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| A. Grammar, sentence structure, language rulesB. Referral to Special EdC. Characterized by the inability to focus attention and impulsiveness and hyperactivity; often diagnosed in childrenD. Ability of the CNS to process sensory information to make an adaptive response to the environment; also refers to a therapeutic intervention that uses strong kinesthetic and proprioceptive stimulation to attempt to better organize the CNS.E. * Increase perception - letter formation form easier to see
* Builds up small muscles in the hand
* Holds paper in place
*Encourages use of helping handF. Large crayon held with a fisted hand, wrist is slightly bent, palm of hand faces slightly upward, arm moves as a unit, from shoulder to hand. Seen in ages 1-1.5
G. A Learning Disability
High Verbal and Low Performance often = NLD
High Performance and Low Verbal often = DyslexicH. Successful Learning and respect for allI. Allows us to look at a child's school function and challenges in a quick, informal (or sometimes using parts of formal testing) to determine relevant OT needsJ. A continuous monosyllabic speech sound made by gliding from the articulatory position for one vowel toward that for another as oy in toyK. *Do a classroom observation
*COTA might observe and give info to OT to do a formal screeningL. Social, behavioral, competency, readiness concepts, language and communication skills, fine and gross motor skills, ability to separate from parentsM. in part to poor habits as opposed to a learning disability.N. The study of the sounds of a particular language; they system of sounds used in a languageO. *Very organized
* Fells like suggestions, recommendations and accommodations are thoroughly followed
*If a strategy does not work, we get feedback on it
*We get copies of the student's IEP's and relevant reports in a timely fashionP. 1. Autism
2. Developmental Delay
3. Intellectual Impairment
4. Sensory Impairment
5. Neurological Impairment
6. Emotional Impairment
7. Communication Impairment
8. Physical Impairment
9. Health ImpairmentQ. To tend or proceed from a common point in different directions; to deviate from a given course or line, to differ or varyR. Addresses students difficulty with praxis. Praxis is the process of creating an idea/project, organizing it, sequencing the steps and completing it in a feasible time frame.S. U.S. Federal Law requiring free and appropriate public education for all handicap children up to age 21T. Norm and criteria referenced test for 7 year old children that assesses gross motor, praxis, fine motor and visual motor integration. |
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