Term | Definition |
Viscer/o | organ |
endocardium | epithelial |
myocardium | muscular |
apic/o | apic/o, apices. pointed extremity of organ |
body of an organ | corpor/o. som/o, somat/o |
base, or deepest part of organ | fundus |
arched part of organ or structure | fornix, fornic/o, fornices |
Hist/o | tissue that is parenchymal or stroma |
what are the four types of tissues | epithelial, connective, muscular, nervous |
cells | cyto/o, cellul/o |
metabolism= | anabolism + catabolism |
What is the standard position for anatomical position | individual is erect, face forward, arms to sides and palms/ toes forward |
What type of anatomy is cervical and buccal | ventral (head and neck) |
What time of anatomy is axillary and coxal? | ventral (trunk) |
What type of anatomy is inguinal and sternal? | ventral (trunk) |
What type of anatomy is manual | ventral (arms) |
What type of anatomy is crural and tarsal? | ventral (legs) |
What type of anatomy is acromial and nuchal? | Dorsal |
what type of anatomy is perineal and olecranal? | dorsal |
what type of anatomy is popliteal and sural> | dorsal |
What is another root word for inferior? | caudad/o |
what does medial mean? | facing inward from outermost part of body |
what does lateral mean? | facing outward from innermost part of body |
ipsilateral | occuring on same side of body |
contralteral | on opposite side of body |
proximal | leading towards |
distal | leading away from |
supine | upward facing in laying position |
prone | downward position in laying position |
dextrad | left side from anterior view |
sinistrad | right side from anterior view |
afferent | towards organ |
efferent | away from organ |
dorsal cavities | cranial and spinal |
Ventral cavities | thoracic, abdominal and pelvic |
words for thoracic cavity | mediastinum and pleural cavity |
words for abdominal cavity | diaphragm and peritoneum |
what is in the left upper quadrant | stomach and spleen |
what is in the right lower quadrant | appendix and mcburneys point |
what is in the left lower quadrant | munros point |
what is in the right upper quadrant? | liver |
sign | objective and observable signs |
symptom | subjective and patient based |
stromal | supportive tissue |
paraenchymal | does work |
epithelial | internal or external covering of organs |
types of muscle | heart, skeletal, visceral |