heard over trachea durning inspiration, obstruction of trachea/larynx
Bronchovesicular BS
Muted sound, with pause between inspiration and expiration, both are roughly the same length; heard over sternum between scapulae and rt. apex
High pitched, can either be monophonic (tumor, foreign object) or polyphonic (asthma)
Tactile Fremitus; increased
Something inside the lung; secretions, tumor, pneumonia,
Low pitched, sounds like snoring, usually because of secretions
Cheyne-Stoke's Breathing
Gradual increase, gradual decrease followed with apnea; caused by CNS depression, CHF
Vesicular BS
Normal; low pitch soft sounds, "whispering, rustling of leaves"; inspiration longer than expiration, heard over lung periphery
Paradoxical Breathing
Chest depresses on inspiration, expiration chest puffs; caused by chest injury
Apneustic Breathing
Prolonged inspiration, regular expiration; caused by brain injury
Bronchial BS
Normal; loud, high pitch, hollowing sounding; Expiration longer than inspiration w/ short pause; heard over upper sternum (monubrium) bc of the right/left main stem