Question | Answer |
aorta | the major artery from the heart |
coccyx | the last four vertebra, or tailbone. |
malleolus | the knobby surface landmark of the ankle. There is a medial malleolus and lateral malleolus. |
carotid | one of the two major arteries of the neck, which supply the brain and head with blood. |
larynx | structure that houses the vocal cords and is located inferior to the pharynx and superior to the trachea. |
valves | structures within the heart and circulatory system to keep blood flowing in one direction to prevent backflow. |
coronary | blood vessels that supply the heart with blood. |
face | the area of the skull between the brow and the chin. |
midclavicular line | an imaginary line from the center of either clavicle down the anterior thorax. |
pulmonary vein | bein that drains the lungs and returns the blood to the left atrium of the heart. |
patella | the knee cap |
vertebrae | the 33 bony segments of the spinal column. |
lateral recumbent | a position in which the patient is lying on the left or right side. |
esophagus | a passage way at the lower end of the pharynx that leads to the stomach. |
sternum | the breast bone. |
venule | the smallest branch of a vein. |
diaphragm | a powerful dome-shaped muscle essential to the respiration that also seperates the thoracic cavity from the abdominal cavity. |
olecranon | the part of the ulna that forms the bony part of the elbow. |
posterior | toward the back. |
cranium | the bones that form the top, back, and sides of the skull plus the forehead. |
venea cavae | the principal veins that carry deoxygenated blood back to the heart. |
phanlages | bones of the fingers, thumbs, and toes. |
PNS | that portion of the nervous system located outside the brain and the spinal cord. |
midaxillary line | an imaginary line that divides the body into anterior and posterior planes; from the middle of the armpit to the ankle. |
epidermis | the outermost layer of the skin. |
central nervous system | the brain and the spinal cord. |
respiratory system | the organs involved in the exchange in gases between an organism and the atmosphere. |
capillary | a tiny blood vessel that connects an arteriole to a venule.. |
pulse | the wave of blood propelled through the arteries as a result of the contraction of the left ventricle. |
oropharynx | the central portion of the pharynx lying between the soft palate and the epiglottis with the mouth as the opening. |
lumbar | the five vertebrae that form the lower back, located between the sacral and the thoracic spine. |
pulmonary artery | artery that leads from the right ventrical of the heart to the lungs |
iliac crest | the upper margin of the bones of the pelvis. |
radial artery | a major artery of the arm, distal to the elbow joint. |
diastolic | blood pressure, the pressure exerted against the walls of the arteries when the left ventricle is at rest. |
tarsals | the bones of the ankle, hind foot, and midfoot. |
calcaneus | the heel bone |
anterior | toward the front. Opposite of posterior |
plantar | refers to the sole of the foot. |
trachea | the windpipe. |
maxillae | the fused bones of the upper jaw. |
proximal | near to the point of reference. |
Fowler's position | a position in which the patient is lying on the back with the upper body elevated at a 45 to 60 degree angle. |
medial | toward the midline or center of the body. |
endocrine system | a system of ductless glands that produce hormones which regulate body functions. |
carpals | the eight bones that form the wrist. |
mandible | the lower jaw |
xiphoid | the inferior portion of the sternum |
manubrium | the superior portion of the sternum where the clavical is attached. |
ventral | toward the front, or toward the anterior portion of the body. |
normal anatomical position | a position in which the patient is standing erect, facing foward, with arms down at the sides and palms forward. |
white blood cells | the part of the blood that helps the body's immune system defend against infection. |
intercostal muscles | the muscles between the ribs. |
femur | the thigh bone. |
extremities | the limbs of the body. The lower extremities include the hips, thighs,legs, ankles, and feet. The upper extremities include the shoulder, arm, forearm, wrist, and hand. |
supine | lying on the back. |
heart | the muscular organ that contracts to force blood into circulation through the body. |
plasma | the liquid part of the blood. |
circulatory system | the body system that transports blood to all parts of the body. Includes the heart, blood vessels, and blood. |
superior | above: toward the head. |
zygomatic | the cheek bones. |
thorax | the chest, or that part of the body between the base of the neck and the diaphragm. |
dermis | the second layer of the skin. |
orbits | the eye sockets. |
cricoid | the lowermost cartilage of the larynx |
scapula | the shoulder blade |
atria | the two upper chambers of the heart |
metacarpals | the bones of the hand. |
artery | a blood vessel that carries blood away from the heart |
midclavicular | refers to the center of the clavicle. (Collarbone) |
tibia | the medial, larger bone of the lower leg: the shinbone. |
inferior plane | everything below the transvers line. Opposite to superior plane. |
pelvis | the bones that form the floor of the upper cavity; the sacrum and coccyx of the spine, the iliac crest, the pubis, and the ischium. |
radius | the lateral bone of the forearm. |
thoracic spine | the upper back, or the twelve thoracic vertebrae directly inferior to the cervical spine. |
epiglottis | a small leaf- shaped flap of tissue, located immediately posterior to the root of the tongue, that covers the entrance of the larynx to keep food and liquid from entering the trachea and lungs. |
cervical | the frist seven vertebrae, or the neck |
bilateral | both sides |
distal | distant, or far from the point of reference. Opposite of proximal. |
ulna | the medial bone of the forearm. |
metatarsals | the bones that form the arch of the foot. |
lateral | refers to the left or right of the midline, or away from the midline, or to the side of the body. |
fibula | the lateral, smaller long bone of the lower leg. |
subcutaneous layer | a layer of fatty tissue just below the dermis. |
prone | lying on the stomach. |
bronchi | the two main branches leading from the trachea to the lungs, providing the passgeway for air movement. |
perfusion | the delivery of oxygen and other nutrients to the cells of all organ systems, whixh results from the constant adequate circulation of blood through the capillaries. |
platelets | components of the blood that are essential to the formation of blood clots. |
left plane | everything to the left of the midline. |
midaxillary | refers to the center of the armpit. |
femoral artery | the major artery of the thigh the supplies the groin and leg with blood. |
posterior tibial artery | a major artery that travels from the calf to the foot and that can be felt on the lateral surface of the ankle bone. |
midline | an imaginary line drawn vertically down the middle of the patient's body dividing into left and right planes. |
inferior | beneath, lower, or toward the feet. Opposite to superior. |
thyroid cartilage | the Adam's apple: the anterior cartilage that covers the larynx. |
systolic blood pressure | the pressure exerted against the walls of the arteries when the left ventricle contracts. |
red blood cells | part of the blood that gives it color, carries oxygen to body cells, and carries carbon dioxide away from body cells. |
transverse line | the imaginary line drawn horixontally through the waist to divide the body into the superior and inferior planes. |
vein | a blood vessel that carries blood back to the heart. |
humerus | the largest bone in the upper extremity, located in the proximal portion of the upper arm. |
dorsalis pedis artery | an artery of the foot, which can be felt on the top surface of the foot. |
dorsal | toward the back or spine. Opposite of ventral. |
ventricals | the two lower chambers of the heart. |
pubis | bone of the groin. |
joint | a place where one bone meets another. |
pharynx | the throat, or passageway for air from the nasal cavity to the larynx and passageway for food from the mouth to the esophagus. |
clavical | the collar bone, attached to the superior portion of the sternum. |
ischium | the posterior and inferior portion of the pelvis. |
Trendelenburg position | lying on the back with the lower part of the body elevated higher than head on an inclined plan. |
sacral | five vertebrae which are fused together to form the rigid part of the posterior side of the pelvis. |
abdominal quadrants | the four parts of the abdomen as divided by the imaginary horizontal and vertical lines through the umbilicus |