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Abbreviations Terms
Abbreviation Medical Terms POHS
Term | Definition |
AA | Alcoholics Anonymous |
a.c. | Before meals |
AD, a.d. | Right ear |
ad lib | freely, as often as desired |
am, AM | morning |
AS, a.s. | left ear |
AU, a.u. | Each ear |
BE | Barium enema |
BID, b.i.d., bid | twice a day |
BP | Blood Pressure |
BR | BedRest |
BRP | Bathroom privileges |
BM | Bowel Movement |
Bx | biopsy |
C(with line above) | With |
CA, Ca | carcinoma |
cap | capsule |
disc, DC, d.c. | discontinue |
DNR | do not resuscitate |
Dx, dx | diagnosis |
ED | Emergency department |
ER | Emergency room |
Fx, fx | Fracture |
g, gm | gram |
gt, gtt | drop, drops |
h | hour |
h.s. | hour of sleep |
Ht., ht | height |
inj | injection |
I and O, I/O | intake and output |
IV | intravenous |
K+, K | potassium |
mg | milligram |
N&V | nausea and vomiting |
Na+, Na | sodium |
NC | nasal cannula |
NPO | nothing by mouth |
NPO p MN | Nothing by mouth past midnight |
oint., ung | ointment |
OOB | out of bed |
OTC | over the counter |
oz. | ounce |
P | pulse |
p.c. | after meals |
pH | power of hydrogen concentration |
PM, p.m. | afternoon |
PO, po, p.o. | by mouth |
PRN | as needed |
q.am | every morning |
q.h | each hour |
q.i.d. | four times a day |
QNS | quantity not sufficient |
q.s. | quantity sufficient |
r, R | rectal |
Rx | prescription |
S (with line above) | Without |
SOB | shortness of breath |
ss | one-half |
stat | immediately |
syr | syrup |
susp | suspension |
sup., supp. | suppository |
T | Temperature |
tab. | tablet |
tbsp | tablespoon |
TID, t.i.d. | Three times a day |
TPR | Temperature, Pulse, Respiration |
tsp | Teaspoon |
Tx | Treatment |
VS | vital Signs |
W/C, w/c | wheelchair |