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Created by: cndoke
Popular Paramedic/EMT sets



AlopeciaAnswer: Loss of hair.10false
ImmuneAcquired _____ Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS)20true
Abruptio PlacentaeAnswer: early separation of the placenta from the wall of the uterus.30false
Aqueous HumorAnswer: the fluid in front of the lens of the eye.40false
Acute CholecystitisAnswer: inflammation of the gallbladder50false
ApneicAnswer: having no spontaneous breathing.60false
epilepticthe first phase of a generalized _____ seizure. It is a sensation experienced by the patient that a seizure is about to occur.71true
surfacethe front _____ of the body, facing the examiner.81true
ArachnoidAnswer: middle layer of the tree layers of tissue that envelop the brain and spinal cord; lies between the dura mater and the pia mater.90false
unable to speak.Question: Aphasic101false
severea bacterial infection of the epiglottis. In children it can cause swelling _____ enough to cause airway obstruction.111true
Activated CharcoalAnswer: powdered charcoal that has been treated to increase its powers of adsorption; used as a general-purpose antidote.120false
AbductioAnswer: moviment d'una extremitat respecte la línia mitjana130false
AnaphylaxisAnswer: the most severe form of an allergic reaction resulting in shock.140false
AlkalineAnswer: having a pH above the normal level of 7.45.150false
Amino AcidsAnswer: organic compounds that form the chief structure of proteins.160false
ArteriosclerosisAnswer: a disease characterized by a thickening and destruction of the arterial walls, caused by fatty deposits within them; the arteries lose the ability to dilate and carry oxygen-enriched blood.170false
AneurysmAnswer: a weakened, bulging area of a blood vessel.180false
Auditory NervesAnswer: nerves transmitting hearing sensations to the brain.190false
processa term indication the presence of some abdominal _____ that causes the sudden irritation of the peritoneum and intense pain.201true