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Chapter 5 & 6 Review

Quiz yourself by thinking what should be in each of the black spaces below before clicking on it to display the answer.

Inheriting a greater tolerance for the negative effects of alcohol __ A. makes it more likely that one will develop alcoholism. B. makes it less likely that one will develop alcoholism. C. has no effect on whether one will develop alcoholism.   makes it more likely that one will develop alcoholism.  
Maladaptive or dangerous use of a chemical substance is referred to as _____. A. drug abuse. B. drug dependence. C. physiological dependence D. chemical dependence. E. drug tolerance.   drug abuse  
About what proportion of U.S. adults have used an illicit drug at some point in their lives? A. 1/10 B. 1/5 C. 1/4 D. 1/3 E. 1/2   1/2  
Reduction of central nervous system activity is the defining feature of _____. A. stimulants. B. hallucinogens. C. depressants. D. amphetamines. E. stimulants and amphetamines.   depressants.  
An area of the brain that regulates sleep-wake cycles is the _____ A, suprachiasmatic nucleus. B. amygdala. C. pituitary gland. D. hippocampus. E. corpus callosum.   suprachiasmatic nucleus.  
An LSD “trip” may last as long as A. 30 minutes. B. 60 minutes. C. 2 hours. D. 6 hours. E. 12 hours.   12 hours.  
In general, nightmare disorder occurs in _____ sleep, while sleep terror disorder occurs in _____ sleep. A. Stage 1; Stage 2 B. REM; Stage 2 C. REM; Stage 4 D. Stage 2; Stage 3 or 4 E. Stage 2; REM   REM; Stage 4  
In meditation, a mantra is a _____. A. type of dance. B. sound or phrase. C. type of song. D. breathing technique. E. seating position.   sound or phrase.  
All but which of the following are reasons that investigators have described for the functions of sleep? A. Protection & survival B. Energy conservation C. Consolidation of new memories D. Enhancement of ability to alter consciousness   Enhancement of ability to alter consciousness  
In Freudian theory, the actual events that occur in a dream are referred to as its _____ content, while the underlying meaning of a dream is its _____. A. latent; manifest B. conscious; subconscious C. manifest; latent   manifest; latent  
What is the most common sleep disorder? A. sleep terror disorder B. narcolepsy C. sleepwalking disorder D. insomnia E. sleep apnea   insomnia  
Sheila is awake and in an alert state. Sheila’s brain wave pattern should consist primarily of A. alpha waves. B. beta waves. C. gamma waves. D. delta waves. E. small, irregular waves.   beta waves  
In which stage do you spend the majority of your sleep time? A. Stage 1 B. Stage 2 C. Stage 3 D. Stage 4 E. REM   Stage 2  
Which of the following pairings is correct? A. Garcia -- conditioned emotional response B. Thorndike -- schedules of reinforcement C. Skinner -- operant conditioning D. Watson -- classical conditioning of reflexes   Skinner -- operant conditioning  
Operant conditioning is also known as _____. A. classical conditioning. B. vicarious learning. C. observational learning. D. instrumental learning. E. cognitive learning   instrumental learning  
In Watson’s research with Little Albert, what was the CS? A. a loud sound B. a white rat C. an electric shock D. a spanking E. the Santa Claus mask   a white rat  
In Watson’s research with Little Albert, the rat began as the _____ and became the _____. A. CR; CS B. UR; US C. NS; CS D. NS; CR E. CS; NS   NS; CS  
Vlad received $100 for every ten telemarketing calls he makes. This is an example of a _____ schedule of reinforcement. A. fixed ratio B. variable ratio C. fixed interval D. variable interval E. 100/10   fixed ratio  
Compared to continuous reinforcement, partial reinforcement results in_____ learning that is _____ to extinguish. A. faster; harder B. slower; harder C. faster; easier D. slower; easier E. faster; equally difficult   slower; harder  
Skinner found that coincidental association of a behavior and a reinforcement may result in _____. A. extinction. B. superstitious behavior. C. stimulus discrimination. D. taste aversions. E. the development of phobias.   superstitious behavior.  
Velma takes headache medicine to relieve pain. The medicine serves to remove the pain. This is an example of _____. A. avoidance conditioning. B. conditioned reinforcement. C. positive reinforcement. D. negative reinforcement.   negative reinforcement.  
Zorba gives his dog a treat for rolling over. Zorba explains this procedure as a form of _____. A. conditioned reinforcement. B. punishment. C. negative reinforcement. D. positive reinforcement. E. classical conditioning.   positive reinforcement.  
All but which of the following are primary reinforcers? A. money B. sexual stimulation C. novel visual stimuli D. air, food, and water E. relief from pain   money  
Learning that occurs without apparent reinforcement and is not revealed in performance when it occurs is referred to as _____. A. insight learning. B. classical conditioning. C. spontaneous recovery. D. latent learning. E. shaping.   latent learning.  
Psychologist Albert Bandura believes that children learn aggression through _____. A. classical conditioning. B. insight learning. C. observing and imitating models. D. latent learning.   observing and imitating models.  
Who is most closely associated with classical conditioning? A. E.L. Thorndike B. Ivan Pavlov C. John Garcia D. B.F. Skinner E. Robert Rescorla   Ivan Pavlov  
Most psychologists define learning as _____. A. any change in behavior due to experience. B. a relatively permanent change in behavior due to natural development. C. a relatively permanent change in behavior due to experience.   a relatively permanent change in behavior due to experience  
“Mental learning” is closest in meaning to which form of learning? A. operant conditioning B. cognitive learning C. classical conditioning D. creative learning E. higher-order conditioning   cognitive learning  
Classical conditioning is best described as learning by _____. A. trial and error. B. association. C. stimulus response. D. insight. E. observation.   association.  
A reflexive reaction triggered by a stimulus is a(n) A. conditioned response. B. unconditioned response. C. unconditioned stimulus. D. neutral response. E. operant response.   unconditioned response.  
In sensory memory, auditory stimuli are to _____ memory as visual stimuli are to _____ memory. A. eidetic; iconic B. iconic; echoic C. echoic; iconic D. iconic; eidetic E. eidetic; echoic   echoic; iconic  
The “Magic 7” refers to the A. duration of sensory memory. B. capacity of short-term memory. C. capacity of sensory memory. D. duration of short-term memory. E. number of systems in the leading model of short-term memory.   capacity of short-term memory.  
A device for improving memory is a(n) _____. A. mnemonic. B. engram. C. consolidator. D. retrograde recaller. E. neuronal network.   mnemonic.  
In her yoga teacher training, Reissa uses “Roy G. Biv” to memorize the colors associated with the seven chakras. Which memory technique is Reissa utilizing? A. first-letter system B. overlearning C. acrostic D. chunking E. acronym   acronym  
The best memory usually results from which type of encoding? A. verbal B. semantic C. acoustic D. visual E. echoic   semantic  


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Created by: kaylaboepple
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