Abbreviation Medical Terms POHS
Quiz yourself by thinking what should be in
each of the black spaces below before clicking
on it to display the answer.
AA | Alcoholics Anonymous
a.c. | Before meals
AD, a.d. | Right ear
ad lib | freely, as often as desired
am, AM | morning
AS, a.s. | left ear
AU, a.u. | Each ear
BE | Barium enema
BID, b.i.d., bid | twice a day
BP | Blood Pressure
BR | BedRest
BRP | Bathroom privileges
BM | Bowel Movement
Bx | biopsy
C(with line above) | With
CA, Ca | carcinoma
cap | capsule
disc, DC, d.c. | discontinue
DNR | do not resuscitate
Dx, dx | diagnosis
ED | Emergency department
ER | Emergency room
Fx, fx | Fracture
g, gm | gram
gt, gtt | drop, drops
h | hour
h.s. | hour of sleep
Ht., ht | height
inj | injection
I and O, I/O | intake and output
IV | intravenous
K+, K | potassium
mg | milligram
N&V | nausea and vomiting
Na+, Na | sodium
NC | nasal cannula
NPO | nothing by mouth
NPO p MN | Nothing by mouth past midnight
oint., ung | ointment
OOB | out of bed
OTC | over the counter
oz. | ounce
P | pulse
p.c. | after meals
pH | power of hydrogen concentration
PM, p.m. | afternoon
PO, po, p.o. | by mouth
PRN | as needed
|||| | every morning
q.h | each hour
q.i.d. | four times a day
QNS | quantity not sufficient
q.s. | quantity sufficient
r, R | rectal
Rx | prescription
S (with line above) | Without
SOB | shortness of breath
ss | one-half
stat | immediately
syr | syrup
susp | suspension
sup., supp. | suppository
T | Temperature
tab. | tablet
tbsp | tablespoon
TID, t.i.d. | Three times a day
TPR | Temperature, Pulse, Respiration
tsp | Teaspoon
Tx | Treatment
VS | vital Signs
W/C, w/c | wheelchair
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You may also shuffle the rows of the table by clicking on the "Shuffle" button.
Or sort by any of the columns using the down arrow next to any column heading.
If you know all the data on any row, you can temporarily remove it by tapping the trash can to the right of the row.
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