Quiz yourself by thinking what should be in
each of the black spaces below before clicking
on it to display the answer.
show | Retracted with a penrose drain
Polyglycolic acid sutures are | show 🗑
The pounds of pressure necessary in a flash steam sterilizer set a 270 F is | show 🗑
A pt is having elective surgery. The nurse notes that her white cell count is 14,000 cu mm. This would indicate that | show 🗑
Distal refers to | show 🗑
Meckel's diverticulum is found in the | show 🗑
In which case would a Frazier suction be used? | show 🗑
Airborne contamination is reduced by recirculation of filtered outside air at a rate of | show 🗑
show | ensure safe and healthful working conditions
Body heat in pediatric pts is controlled with all the following EXCEPT | show 🗑
show | accept permission by phone, telegram, or in written communication
show | 3 minutes
A retention suture passes through all of the following EXCEPT | show 🗑
show | Indirect
Dead space is the space | show 🗑
show | 30 minutes
Funnel chest is also known as | show 🗑
Which trm denotes low or decreased blood volume | show 🗑
Injection of contrast media into the brachial, carotid, or vertebral artery to study the intra-cranial vessels is called | show 🗑
show | 10 min at 270F
show | nonabsorbable
show | ascending colon
Dacryo refers to | show 🗑
show | below stretcher level
The maximum size of a linen pack must not exceed | show 🗑
Another name for a stay suture is a | show 🗑
show | cystic duct, cystic artery
Adeno means | show 🗑
show | gentle and slow in order to prevent circulatory depression
show | increase the temperature of the steam
show | silk
show | abdominal perineal resection
The term for fluid or water in the ventricles of the brain is | show 🗑
The pt may be left on the transport stretcher unattended | show 🗑
show | 100C
An anti-inflammatory drug whose effect is useful in reversing early rejection of organ transplants in | show 🗑
show | pyloric stenosis
show | basin-like depression
A procedure performed to treat myasthenia gravis is a(n) | show 🗑
show | decrease coughing
A procedure that is done to give the bowel a rest when there is advanced inflammation is | show 🗑
show | Duval
Heat-sensitive items that can be completely immersed can be processed via the______in 30 min | show 🗑
show | 50 mL of 1% solution
show | deficient blood supply to a part
show | push the stretcher from the head
show | can be reused
show | retractor
show | head
The purpose of the two-way stopcock on a verres needle is | show 🗑
show | fistula in ano
show | escharectomy
The method of sterilization used for liquids is | show 🗑
Medullary canal reamers are used to insert | show 🗑
show | epigastric hernia
show | reverse trendelenburg
show | cell protein
show | laparoscope
show | ultraclean air, controlled filter, dilution, and distribution of air, and unidirectional positive-pressure stream of air
A rotator cuff tear would occur in the | show 🗑
Which position would be chosen for a pneumonectomy? | show 🗑
show | the lumen should be blown out with air to force-dry before packaging
A rib raspatory is a | show 🗑
show | Mixter
show | Jennings
show | 30 days
How are the legs placed in the lateral position? | show 🗑
Which statement regarding the changing of a glove during an operation is TRUE? | show 🗑
show | ventilation provides a minimum of 20-30 air exchanges per hour, scavenger systems prevent buildup of anesthetic gases*humidity is kept at 20-30%*, room temp is 68-76%
How many thoracic vertebrae are there? | show 🗑
When moving a pt from lithotomy position | show 🗑
show | it may never be used
show | Yankauer
The most susceptible organ to laer injury is the | show 🗑
The principal hazard encountered in splenectomy is | show 🗑
When assisting with a cast application one must | show 🗑
show | Thromboembolism
Which is an acceptable means of pouring a sterile solution onto a sterile field? | show 🗑
show | Peroneal
What advantage is phacoemulsification for cataract removal? | show 🗑
The structure that covers the entrance of the laryx when one swallows, thus preventing food from entering the airway(trachea) is called? | show 🗑
Physiologic salt solution used intravenously when the body needs additional sodium, calcium, and potassium is | show 🗑
show | Prevent pressur on the lower arm
A viscous jelly used to occupy space, thus preventing damage, in anterior segment surgery of the eye is | show 🗑
show | Collodian
show | Marcaine
The instrument used to measure the depth of the uterus during a dilation and curettage is a | show 🗑
show | Decrease secretion of gastric acid
Before surgery, elastic bandages or special stockings are sometimes applied to the lover extremities to | show 🗑
Surgical masks should be changed | show 🗑
Why would benzoin be applied to the skin before dressing application | show 🗑
show | Shirodkar
Pneumoperitioneum is effected by instilling gas into the peritoneal cavity by way of a | show 🗑
In addition to providing bladder drainage following a suprapubic prostatectomy, a foley catheter | show 🗑
show | A conductive strap in direct contact with the pts skin, with one end of the strap fastened to the OR table metal frame
Safety during use of the defibrillator includes all of the following EXCEPT | show 🗑
show | Heparin
Nipple reconstruction can be enhanced by the use of a(n) | show 🗑
show | Above the kidney
The following are all contraindications to vaginal hysterectomy EXCEPT | show 🗑
Instruments used to close the vaginal vault in an abdominal hysterectomy must be | show 🗑
The addition of adrenalin to a local anesthetic provides | show 🗑
During laser surgery, each of the following policies must be adhered to EXCEPT | show 🗑
There are ___ parathyroids | show 🗑
show | Hemovac
The sphincter at the junction of the small and large intestine is the | show 🗑
show | Hep B
show | Methylene blue
Which stage of wound healing takes place when there is tissue loss with an inability to approximate wound edge? | show 🗑
An abnormal accumulation of fluid in the tunica vaginalis is referred to as a | show 🗑
show | Elevator
show | Cranioplasty
show | Wear double gloves,masks and protective eyewear worn,**NEEDLES RESHEATHED**,universal precautions undertaken
Health care workers who are potentially exposed to blood, can be vaccinated to prevent | show 🗑
show | Suprapubic cystostomy catheterization
A common radiopaque contrast medium used in the OR is | show 🗑
What is the purpose of a chest tube and water-seal drainage? | show 🗑
show | Respiratory function
show | Weitlaner
A double-bowl-shaped glass evacuator used to irrigate the bladder during transurethral surgery is called | show 🗑
An approach to infection control designed to prevent transmission of blood-borne diseases in health care settings is called | show 🗑
show | Prostate
In which intention of healing is there a wide, fibrous scar? | show 🗑
show | Staphylococcus Aureus
show | Osmotic diuretic
The organism causing hepatitis B is a | show 🗑
show | Cortisone
Hemorrhage is suspected if | show 🗑
show | 5
show | Wrist
Documenting,tracking,and registering are mandated for | show 🗑
show | Phimosis
show | Second
show | Anaerobes
show | Pancreas
show | Pituitary
show | Osteomyelitis
Oxytocics are used to | show 🗑
show | Mason-Judd
show | Beckman-Adson
show | Adhesions
show | Hakim
A spinal fusion is usually effected by auto-genous grafts taken from the pts | show 🗑
show | Thromboembolism, fat embolism, infection
Nonunion of bone can be treated with | show 🗑
show | Categorization,Series
Nosocomial infection refers to | show 🗑
show | Remains sterile and keeps tables sterile
show | Nonsterile
show | Provide long-term drainage in ureteral obstruction
Uterotubal insufflation is a | show 🗑
show | 120
Which of the following inst. is not found in a vaginal procedure? | show 🗑
show | Colporrhaphy
Which nasal sinus can be approached only through an external eyebrow incision? | show 🗑
Which sinus is surgically opened in a Caldwell-Luc procedure? | show 🗑
show | Kuntschner nail
The second cranial nerve is the | show 🗑
The normal body temp in centigrade measurement is | show 🗑
show | To assess arterial gases
show | Levin
A tissue expander would be used for | show 🗑
show | Distend the bladder walls for visualization
show | Debridement
show | Blepharoplasty
show | Pterygium
show | Arch Bar
show | Nasal
Lacrimal probes are called | show 🗑
show | Tympanic membrane
Which of the following appliances can be used for intramedullary fixation of a femur? | show 🗑
show | Heartbeat less than 60 beats per min
If a needle punctures a sterile team members glove | show 🗑
A Tenckhoff catheter is placed into | show 🗑
The needle used for a liver biopsy is | show 🗑
Each of the following treats glaucoma EXCEPT | show 🗑
show | Myringotomy knife
In which surgical specialty would a perfusionist be neccessary? | show 🗑
The preferred method of gloving is__In changing during a case, this method___be used | show 🗑
show | Restore fluid volume quickly
show | Contaminated
The malleus, incus, and stapes are located in the | show 🗑
Protective goggles are worn during CO2laser surgery to | show 🗑
When gloving a surgeon | show 🗑
show | Abduction pillow
The blue-green wavelength produced by a laser that is capable of treating retinal detachment,diabetic retinopathy, and macular neovascular lesion is | show 🗑
show | The pt is reprepped, and new drapes and instruments are used
At which artery is the blood pressure taken? | show 🗑
show | Destroy bacteria
show | Produce hormones
Oxygenated blood is returned to the left atrium of the heart from the lungs via the | show 🗑
Bile is manufactured in the___and stored in the___ | show 🗑
show | Median
When intraoperative cultures are obtained, each of the following is EXCEPT | show 🗑
show | Potts-Smith
show | Separation of layers of surgical wound
The first part of the small intestine is known as the | show 🗑
show | Escherichia Coli
show | Sodium Bicarbonate
show | Check integrity of balloon by inflating it with the correct amount of sterile water prior to insertion
The proper setting for a tourniquet applied to the thigh is about | show 🗑
show | Litholapaxy
The surgical procedure performed electively as a permanent method of sterilization is | show 🗑
When doing a skin prep, which includes a draining sinus, the contaminated area is | show 🗑
The portion of the stomach located at the approach to the small intestine is the | show 🗑
show | Lasix
The normal bladder capacity is | show 🗑
Rectal surgery preparation is done | show 🗑
When changing a gown during a case, the____is(are)removed first,the____second, and a rescrub is____ | show 🗑
show | Mesh Dermatome
show | Stent
show | Preoperative visit
The kidneys are held in place by the | show 🗑
A culture and sensitivity is done to | show 🗑
Which of the following is considered the most effective agent for scrubbing? | show 🗑
show | Alexanders periosteotome,Duval forceps,**JOSEPHS SAW**,Levsche knife
Transcutaneous electric nerve stimulation(TENS)would be utilized for | show 🗑
During basic femoral head fixation, the length and position of the implant is determined by the use of | show 🗑
show | Biologic vascular
Fingerlike projections at the end of the fallopian tubes are called | show 🗑
All of the following are true of self-adhering plastic incision drapes EXCEPT | show 🗑
show | KELOID
All of the following statements are true during deep vaginal procedures EXCEPT | show 🗑
show | HEP B
Staphylococcus is usually transmitted by | show 🗑
A bacteria with a thick coat that protects it from temperature extremes or strong chemicals is a | show 🗑
show | Discard it from the field and cover the area with another sterile drape
show | SWAN-GANZ
What procedure is accomplished to relieve myasthenia gravis? | show 🗑
Which specimen would be placed in formalin? | show 🗑
Alegal wrong committed by one person involving injury to another person is called? | show 🗑
show | Invasion of privacy
show | Protect the gloved hands by cuffing the end of the sheet over them
A chronic granulomatous inflammation of a meibomian gland in the eyelid is a(n) | show 🗑
A drug given preoperatively that enables the liver to prouce clotting factors in blood is | show 🗑
show | When a contaminated area of the intestinal tract is entered
A slowly progressive contracture of the palmar fascia is called | show 🗑
If rubber suction tubing is to be reused | show 🗑
Who is responsible for the final count when reliefs have taken place during the case? | show 🗑
Which of the following statements is a contraindication to intraocular lens(IOL) implant? | show 🗑
Neo-Synephrine is | show 🗑
show | Injuries sustained by the pt in the OR due to negligence
show | Discard gown,gloves,caps,masks,and shoe covers before leaving OR suite
show | Constrict the pupil
a neuro headrest skull clamp is called | show 🗑
A _______ is a mouth gag | show 🗑
Specialized instruments for a cleft lip repair would include | show 🗑
show | cydex
show | Steris
show | between 14 and 28 days
Packages wrapped in musulin must have | show 🗑
show | the contents must be used or discareded after the bottle is opened
show | 1 inch or more
The room temperature in the OR should be | show 🗑
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Popular Medical sets