tearing, blinking -
wash hands, reglove, pull upper eye lid over lower, remove particle with moist cotten roll, use eye wash station
Cerebral hemorrhage
from a accident, aneurism, high BP, arteriosclerosis
Syncope symptoms
SUDDEN loss of consciousness,cold perspiration
Cardiac arrest procedures
supine postion, EMS, check pulse, pulse = no breathing = rescue breath. no pulse = 30 cardiac compressions (100permin), 2 breaths, AED, push hard and fast, may need shock, continue till EMS arrive
Respiratory Failure procedures
place patient flat on back, clear debris from mouth, rescue breathing
increased pulse over 100beats/min
Congestive Heart Failure
the heart is no longer able to circulate the amount of blood required for the body
Normal temp reading
Bleeding from a tooth socket procedures
pack with gauze, and patient bites down, wet tea bag, dont rinse