Usually as an adjunct to aspring and heparin, for the prevention of acute cardiac ischemic complications in patients with acute coronary syndrome, (unstable angina or non Qwave MI)
145. MOA of clopidogrel?
Inhibits ADP binding to its platelet receptor and activation of the glycoprotein GP2b/3a, because clopidogrel irreversibly modifies the ADP receptor, platelets are affected for the remainder of their life span. Platelet aggregation induced by agonists oth
53. What’s heparin?
Naturally occurring polysaccharide that inhibits coagulation
50. What is it dependent on?
Various factors including F8 product
63. What is heparin combined with?
Antithrombin 3 which inactivated thrombin
103. What is the warfarin indications for nursing and pregnant pts?
Contraindicated for 1st trimester of pregnancy, safe for nursing mothers
41. How is hemophilia A managed?
Primary therapy is replacement of factor 8
49. What is a major concern for pts receiving therapy against bleeding?