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Radiation Therapy Treatment Planning

Quiz yourself by thinking what should be in each of the black spaces below before clicking on it to display the answer.

show Communication tool between the radiation oncologist and the treatment planning and delivery team (medical dosimetrist and radiation therapist) and provides the information required to administer the appropriate radiation treatment (W/L, pg. 493).  
Components of RT prescription   show
show Refers to the energy deposited at a specific point in a medium. The dose is measured at a specific point (in a patient or phantom) and is commonly measured in Gray (Gy). (W/L, pg. 493).  
show The distance beneath the skin surface where the prescribed dose is to be delivered (W/L, pg. 494)  
show The measurement of the patient’s thickness from the point of beam entry to the point of beam exit (W/L, pg. 494).  
SSD   show
SAD   show
show The intersection of the axis of rotation of the gantry and the axis of rotation of the collimator for the treatment unit (W/L, pg. 494).  
show Physical dimensions set on the collimators of the therapy unit that determine the size of the treatment field at a reference distance (W/L, pg. 494).  
show The depth at which electronic equilibrium occurs for photon beams. Dmax is the point where the maximum absorbed dose occurs for single field photon beams and depends mainly on the energy of the beam (W/L, pg. 496).  
Output   show
show Ratio of the dose rate of a given field size to the dose rate of the reference field size (W/L, pg. 496).  
Gap Formula   show
show Given Dose= (TD/PDD) × 100 (W/L, pg. 509).  
Tumor Dose (Dmax Dose)   show
show (SSD1+ d)^2 / (SSD1+ Dmax )^2 ×(SSD2 )+ Dmax )^2/(SSD2+ d)^2 *New PDD = Old PDD x Mayneord F-factor (W/L, pg. 508).  
Inverse Square Law   show
show Equivalent Square= (4(L ×W)) / (2(L +W)) (W/L, pg. 498).  
Inverse Square Correction Factor (ISCF) [for SSD Set-ups]   show
ISCF (for Extended Distance Set-ups)   show
ISCF (for SAD Set-ups)   show
Time/MU Calculations for SSD Set-ups   show
Monitor Unit Calculations for SAD (Isocentric) Set-ups (TAR)   show
show MU= (Prescribed Dose) / (RDR×ISCF×Sc×Sp×TMR×Other factors) (W/L, pg. 511).  
Monitor Unit Calculations for SAD (Isocentric) Set-ups (TPR)   show
Hinge Angle   show
Wedge Angle   show
Electron Beam Mean Energy   show
show Er = MeV/2 (W/L, pg. 554).  
show MeV/3 (W/L, pg. 555).  
Electron 90% Isodose line   show
Activity Full Strength Source   show
Activity Half Strength Source   show
Patient is to be treated with AP/PA fields (2:1). Total dose is 200 cGy. What is the dose to each field?   show
show AP field: 30 x 2 = 60 cGy PA field: 30 x 1 = 30 cGy RT Lat field: 30 x 1.5 = 45 cGy LT Lat field: 30 x 1.5 = 45 cGy  
Calculate the Gap: Field 1- Length = 17 cm, Width = 6 cm, Depth = 3 cm, SSD = 92 cm; Field 2- Length = 15 cm, Width = 12.5 cm, Depth = 3 cm, SSD = 91 cm.   show
What is the field size on a film if the collimator setting is 7 cm X 19 cm and the magnification factor is 1.33x?   show
show (5.5/100) = (x/96); 100x = 528; x = 5.28.  
The dose rate on a linear accelerator is 102.4 cGy/Min at 100 cm. What is the dose rate at 85.5 cm?   show
show 180 - 2(60) = 60 degrees.  
Calculate the Gap: Field 1- Length = 10 cm, Width = 10 cm, Depth = 5 cm, SSD = 100 cm; Field 2- Length = 15 cm, Width = 10 cm, Depth = 4 cm, SSD = 100 cm.   show
show (4(10x15) / (2(10+15) = 12.  
What are the 80% and 90% isodose lines for a patient treated with a 16 MeV electron beam?   show
show (300 x 87.9)/100 = 263.7 cGy. (See Table 24-6 W/L pg. 519)  
A patient is prescribed a dose of 180 cGy at a depth of 10 cm with 10 MV photons at 100 cm SSD. The PDD is 60%. Calculate the dose to the depth of maximum dose.   show
show Hinge Angle.  
show Greater.  
show Heterogeneity Corrections.  
show GTV.  
Treatment volume which allows for patient motion and set up uncertainties.   show
show Treated volume.  
Contains a margin for subclinical extensions of the disease.   show
The anatomical point A used when calculating dose for cervical and uterine treatments is located:   show
If setting a 10 x 10 field size using an isocentric technique, the field size on the patient’s skin would be?   show
show Cesium-137 (W/L, pg. 303).  
show Iridium-192 (W/L, pg. 305).  
What is the half-life of radium-226?   show
show 5.27 years (W/L, pg. 303).  
show 30.0 years (W/L, pg. 303).  
What is the half-life of iridium-192?   show
show 59.4 days (W/L, pg. 303).  
show 16.99 days (W/L, pg. 303).  
show 2.7 days (W/L, pg. 303).  
What is the half-life of radon-222?   show
show 35/100 = x/115; 40/100 = y/115; 100x = 4025; 100y = 4600; x = 40.25 y = 46  
show Fills in deficits to have a more homogenous dose distribution. Shifts dose lines and brings Dmax closer to the skin surface when skin sparing is not desirable (Mosby’s RT Study Guide, pg. 102).  
For non-isocentric treatments, _______ is the factor of choice to demonstrate central axis dose at a given depth.   show
When looking up the PDD or TMR for a given depth and field size, _______ should be used when there are blocks or MLC.   show
show 20 cGy/min. (Mosby’s RT Study Guide, pg. 108).  
show 0.5 to 2.0 cGy/min. (Mosby’s RT Study Guide, pg. 108).  
show The 50% isodose line in low energy beams like Cobalt 60 or the isodose line at a depth of 10 cm for higher energy beams used in modern linear accelerators (Mosby’s RT Study Guide, pg. 101).  
show 0.5 cm (RT Essentials, pg. 140).  
What is the Dmax for a 4 MV beam?   show
show 1.5 cm (RT Essentials, pg. 140).  
What is the Dmax for a 10 MV beam?   show
What is the Dmax for a 18 MV beam?   show
What is the Dmax for a 24 MV beam?   show
show Image fusion or image registration (W/L, pg. 542).  
show Er =MeV/2; Er = 10 MeV/2; Er = 5 cm  
A dose of 200 cGy/fraction is to be delivered to a depth of 10 cm using an AP:PA treatment arrangement. The fields are weighted 3:2 AP:PA. What is the dose per field?   show


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Popular Radiation Therapy sets