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Medical Abbreviations

RTC return to clinic
RBC Red blood cell
IVP Intravenous Pylegram
wbc white blood cell
occ occasional
KUB kidney ureter bladder
Sp gr specific gravity
X x-ray
FU follow up
UPJ urtero pelvic junction
Brev Brevital (drug)
inc include
RX prescription
Pt patient
ASHD Arteriosclerotic Heart Disease
HBP high blood pressure
ECG,EKG electrocardiogram
Stat immediately
Lab laboratory
Comp comprehensive
PX,PE physical examination
PTR patient to return
wk,wks weeks
I&D incision and drainage
R;L right, left
t.i.d. three times day
i.e. that is, for example
Kg kilogram
CT Computerized Tomography
DX diagnosis
ad lib as much as needed
retn return
p.r.n. as neccessary
CMA (AAMA) Certified Medical Assistant (American Association of Medical Assistants)
G111 3 pregnancies
Para 1 1 live birth
LMP last menstrual period
approx approximately
EDC estimated date of confinement (baby due date)
BP blood pressure
UA, U/A urinalysis
FHS fetal heart sound
c/o complains of
abd abdomen
DEM Doctor of Emergency Medicine
MD Medical Doctor
DO Doctor of Osteopathy
Perf. performed
ofc office visit
adv advice
A/P anterior posterior
WM white male
con consultation
inf infection
inflam inflammation
RLQ Right Lower Quadrant
AB antibiotic
BI biopsy
interpret interpretation
C & S Culture & Sensitivity
OTC over the counter
RTO return to office
B/L bilateral
hosp hospital
_ c with
cc chief complaint
ED emergency department; erectile dysfunction
RN Nurse Practitioner
FH family history
h.s. hour of sleep
TPR temperature pulse respiration
O2 oxygen
Dr. Doctor
COPD chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
TX treatment
b.i.d. twice a day
IPPB intermittent positive pressure breathing
q.i.d. 4 times a day
ml milileter
q. 3h.; q. 4h every 3 hours; every 4 hours
dilat dilate, dialation
IM Intramuscular
SC Subcutaneous
ID Intradermal
- p after
VLDL very low density lipoprotein
ASA acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin)
Surg surgery
CAD Coronary Artery Disease
CHF Congestive Heart Failure
PVD Peripheral Vascular Disease
PAD Peripheral Artery Disease
EF Ejection Fraction
SBE Subacute bacterial endocartitis
H & N health & nutrition, head and neck
DM 11 Diabetes Mellitus 11
BBB bundle, branch, block
HTN hypertension
HIPAA Health Insurance Portability & Accountability Act
FX Fracture
FXN function
CBC complete blood count
CMP complete metabolic panel (kidney & Liver)
AS Aortic Stenosis
FSH Follicle Stimulating Hormone
HGH human growth hormone
Trig Triglycerides
DVT deep vein thrombosis
MI myocardial infarction
AAA abdominal aortic aneurism
VSD Ventricular septal defect
TB Tiberculosis
SDI State Disability Insurance
CHAMPVA Civilian health medical program of veterans administration
TRI Tricare
CMS center for medicare or medicaid services
UCD unemployment compensation Diability
FECA Federal Employees Compensation Act
TD Temporary disability
PD Permanent disability
ret'nd retained
HC house call
HIPAA Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act
Chol cholesterol
RMPF rocky mountain spotted fever
HDL High density lipprotein
BMP basic metabolic panel
LDL low density lipoprotein
mg miligram
g gram
Created by: Gmtassa23
Popular Medical sets




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