Chapter 18 Beef and Dairy Cattle Breed Identification and Production Management
Quiz yourself by thinking what should be in
each of the black spaces below before clicking
on it to display the answer.
abortion | condition that causes a pregnant female to lose her baby
alfalfa | hay high in protein
alveoli | tiny structures within the udder where nutrients are converted to milk
anthelmintics | dewormer medications used to control parasites
back rubbers | equipment used to allow cows to rub their back on a rolling bar that applies fly control chemicals
back grounding system | production system that raises calves to market size for profit
banding | method of castrating male livestock by using a tight rubber band placed over the testicle area to cut off circulation and cause the tissue to fall off
Bang's disease | common name for brucellosis
beef cattle | cows specifically eased for meat
bloat | air ingested into the stomach causing the stomach to swell
bovine | veterinary term for cow
Bovine Viral diarrhea | virus in cattle causing diarrhea and respiratory signs
branding | the use of extreme heat or cold temperatures to mark the skin with a number of symbol
brucellosis | reproductive disease of mammals passed through breeding practices
bull | adult male cattle of breeding age
calf | young newborn cattle of either gender
California Mastitis Test | test used to diagnose and measure the level of cell infection within the mammary glands
calving | the labor process of cows
campylobacter | bacterial infection that affects the intestinal tract or reproductive tract in cattle
castration | surgical removal of the testicles to prevent reproduction
caustic | chemicals used to butn horn buds to prevent horn growth
cold housing | building with no heat where air circulates out moisture and usually houses the entire herd as a group
colostrum | antibodies produced in the first 24 hours of the mother's milk to protect the immune system of the calf
commercial business | grade type of cow that is a mixed breed
concentrates | mixtures of food high in energy and fat
conformation | the body's shape and form
cow | adult female cow of breeding age
cow kicking | the direction of cows kicking to the side with their rear legs
cow calf system | production system that raises cattle to breed them as adults
creep feeders | equipment used to feed young calves that prevents adult cattle from eating the food
culled | to remove from the herd
cutability | quality and quantity of meat from a beef animals
dairies | buildings where cows are milked
dairy cattle | cows raised specifically for milk
dam | mother or female parent
dehorning | process of remoiving the horns to prevent injury to people and other animals
DHI program | Dairy Herd Improvement program that maintains records of dairy herd information
displaced abomasum | condition in cattle that causes the stomach to rotate out of place
DNA testing | blood or hair samples used to identify an animal's parents
dry cow period | time that milk production is stopped to allow the reproductive system to rest
dual purpose breed | breed the serves more than one purpose, in the case of cattle, both milk and meat producing breed
ear marking | notches made on the edges of the ear flaps to identify cattle
ear tag identification | tags with numbers applied to the ears by piercing the ear flap
elastrator | instrument used to stretch bands over the testicles for castration
emasculator | surgical tool used to cut the spermatic cord during a castration procedure
family sized herd | a group of fewer that 100 head of cattle
feedlot size | the ideal weight of calves that increases size and profit
finishing system | production system that produces a calf through the entire adult stage and then sold as meat or for breeding
forager | animal that eats grass and pasture
free choice | food that is given in large quantities and available at all times
freemartin | adult cow that is sterile and now able to reproduce
freshening | the labor process of dairy animals
genetic flaws | undesired traits of characteristics passed from one or both parents to the offspring
gestation cycle | length of pregnancy
grass tetany | condition in cattle due to eating rich pasture high in nitrogen gases, causes abdominal pain
halter | equipment that fits over the head and is used to control the animal
heifer | young female cow that has not yet been bred
herd | group of cattle
herd health manager | person that maintains the records and and health care of a herd of cattle
horn bud | area of horn growth on top of the head
hypocalcemia | milk fever, condition causing low blood calcium
infectious bovine rhinotracheitis | respiratory virus affecting cattle, commonly called red nose
infertility | not capable of reproducing
insecticides | sprays and pour on chemicals used to control flies and other insects
ketosis | condition in dairy cattle that causes low blood sugar
lactation | the process of milk production
large size herd | a group of more than 100 head of cattle
lead | rope that attaches to a halter and is used to walk an animal
leptospirosis | bacterial disease transmitted in urine of infected animals
liquid manure system | costly waste removal system used on large farms and requires above or below ground storage tanks with water added for ease of pumping
manure | waste material high in nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium
marbling | appearance of intramuscular fat within the meat
market weight | adult weight of cattle when they are sold for beef
mastitis | inflammation of the mammary gland
metabolic disease | conditions that cause a chemical change within the body, usually from stres
microchips | electronic identification in a computer chip placed under the skin
milk fever | low blood calcium condition called hypocalcemia
milking herd | group of cattle used to produce high quality amounts of milk
nasal septum | cartilage between the nostrils
neck tag identification | tag with numbers worn around the neck of cows to identify them
nose printing | methods similar to finger printing in which the lines of the nose are imprinted for identification
nose tongs | equipment placed in the nasal septum to apply pressure and allow leading
offspring | young animals produced by male and female animal
palatability | how well food tasts and is eaten
pedigree | the parents and breeding lines of animal's offspring
polled | no horn growth
predicted transmitting ability | how well food tastes and is eaten
progeny | offspring
purebred business | registered breed of cattle that has pedigrees
pushing | moving cattle by walking toward them quietly and calmly so they move away into another area
quarters | sections of the mammary glands that store milk
reefing | restraint procedure using rope to place a cow on the ground for restraint
retained placenta | reproductive condition in female animals where the afterbirth materials have not passed within eight hours after labor
roughage | hay or grass source fed to livestock and ruminants
selection guidelines | set of rules that state the standards of the type of cow and how it is chosen for a production program
sepsis | conditions when toxins enter the bloodstream causing a severe infection
silos | tall storage buildings that keep food free of moisture
sire | male parent
slough | tissue that dies and falls off
solid manure system | waste material system low in cost where manure is collected and removed ona daily basis and store on a pile away from cattle
sound | showing not signs of lameness or injury
springing heifer | young female cow that is pregnant with the first calf
square knot | knot tie looped into a square and used to tie and untie cattle easily
squeeze chute | cage like structure made of metal pipes that holds a cow and prevents the cow from kicking during restraint
stanchion | head gate that holds the head of a cow in place during restraint
starter food | easily digestible food for calves as they begin eating
steer | castrated male cattle
tail switch restraint | restraint method of twisting the tail at the base to prevent a cow from kicking and moving
tattoos | numbers applied to the skin using an electronic needle with ink
teats | sections of the mammary gland used to produce milk
total herd | cows that have replacement heifers when the adult cows become too old to continue milk production and breeding
total mix ration | nutrients needed daily within a mixture of high quality products
udders | mammary glands in dairy animals that produce milk
warm housing | heated building that holds cattle in the winter and is insulated with individual stalls for each cow
Review the information in the table. When you are ready to quiz yourself you can hide individual columns or the entire table. Then you can click on the empty cells to reveal the answer. Try to recall what will be displayed before clicking the empty cell.
To hide a column, click on the column name.
To hide the entire table, click on the "Hide All" button.
You may also shuffle the rows of the table by clicking on the "Shuffle" button.
Or sort by any of the columns using the down arrow next to any column heading.
If you know all the data on any row, you can temporarily remove it by tapping the trash can to the right of the row.
To hide a column, click on the column name.
To hide the entire table, click on the "Hide All" button.
You may also shuffle the rows of the table by clicking on the "Shuffle" button.
Or sort by any of the columns using the down arrow next to any column heading.
If you know all the data on any row, you can temporarily remove it by tapping the trash can to the right of the row.
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