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Unit 5-Agriculture

Quiz yourself by thinking what should be in each of the black spaces below before clicking on it to display the answer.

purposely raising a crop or animal for human use   agriculture  
When people started deliberately raising plants or animals   agricultural revolution  
Preparing, planting, caring for, and harvesting a plant crop,   cultivation  
Modifying a plant or animal species through selective breeding so that it becomes dependent on humans.   domestication  
Where is the hearth for potatoes?   Latin America  
What are the major hearths for plant crops?   Latin America, Southwest Asia, Sub-Saharan Africa, East Asia, Southeast Asia  
Where is the hearth for wheat?   Southwest Asia  
Where is the hearth for rice?   East Asia  
Where is the hearth for coconuts?   Southeast Asia  
Where is the hearth of coffee?   Sub-Saharan Africa  
When people started to use machines in farming in the early 1800s that continued into the 20th century.   Second Agricultural Revolution  
Presents a range of choices in choosing which crops are better suited for the environment.   Climate  
Increases the availability of choices through machinery, irrigation, etc., and also shapes the style of agriculture.   Wealth  
Preferences based on customs, religion, social norms, etc.   Culture  
Three factors that cause the variation of Agriculture   Climate, wealth, culture  
A type of agriculture in which people herd domesticated animals by moving them from pastor to pastor   pastoral nomadism  
A type of culture in which people change the activity of one field to another to prevent the overuse of nutrients   shifting cultivation  
the act of preparing a field by clearing them and lighting on fire.   slash and burn  
A type of fields that are farmed for a small amount of time and left alone to restore nutrients and fertility.   fallow fields  
A type of agriculture that requires a large amount of work to produce a lot of food from a small amount of land.   intensive subsistence  
The act of planting and harvesting two crops in the same year on the same field.   double cropping  
A type of agriculture that is practiced in areas that are dryer   intensive subsistence  
A type of agriculture that grows one or two crops for commercial purposes. Often people are hired as laborers and owners are commercial contractors.   plantation  
The five major types of agriculture found in developing regions   Pastoral nomadism, Shifting cultivation, Intensive subsistence, Intensive subsistence, Plantation  
The six types of agriculture found in developed regions   Mixed crop and livestock, Dairy farming, Commercial gardening and fruit farming, Grain farming, Mediterranean agriculture, Livestock ranching  
The thesis that states as population grows, farmers are forced to adopt more intensive methods to meet the demands   Boserup's thesis  
Farmers need supplies such as fertilizer, machinery, productive seeds and pesticides to increase food production   Balancing Food and Trade  
To earn a sufficient amount of money farmers may send some family members to take jobs in the city to send money back, make crafts, or plant cash crops.   Methods of Getting Cash  
If there is more land spent to grow cash crops, there is less land for food crops to be grown on.   the dilemma of growing cash and food crops  
The act of producing more food than demand calls for.   overproduction  
Make foreign markets more available   how to deal with overproduction  
The black market, corruption, violence, and organized crime and drug-trafficking is a consequence of...   drug crops being the best cash crop  
This diagram dimistrates how the cost of land decrease the farther away one is from the market   von Thunen model  
The maximum distance a crop can be transported and still be sold to make a profit.   transportation threshold  
Occurred from the 1950s-to the 1980s; the invention and rapid diffusion of productive agricultural techniques such as plant hybridization and the use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides.   Green Revolution  
genetically modified organisms   GMOs  
Seeds are owned by the creator, farmers have to buy new seeds every year, and agribusiness   Legal issues created by GMOs  
Cheap food with a lot of mass consumption   sustainability  
Water pollution, use of antibiotics and hormones, and resource use   Sustainability concerns  
The township and range system   Land Ordinance of 1785  
1-square mile parcels   sections  
36 section square   township  
A survey system in which natural features are used to demarcate individual parcels of land. Creates an irregular pattern of land division   metes and bound  
Skinny, linear rectangles were the shape for land so water could be accessible to a lot of people   long lot system  


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Created by: carmen.estupinan
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