OT Terminology
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on it to display the answer.
Spatial Relations | show 🗑
Form Constancy | show 🗑
show | Coordinating the interaction of information from the eyes with body movements during activity
4 Benefits of Slant Boards | show 🗑
What does the screening process do? | show 🗑
What are some children's "occupations" that students have that we can help with? | show 🗑
What does the word occupation mean? | show 🗑
show | * Intervention
*Environmental accommodations
* Working with the school team to determine the students best learning styles and cues
show | *Neuroscience
* Kinesiology
* Anatomy
* Ergonomics
* Psychology
* Group Dynamics
Give 3 specific examples of what we do... | show 🗑
show | Addresses students difficulty with praxis. Praxis is the process of creating an idea/project, organizing it, sequencing the steps and completing it in a feasible time frame.
show | the process of creating an idea/project, organizing it, sequencing the steps and completing it in a feasible time frame.
What is regulation? | show 🗑
show | It has been fragmented due to changes in personnel and a period of time with no OT services.
Traditionally, the OT/COTA services had been contracted. Now, with a full-time COTA and FT system wide OT, marks changes in the service model.
show | *Creating an OT service data base (done)
*Piloting a screening process (done)
* Providing in-services (continuing)
*Developing a preventative hands skills program for K's with the system wide OT team
*Decrease referrals by preventative measures
How many students are at the Lowell School and what percent arrive on an IEP? | show 🗑
For many kids on my caseload, OT can be the only place they can: | show 🗑
show | * Provide a safe environment for the children we serve
* Educating educators not only about OT, but also about disabilities and expectations (what kids can do).
**We are a valuable resource about so many things)
show | A whole
What are some special challenges that affect the quality of services? | show 🗑
Perceptual Motor Skills: | show 🗑
What are the eligibility guidelines for SPED? | show 🗑
show | Impose certain requirements on public school systems and educators to ensure that students receive appropriate SPED and related services (legislation)
show | Successful Learning and respect for all
Personal OT files: | show 🗑
Advocate: | show 🗑
Special Education Records should have: | show 🗑
Autism: | show 🗑
Developmental Delay: | show 🗑
List the areas a child must have one or more difficulty in in order to be categorized as developmentally delayed? | show 🗑
What are the 9 Types of Disabilities: | show 🗑
show | Ensures that all students ages 3-22, are provided with a free and appropriate education in the least restrictive environment, regardless of the degree of disability
Individualized Education Plan: | show 🗑
K Screening Purpose: | show 🗑
K Screening Looks at: | show 🗑
3 Facts about K Screening: | show 🗑
show | Referral to Special Ed
show | Grammar, sentence structure, language rules
Alignment: | show 🗑
show | To tend to meet in a point or line, to focus, incline toward each other, as lines which are not parallel
show | The act of fact of converging
show | A continuous monosyllabic speech sound made by gliding from the articulatory position for one vowel toward that for another as oy in toy
show | To tend or proceed from a common point in different directions; to deviate from a given course or line, to differ or vary
Pragmatic: | show 🗑
Semantics | show 🗑
Phonology: | show 🗑
Neurodevelopment: | show 🗑
show | To convert, as a message, into a code
show | To translate, as a coed message, into the original language or form
show | Pertaining to rocks / solids
Modulation: | show 🗑
show | Toward the thumb, precision side
show | Toward the little finger, power side
show | Distal Interphalangeal Joint, Proximal IP, Metacarphalangeal joint
Order of finger from tip to bottom: DIP, PIP, MP
show | Type of seizure characterized by a momentary lapse of consciousness that starts and ends abruptly
show | Using righting and equilibrium adjustments to maintain balance during functional movements
Postural Insecurity: | show 🗑
Public Law 94-142: | show 🗑
show | Pertains to movements of the eye ball
Perceptual Processing: | show 🗑
Nystagmus: | show 🗑
Neurologist: | show 🗑
OT referrals may be increasing due to... | show 🗑
show | To identify those children who may require further, in depth evals.
K Screening Looks at: | show 🗑
3 Facts about K Screening: | show 🗑
What is unacceptable at the first CST? | show 🗑
Syntax: | show 🗑
Alignment: | show 🗑
show | To tend to meet in a point or line, to focus, incline toward each other, as lines which are not parallel
show | The act of fact of converging
show | A continuous monosyllabic speech sound made by gliding from the articulatory position for one vowel toward that for another as oy in toy
Diverge: | show 🗑
show | Concerned with practical consequences or values; sensible
show | The study of word meaning; especially as they develop and change; the study of the relationships between signs or symbols and that which they represent
Phonology: | show 🗑
Neurodevelopment: | show 🗑
Encode: | show 🗑
show | To translate, as a coed message, into the original language or form
show | Pertaining to rocks / solids
show | Refers to the brains ability to regulate activity level, may include facilitation or inhibition
show | Toward the thumb, precision side
show | Toward the little finger, power side
DIP, PIP, MP: | show 🗑
show | Type of seizure characterized by a momentary lapse of consciousness that starts and ends abruptly
Postural Control: | show 🗑
Postural Insecurity: | show 🗑
Public Law 94-142: | show 🗑
Oculomotor: | show 🗑
show | Organizing sensory input into meaningful patterns
Nystagmus: | show 🗑
Neurologist: | show 🗑
OT referrals may be increasing due to... | show 🗑
Letter formation can provide: | show 🗑
2 examples of Motor planning: | show 🗑
show | Interpreting stimuli from the inner ear receptors regarding head position and movement.
Proprioception: | show 🗑
show | Determining the relative distance between objects, figures, or landmarks and the observer and changes in planes on surfaces; ability to determine the relative distance between self and objects and figures observed.
Kineshesia: | show 🗑
Figure Ground: | show 🗑
The nervous system develops up until what age? | show 🗑
show | Ability of the CNS to process sensory information to make an adaptive response to the environment; also refers to a therapeutic intervention that uses strong kinesthetic and proprioceptive stimulation to attempt to better organize the CNS.
show | Characterized by the inability to focus attention and impulsiveness; often diagnosed in children
show | Characterized by the inability to focus attention and impulsiveness and hyperactivity; often diagnosed in children
show | Under responsive and auditory filtering problems
What are some examples of fine motor speed and dexterity? | show 🗑
What OT test is used to check for fine motor speed and dexterity? | show 🗑
show | 8
show | Group of speech disorders resulting from disturbances in muscular control
Dyslexia: | show 🗑
show | Can still be found in first grade, but in second grade it can be problematic
show | Difficulty or inability to perform a planned motor activity when the muscles used in this activity are not paralyzed.
show | Inability to motor plan, execute purposeful movement, manipulate objects or use objects appropriately
show | Posture in class
Motor Planning: | show 🗑
Spelling Words: | show 🗑
show | Brains ability to understand sensory input to determine size, shape, distance and form of objects; ability to interpret what one sees
show | The ability to receive input, process information and produce output
show | Conceiving and planning a new motor act in response to an environmental demand, ability to conceive and organize a new motor act
show | Using the body in functional and versatile movement patterns
A big spit in the performance and verbal score could indicate what? | show 🗑
show | 1. Visual Memory
2. Spatial Relationships
3. Form Constancy
4. Sequential Memory
5. Visual Closure
6. Visual Figure Ground
7. Visual Discrimination
Activity Tolerance: | show 🗑
Asperger's Disorder: | show 🗑
show | Over sensitivity to certain sounds (i.e. vacuum cleaners, fire alarms)
show | Developmental disorder characterized by a severely reduced ability to communicate and emotionally relate to other people
show | Process of reinforcing desirable responses; food, praise and tokens may be used.
Flexion: | show 🗑
show | Pressure exerted on a held object or in lifting and object
Heavy Work: | show 🗑
show | Application of procedures to minimize joint stress.
Learning Disability: | show 🗑
show | Helps kids attend and be more organized
show | *Family/home changes
*How is it affecting school function?
show | *Do a classroom observation
*COTA might observe and give info to OT to do a formal screening
Describe handwriting: | show 🗑
show | It is considered a best practice approach to address significant graphomotor dysfunction
What are some outcomes of OT screening? | show 🗑
Why would we see a child on a regular Ed plan? | show 🗑
show | *OT's do formal evals and assessments, write the students goals and objectives with input from the COTA's, and oversee treatment plans. They also develop workshops for the IA's and teachers.
What is the COTA's role functionally in the school? | show 🗑
show | *Child Study Process
*Family Meetings
*Annual Reviews
*IEP or Re-Eval Meetings
*Special Team Meetings with high profile cases
*Team meetings
*Transition meetings (preschool, middle school)
*K Screenings
show | *Very organized
* Fells like suggestions, recommendations and accommodations are thoroughly followed
*If a strategy does not work, we get feedback on it
*We get copies of the student's IEP's and relevant reports in a timely fashion
show | *Caseload size (# students/treats
*Helpful to have reasonable access to school supplies to do our jobs; supplies needed to do bare minimum for record keeping i.e. file folders, staples, post-its
*Need a Mac format computer
How have you seen OT change over the years? | show 🗑
show | After first grade
show | Modifications that are typically provided by gen. ed w/in the gen ed environment ex. Preferential seating,pencil grip or coop learning s
*Do not involve modifying the material content but do allow students to receive info in a more effective manor.
show | *Parents& legal guardian & students 14 yr +
*Made available w/in 2 consecutive work days after initial request to guidance counselor/principal
*Copies will be furnished
*Prof.qualified staff will be available at request to interpret
*3rd party can loo
Palmar supinate grasp: | show 🗑
show | Pencil held with fingers, wrist straight, wrist turned with palm facing table top, wrist slightly bent inward on thumb side, arm and hand move as a unit from elbow to finger tips. Seen in ages 2-3
show | Tool held with crude approximation of thumb, index and middle fingers, ring and little fingers only slightly curled, pencil grasped high on shaft, continual adjustments with other hand, no fine, localized movements,hand moves as a unit, seen in ages 3.5-4
Pervasive Development Disorder (PDD): | show 🗑
show | Norm and criteria referenced test for 7 year old children that assesses gross motor, praxis, fine motor and visual motor integration.
show | *Oppose all fingers to thumb (look, then don't look)
*Fully extend fingers from fisted, neutral position
*Grasps (Supinated, pronated, mid-position)
*Quality of muscle tone,strength, coordination
*Drop objects easily?
Difficulty releasing o
show | *CHAS: Children's HW Asses. Scale
*TVM-R: Test of Visual Motor Skills Revised
* Sensory Profile
*School Function Asses.
*TVPS-R: Test Visual Perceptual Skills Revised(non-motor)
Pictures/forms/letters/#'s/spatial orientation & seq
What do we look for when observing Handwriting: | show 🗑
show | stress, subject area, time of day, day of week
show | Section 504 of the Rehab act 1972 (regular ed law)
*eligible if:
1. have a physical or mental disability which substantially limits 1 or more major life activity
2. Have a record of such a disability
3. Are regarded as having a disability
show | any substantial limitation of a major life activity: self-care, manual tasks, walking, seeing, hearing, speaking, learning or working
What are the two type of student records? | show 🗑
What are transcripts? | show 🗑
What is a temporary Record? | show 🗑
Current Performance Levels: | show 🗑
What are benchmarks? | show 🗑
Intellectual Impairment? | show 🗑
show | Capacity of the nervous system is limited or impaired with difficulty exhibited in 1 or more of the following: use of memory,contro & use of cog. fxing,sensory & motor skils,speech,language,org. skills,info processing,affect social skils or basic life fxs
show | Unit of school personnel which is assembled as a team,along with parents to determine whether the preschool child who has been referred and evaluated is in need of services.
This group reviews ,assesses and defines the needs of referred preschool childre
show | A method of teaching beginning reading, spelling and pronunciation through phonetic interpretation or words
Phonetics: | show 🗑
To Get to Study: | show 🗑
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Popular Occupational Therapy sets