Clinic EmerencyFinal
show | Your temp is highest in the evening and lowest in the morning or while sleeping
show | 98.6F
Febrile | show ๐
Afebrile | show ๐
Pyrexia | show ๐
Hyperthermia | show ๐
Hypothermia | show ๐
What is a normal paulse for an adult | show ๐
tachycardia | show ๐
bradycardia | show ๐
show | on the radial artery with the palm down, use three fingers and excert light pressure, count for one min
normal respiration | show ๐
Prolonged bleeding symptoms | show ๐
show | compression with gauze, elevate injury, pressure point pressure, if in shoke EMS
show | pack with gauze, and patient bites down, wet tea bag, dont rinse
Bleeding from an extremity | show ๐
show | seat patient upright, breath through mouth, cold application to nose, press on nostril, dont blow nose, wet cotton roll if needed
Hematoma from local anesthesia injection cause | show ๐
Procedure for a hematoma | show ๐
show | labored or weak respirations or cessation of breathing, pupils dilated, loss of consciousness
show | place patient flat on back, clear debris from mouth, rescue breathing
Rescue Breathing | show ๐
Choking symptoms | show ๐
Choking procedure | show ๐
show | difficulty breathing, wheezing, chest pressure, sweating
Asthma attack procedure | show ๐
show | sharp pain, needles, sight of blood, uncomfortable environment, severe infection, anxiety, hemorrhage, vomiting, inadequate fluid intake
show | moist skin, cold/ clammy, thirst (polydipsia), EVENTUAL unconciousness
show | EMS, Trendelenburg position, open airway, keep warm, check vitals, do not give fluids
Anaphylactic shock is | show ๐
Anaphylactic shock symptoms | show ๐
Anaphylactic shock procedures | show ๐
Epinephrine.. | show ๐
show | interruption of the blood supply to the brain
show | blood clot in the brain
show | blood clot that has traveled from somewhere in the body to the brain
Ischemia | show ๐
show | from a accident, aneurism, high BP, arteriosclerosis
Stroke symptoms | show ๐
show | EMS, turn patient on paralyzed side, elevate head slightly, keep patient calm, O2 when needed, convulsion treatment, clear airway, CPR
show | SUDDEN loss of consciousness,cold perspiration
syncope procedure | show ๐
Congenital heart disease | show ๐
show | a complication of rheumatic fever
show | regurgitation of the blood and back flow into the left atrium
Infective endocarditis | show ๐
show | increased load on the heart because of elevated artieral blood pressure
Ischemic heart disease | show ๐
Atherosclerosis | show ๐
show | thickening, loss of elasticity and calcification of the artery wall
Monckeberg's arteriosclerosis | show ๐
show | sudden pain in the substernal area, crushing in chest
show | place nitroglycerin tablet under tongue, which is a vasodilator, EMS if not relief
show | increases respiration
show | heart attack caused by coronary embolism or coronary thrombus (blood clot in heart), that casues coronary occlusion (coronary thrombosis)
show | sudden pain but in longer duration
Myocardial infarction procedures | show ๐
Congestive Heart Failure | show ๐
Congestive heart failure symptoms of the left side of the heart | show ๐
show | systemic venous congestion with edema, swelling, prominent jugular veins
Congestive heart failure procedures | show ๐
Sudden Death | show ๐
Cardiac Arrest Symptoms | show ๐
show | supine postion, EMS, check pulse, pulse = no breathing = rescue breath. no pulse = 30 cardiac compressions (100permin), 2 breaths, AED, push hard and fast, may need shock, continue till EMS arrive
Hypoglycemia/Insulin Rxn | show ๐
Hypoglycemia symptoms | show ๐
HYpoglycemia procedures | show ๐
show | too little insulin, to much food
Diabetic coma causes Type 1 | show ๐
hyperglycemia | show ๐
show | the spilling over of sugar in the blood into the urine
polyuria | show ๐
show | fluid loss signals excessive thirst to the brain
polyphagia | show ๐
show | ketones accumualte in the blood = acidic
Type 2 diabetes | show ๐
show | slow onset, skin dry and flushed, dry mouth (polydipsia), fruity breath, rapid sighing
Diabetic coma procedures | show ๐
show | involve only one part of the brain, cessation of activity, staring spell, jerking muscles, no loss of consciousness
Partial seizure procedures | show ๐
show | trance few min to an hour, confusion, incoherent speech, temper
show | attack ends as abruptly as it begins, 5 to 30 seconds, rhythmic twitching
-remove objects from patients hand
Generalized tonic clonic symptoms | show ๐
show | place in supine position, open airway, prevent injury, place pillow under head, let patient sleep afterwards
show | one or more seizures that last longer than 30 minutes
show | skin redden, swelling, pain
show | skin reddens, blisters, swelling, wet surface, PAIN, sensitivity to touch
show | severe damage, skin burned off, lethery look, insensitive
show | EMS, do not give food or liquids, look for shock, put in cool water, clean with antiseptics, no ointment, dress lightly, elevate
Procedures for third degree burns | show ๐
Procedures for chemical burns of the oral mucosa | show ๐
Symptoms of internal chemical burn | show ๐
show | EMS, poison control, do not give wter milk or ipecac, do not induce vomiting
show | tearing, blinking -
wash hands, reglove, pull upper eye lid over lower, remove particle with moist cotten roll, use eye wash station
show | tears, stinging -
irrigate with lots of water for 15-20 minutes
show | patient cant close mouth, hot wet compress out side of jaw, chloromethane spray outside and inside jaw, stand in front of patient, place thumbs on occlusal surface and push down and back and remove fingers fast, bandage head to support jaw
show | ecchymosis (diffusion of blood into tisssue spaces), crepitus, depression of cheek, abormal occlusion
Facial fracture procedures | show ๐
show | swelling, bruising -
avoid touching root, rinse gently, place in milk or moist cloth, you havve 30 minutes to get to a dentist
flow of oxygen | show ๐
emphysema | show ๐
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