Question | Answer |
dactyl | finger ***finger, web fingers, duck, duck tail, dactyl*** dactylitis-finger inflammation |
lith | stone ***stone, speaking with stones in your mouth, lisp, lith*** lithotripsy-stone dissolve |
radi | rays ***rays, 4 letters, D is the 4th letter, ray+d= radi*** radiology-rays, study of |
manus | hand ***hand, help, man, manus*** manicure-hand care |
pedi | foot ***foot, pedal, pedia*** pedicure-foot care |
cranio | skull ***skull, houses brain, rhymes with brain, crane, cranio*** craniotomy- skull incision |
myel | bone marrow ***marrow, tomorrow, distance, mile, myel*** myeloma-marrow tumor |
pyo | pus ***pus, yellow ooze, yellow, lemon, lemon pie, pie, pus*** pyogenic-pus producing |
adeno | gland ***gland, sweat gland, sweaty dinosaur, a dino, adeno*** adenoma- gland tumor |
myo | muscle ***muscle, contract, spread, mayonaise, mayo, myo*** myoedema-muscle swelling |
arthro | joint ***joint, arm bend, throw, r+throw, arthro*** arthritis- joint inflammation |
spondyl | vertebra ***vertebra, spine, spin, spindle, spondyl*** spondylitis- vertebrae inflammation |
thermic | heat ***heat, temperature, thermometer, thermic*** thermobiosis-exists at high temperature |
cyto | cell ***cell, jail cell, the hole, site, hole, cyto*** cytology-study of cells |
ili | hip ***hip, cool, temperature, ill, ill+e= ili*** iliosacral- ilium and sacrum |
homeo, homo | similar, same, like ***same, same home, home, homeo*** homeostasis-same environment |
glyco | sweet, sugar ***sugar, doughnut, "o", gee like "o", glyco*** glycosuria- sugar in the urine |
madaro | falling hair ***falling hair, hair cut, sharp cut, arrow, mad arrow, madaro*** madarosis-loss of eyelashes or eyebrows |
osteo | bone ***bone, shell, oyster, osteo*** osteoplast-bone surgery |
calculi | stone ***stone, counting stones, math, calculus, calculi*** calculosis- stones |
chondro | cartilage ***cartilage, cart, apart, apartment, condo, chondro*** chondromalacia-cartilage, soft |
psych | mind ***mind, circuit, cycle, psych*** psycho- mind; study of psychology; mental processes |
orthro | straighten ***straighten, hammer, Thor, or Thor, orthor*** orthopedic-concerning deformities |
cele | tumor, cyst, hernia ***tumor, two more, sale, cele*** hydrocele- water cyst, tumor |
lip | fat ***fat, fatty, fatty food, passes through your lips, lip*** lipoma-fat tumor |
costa | rib ***rib, buying ribs, cost, costa*** intercostal-between ribs |
lingua | tongue ***tongue, eat, pasta, linguini, lingua*** linguiform- tongue shaped |
carpo | wrist ***wrist, drive car with wrists, carpool, carpo*** carpoptosis-wrist dropping |