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MedTerm chpt 1/2

Viscer/o organ
endocardium epithelial
myocardium muscular
apic/o apic/o, apices. pointed extremity of organ
body of an organ corpor/o. som/o, somat/o
base, or deepest part of organ fundus
arched part of organ or structure fornix, fornic/o, fornices
Hist/o tissue that is parenchymal or stroma
what are the four types of tissues epithelial, connective, muscular, nervous
cells cyto/o, cellul/o
metabolism= anabolism + catabolism
What is the standard position for anatomical position individual is erect, face forward, arms to sides and palms/ toes forward
What type of anatomy is cervical and buccal ventral (head and neck)
What time of anatomy is axillary and coxal? ventral (trunk)
What type of anatomy is inguinal and sternal? ventral (trunk)
What type of anatomy is manual ventral (arms)
What type of anatomy is crural and tarsal? ventral (legs)
What type of anatomy is acromial and nuchal? Dorsal
what type of anatomy is perineal and olecranal? dorsal
what type of anatomy is popliteal and sural> dorsal
What is another root word for inferior? caudad/o
what does medial mean? facing inward from outermost part of body
what does lateral mean? facing outward from innermost part of body
ipsilateral occuring on same side of body
contralteral on opposite side of body
proximal leading towards
distal leading away from
supine upward facing in laying position
prone downward position in laying position
dextrad left side from anterior view
sinistrad right side from anterior view
afferent towards organ
efferent away from organ
dorsal cavities cranial and spinal
Ventral cavities thoracic, abdominal and pelvic
words for thoracic cavity mediastinum and pleural cavity
words for abdominal cavity diaphragm and peritoneum
what is in the left upper quadrant stomach and spleen
what is in the right lower quadrant appendix and mcburneys point
what is in the left lower quadrant munros point
what is in the right upper quadrant? liver
sign objective and observable signs
symptom subjective and patient based
stromal supportive tissue
paraenchymal does work
epithelial internal or external covering of organs
types of muscle heart, skeletal, visceral
Created by: Lyd543
Popular Medical sets




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