Livestock Reproduction Study Guide
Quiz yourself by thinking what should be in
each of the black spaces below before clicking
on it to display the answer.
show | Heifer
show | Bull
show | Steer
Young female Chicken | show 🗑
show | Cockerel
Castrated Male Chicken | show 🗑
show | Ewe
show | Ram
show | Parturation
Act of depositing semen in the female | show 🗑
show | Vulva
show | Cervix
show | Infundibulum
Tube that connects the Infundibulum to the uterus | show 🗑
show | Farrowing
Act of a sheep giving birth | show 🗑
Act of a cow giving birth | show 🗑
First milk | show 🗑
show | Sow
Intact Male Swine | show 🗑
show | Gilt
show | Barrow
show | Wether
The point when sperm and egg cell connect | show 🗑
show | Artificial Insemination
The part of the female anatomy between the vulva and the cervix | show 🗑
The ovary is covered with these in different stages of growth | show 🗑
What is left when a follicle has burst | show 🗑
show | Corpus Luteum
show | Corpus luteum
Female hormone | show 🗑
show | Testosterone
show | 283 Days
show | 150 days
Gestation Length in Swine | show 🗑
Part of the Male anatomy in charge of producing spermatozoa | show 🗑
Act of removing the testicles of a male | show 🗑
show | Elastrator
A livestock mother | show 🗑
A Livestock father | show 🗑
show | Progeny
The product of mating two animals of different breeds | show 🗑
The act of atracting a mate | show 🗑
The part of the male anatomy that adds Fluid Volume to the semen | show 🗑
show | Head
Essential to creating a successful breeding program | show 🗑
The act of a male releasing semen | show 🗑
show | Embryo Transfer
show | Donor Cow
The cow that receives a embryo from the donor cow | show 🗑
The act of collecting the embryos from a donor cow | show 🗑
show | Superovulation
The point where a male deposits semen in a female is always the same for all species | show 🗑
show | Evaluation
Sack which carries testicles | show 🗑
"S" shape in urethra allows for extension of penis outside of body for reproduction | show 🗑
How many ml of semen does a bull produce per collection? | show 🗑
How many ml of semen does a boar produce per collection? | show 🗑
show | 1 ml
Two branches of the uterus | show 🗑
Time when a female is receptive to the male and will allow breeding to take place | show 🗑
show | Spermatazoa
Egg Cell | show 🗑
Condition where one testicle failed to decend into the scrotum | show 🗑
Condition where both testicles failed to decend into the scrotum | show 🗑
show | No
Part of the male anatomy which houses the spermatazoa as they mature | show 🗑
show | Urethra
show | Accessory Glands
How much of the chromosome material is provided by the sire | show 🗑
How much of the chromosome material is provided by the dam | show 🗑
show | Mitosis
Conception or fertilization occurs in the | show 🗑
Testicles are suspended away from the body to decrease what | show 🗑
show | Sex Cell
Sperm that are said to be able to move around freely | show 🗑
The process of the ovary releasing an ovum | show 🗑
Hormones are produced by what body system? | show 🗑
The production of male sex cells is called what? | show 🗑
Asexual reproduction involves how many parents? | show 🗑
Sexual reproduction involves how many parents? | show 🗑
Which hormone besides estrogen is produced in the ovary? | show 🗑
show | Follicle Stimulating Hormone
show | Gestation
show | Hormones
show | Contagious Disease
An organism produced by Asexual reproduction | show 🗑
Sex Drive | show 🗑
The male organ that deposits semen in the female reproductive tract | show 🗑
Oviducts are also called | show 🗑
Young immature sheep | show 🗑
The stage of the Corpus Luteum beginning to heal | show 🗑
The act of mating | show 🗑
The act of manually manipulating the reproductive tract | show 🗑
show | Pipette
The AI tool used in depositing semen in swine | show 🗑
The fluid added to collected semen to extend the life of semen for Artificial Insemination | show 🗑
The four phases of the Estrous Cycle | show 🗑
The pahse of the Estrous Cycle in which a female will allow mating to occur | show 🗑
show | Abort
A growing animal inside the uterus that cannot live outside the mother | show 🗑
show | Mare
A Mature Male Horse | show 🗑
show | Stud
show | Gomer Bull
Female Goat | show 🗑
show | Buck
Castrated male Goat | show 🗑
show | Cowper's Gland-Prostate Gland-Seminal Vessicles
show | Embryo Transfer
show 🗑
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