Medical Abbreviations
Quiz yourself by thinking what should be in
each of the black spaces below before clicking
on it to display the answer.
RTC | return to clinic
RBC | Red blood cell
IVP | Intravenous Pylegram
wbc | white blood cell
occ | occasional
KUB | kidney ureter bladder
Sp gr | specific gravity
X | x-ray
FU | follow up
UPJ | urtero pelvic junction
Brev | Brevital (drug)
inc | include
RX | prescription
Pt | patient
ASHD | Arteriosclerotic Heart Disease
HBP | high blood pressure
ECG,EKG | electrocardiogram
Stat | immediately
Lab | laboratory
Comp | comprehensive
PX,PE | physical examination
PTR | patient to return
wk,wks | weeks
I&D | incision and drainage
R;L | right, left
t.i.d. | three times day
i.e. | that is, for example
Kg | kilogram
CT | Computerized Tomography
DX | diagnosis
ad lib | as much as needed
retn | return
p.r.n. | as neccessary
CMA (AAMA) | Certified Medical Assistant (American Association of Medical Assistants)
G111 | 3 pregnancies
Para 1 | 1 live birth
LMP | last menstrual period
approx | approximately
EDC | estimated date of confinement (baby due date)
BP | blood pressure
UA, U/A | urinalysis
FHS | fetal heart sound
c/o | complains of
abd | abdomen
DEM | Doctor of Emergency Medicine
MD | Medical Doctor
DO | Doctor of Osteopathy
Perf. | performed
ofc | office visit
adv | advice
A/P | anterior posterior
WM | white male
con | consultation
inf | infection
inflam | inflammation
RLQ | Right Lower Quadrant
AB | antibiotic
BI | biopsy
interpret | interpretation
C & S | Culture & Sensitivity
OTC | over the counter
RTO | return to office
B/L | bilateral
hosp | hospital
_ c | with
cc | chief complaint
ED | emergency department; erectile dysfunction
RN | Nurse Practitioner
FH | family history
h.s. | hour of sleep
TPR | temperature pulse respiration
O2 | oxygen
Dr. | Doctor
COPD | chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
TX | treatment
b.i.d. | twice a day
IPPB | intermittent positive pressure breathing
q.i.d. | 4 times a day
ml | milileter
q. 3h.; q. 4h | every 3 hours; every 4 hours
dilat | dilate, dialation
IM | Intramuscular
SC | Subcutaneous
ID | Intradermal
- p | after
VLDL | very low density lipoprotein
ASA | acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin)
Surg | surgery
CAD | Coronary Artery Disease
CHF | Congestive Heart Failure
PVD | Peripheral Vascular Disease
PAD | Peripheral Artery Disease
EF | Ejection Fraction
SBE | Subacute bacterial endocartitis
H & N | health & nutrition, head and neck
DM 11 | Diabetes Mellitus 11
BBB | bundle, branch, block
HTN | hypertension
HIPAA | Health Insurance Portability & Accountability Act
FX | Fracture
FXN | function
CBC | complete blood count
CMP | complete metabolic panel (kidney & Liver)
AS | Aortic Stenosis
FSH | Follicle Stimulating Hormone
HGH | human growth hormone
Trig | Triglycerides
DVT | deep vein thrombosis
MI | myocardial infarction
AAA | abdominal aortic aneurism
VSD | Ventricular septal defect
TB | Tiberculosis
SDI | State Disability Insurance
CHAMPVA | Civilian health medical program of veterans administration
TRI | Tricare
CMS | center for medicare or medicaid services
UCD | unemployment compensation Diability
FECA | Federal Employees Compensation Act
TD | Temporary disability
PD | Permanent disability
ret'nd | retained
HC | house call
HIPAA | Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act
Chol | cholesterol
RMPF | rocky mountain spotted fever
HDL | High density lipprotein
BMP | basic metabolic panel
LDL | low density lipoprotein
mg | miligram
g | gram
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