Gottman Principles of Emotions
Quiz yourself by thinking what should be in
each of the black spaces below before clicking
on it to display the answer.
show | The Key to Becoming Emotionally Intelligent
show | <--Feelings are Wrong, Inappropriate, Not Valid, the Child is Broke; Let Me Fix it
DisApproving Adult = | show ๐
show | <--Coaches: Regulation of Personal Emotions AND Trust; Teach+Learn Problem Solving Skills
show | <--Freely Accepting Emotions, Comforts- Without Guiding/Teaching Skills, 'Get it Out' ; 'Ride it out'
Empathy | show ๐
show | Be --> Self-Aware; Child Aware, Be@Peace
StepTwo /5 Strategies (R | show ๐
show | Empathize Listening --> Validate by Hearing With Heart AND Mind AND Soul
show | Verbalize Emotions by Name
show | Solve: Limits AND Problems --> Better Choices, Family Values, New Skills
Collaboration | show ๐
BAD TIME to Coach (obstacles; Inappropriate Ineffective) | show ๐
Aviod (X-Out) | show ๐
"The Four Horseman of the Apocalpse" in Marriage Relations | show ๐
Useful Stategies | show ๐
DON'T | show ๐
DO Use: Sympethetic Frame of Mind | show ๐
Review the information in the table. When you are ready to quiz yourself you can hide individual columns or the entire table. Then you can click on the empty cells to reveal the answer. Try to recall what will be displayed before clicking the empty cell.
To hide a column, click on the column name.
To hide the entire table, click on the "Hide All" button.
You may also shuffle the rows of the table by clicking on the "Shuffle" button.
Or sort by any of the columns using the down arrow next to any column heading.
If you know all the data on any row, you can temporarily remove it by tapping the trash can to the right of the row.
To hide a column, click on the column name.
To hide the entire table, click on the "Hide All" button.
You may also shuffle the rows of the table by clicking on the "Shuffle" button.
Or sort by any of the columns using the down arrow next to any column heading.
If you know all the data on any row, you can temporarily remove it by tapping the trash can to the right of the row.
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Popular Family and Consumer sets