosa and tongue, small tender maculopapular/vesicular rash on the hands & feet and sometimes butt. Usually lasts 3-5 days
What are the si/sx of scarlet fever caused by ______ _______? caused by strep pyogenes. Rash is "sandpaper like", erythematous & blanching, starts on trunk then generalizes, spares palms/soles, prominent in skin creases. Strawberry tongue, beefy-red pharynx, cervical LAD, f/c, later get desqumation of hands & feet.
Patients with scarlet fever will have a _____(+/-)throat culture or rapid strep test. Positive
What are the characteristic sx of roseola infantum? sudden, high fever (exceeding 102F) for 3-4 days, rash appears when fever dissipates, starts on the trunk, spreads over entire body, lasts 24 hrs. Other findings: red papules on soft palate & uvula, mild cervical LAD, edematous eyelids, bulding fontanelle
What is the tx for roseola infantum? antipyretics PRN
What is PFAPA syndrome? Benign 4-5 syndrome consisting of Periodic Fever, Aphthous ulcers, Pharyngitis, and Adenitis. Occurs monthly(q28 days), usually in ages 2-5yrs. Benign and self limiting.
What is the tx for PFAPA syndrome? benign and self limiting. Glucocorticoids relieve symptoms in a matter of hours, cimetidine may be used for prevention of episodes but is of questionable efficacy.
What are the classic sx of pertussis (stages)? incubation 7-10days, catarrhal stag(7-10d)e: mild URI symptoms. Paroxysmal stage (1-6 wks): paroxysms of cough with inspiratory whoop that's worse at night. Convalesent stage(2-3wks): waning of sx
What is the tx for pertussis? azithromycin or erythromycin
What additional w/u, if any, is needed in a child diagnosed with UTI? voiding cytourethrogram and renal US if: child 2 mo - 2 yrs of age, male of any age, female <3yrs, febrile UTI or recurrent UTI, or red flags(abnormal voiding pattern, poor growth, FH or renal dz, HTN, abnormalities of urinary tract)
If a pt with measles required tx with medication, what medication would you use? Vit A
What are the 3 Cs of the prodrome of rubeola? cough, coryza, conjunctivitis
What are some causes of desquamation of the hands and the feet? scarlet fever, kawasaki, toxic shock syndrome, acondynia, SJS, mercury tox
How long is the incubation period for pertussis? What is the tx? 7-10days, tx=azithromycin or erythromycin
Which viral infection is characterized by sudden high fevers for 3-4days but is otherwise asymptomatic? A rash will often appear when the fever dissipates. Roseola infantum HHV-6
Which immunodeficiency matches the following description: cogenital heart defect + low Calcium + recurrent infections DiGeorge syndrome
Which immunodeficiency matches the following description: Chronic mucocutaneous candidiasis + chronic diarrhea + failure to thrive SCID
Which immunodeficiency matches the following description: Negative nitroblue tetrazolium test Chronic Granulomatous dz
Which immunodeficiency matches the following description: poor smooth pursuit of eyes + elevated AFP after 8 months Ataxic telangiectasi
Which immunodeficiency matches the following description: partial albinism + recurrent URIs + neurologica disorders Chediak Higashi syndrome
Which immunodeficiency matches the following description: X-linked in boys, B cell deficiency, recurrent bacterial infections after 6 months Bruton Agammaglobulinemia
Which immunodeficiency matches the following description: 3rd and 4th pouches fail to develop, no thymus present, tetany present, recurrent viral, fungal, and protozoal infections Thymic aplasia (DiGeorge syndrome)
Which immunodeficiency matches the following description: Severe recurrent infections(RSV, VZV, HSV, Measles, influenza), chronic diarrhea, failure to thrive, no thymic shadow SCID
Patients with which immunodeficient syndrome should you NOT give live vaccines to? SCID
Which immunodeficiency matches the following description: Immunodeficiency, thrombocytopenia, eczema, recurrent pyogenic infections Wiskott Aldrich
Which immunodeficiency matches the following description: IgA deficiency commonly, sinus and lung infections, associated with atopy/asthma, possible to get anaphylaxis with blood transfusions Selective Immunoglobulin deficiency
Which immunodeficiency matches the following description: Albinism, recurrent respiratory tract and skin infections, neurologic disorders Chediak Higashi dz
Which immunodeficiency matches the following description: hyperimmunoglobulin E syndrome, eczema, recurrent cold staph. aureus abscesses, course facial features Job syndrome
Which immunodeficiency matches the following description: delayed separation of umbilicus, abnormal integrins leukocyte adhesion deficiency syndrome
When do infections typicaly begin in children with immune disorders? after 1st 3 months of life
What are the clinical features of Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome? WAITER: Wiskott Aldrich, Immunodeficiency, Thrombocytopenia & purpura, Eczema, Recurrent infections
What is the management of chornic granulomatous disease? prophy TMP-SMX and INF-Gamma
Created by: shelybel
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