GLPB Sheep Breeds - Advanced
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Border Cheviot | show 🗑
show | This breed of sheep are small sized, white faced with bare heads and legs.
show | Another name for this breed of sheep is Cheviot.
Border Cheviot | show 🗑
show | This breed of sheep was developed in the United States from a Lincoln ram and a Rambouillet ewe.
show | This breed of sheep is known for its large size, wool-producing ability, and productivity under range conditions.
show | This breed of sheep is large, white-faced, polled, and has wool on the legs.
Corriedale | show 🗑
Corriedale | show 🗑
Corriedale | show 🗑
Corriedale | show 🗑
show | This breed of sheep originated in Southern England.
show | This breed of sheep can be polled, scurred, or horned and are white faced.
show | This breed of sheep are known for breeding out of season, being heavy milkers, and producing more than one lamb crop per year.
Dorset | show 🗑
Finn Sheep | show 🗑
show | This breed of sheep are small to medium sized, fine-boned, open faced, and produce medium grade, good staple length wool.
show | This breed of sheep reaches sexual maturity early. Ewes have strong maternal instincts and are very prolific - producing 2-4 lambs each lambing.
Hampshire | show 🗑
Hampshire | show 🗑
Hampshire | show 🗑
show | This white faced breed of sheep originated in England and are predominant in Great Britain.
show | This breed of sheep has the heaviest fleece of the long wool type breeds.
show | This breed of sheep was developed from fine-wool sheep in Spain.
Merino | show 🗑
show | This breed of sheep are fine-wooled, have a white face with wool on their heads and legs.
show | This breed of sheep have a tremendous flocking instinct.
show | This breed of sheep originated in the United States from a Cheviot and Columbia cross.
show | This breed of sheep is medium-sized, white-faced, bareheaded and bare-legged. They are polled, hardy, and prolific.
show | This breed of sheep originated in England from a Hampshire and Cotswold cross.
show | This breed of sheep is medium to large in size, has a dark brown to grey face, and is polled. They have a wool cap and wool on the ears and legs.
Oxford | show 🗑
Polypay | show 🗑
Polypay | show 🗑
Polypay | show 🗑
Rambouillet | show 🗑
show | This white face breed of sheep is long-lived and rugged. They will breed out of season.
show | This breed of sheep are large, white-faced, have wool on the head and legs, and can be polled or horned. Their wool is fine in fiber diameter.
Romney | show 🗑
Shropshire | show 🗑
Shropshire | show 🗑
Southdown | show 🗑
Southdown | show 🗑
Southdown | show 🗑
Suffolk | show 🗑
show | This large breed of sheep are polled with a black head and legs.
show | This black face breed of sheep are known for their meatiness and high carcass quality. Lambs grow rapidly and produce high cutability carcasses.
show | This breed of sheep was developed the the Sheep Experiment Station in Idaho.
show | This breed of sheep was developed by a Rambouillet/Columbia and Rambouillet/Corriedale cross.
show | These breeds of sheep are white faced.
show | These breeds of sheep are black faced.
show | These breeds of sheep are prolific.
show | These breeds of sheep have bare heads.
show | These breeds of sheep are known for their wool production.
show | These breeds of sheep are known for their meat production.
show | These breeds of sheep are known for out of season breeding.
show | These breeds of sheep are known for their milk production.
show | These breeds of sheep are dark faced but not black faced.
show | These breeds of sheep are known for their fast growing lambs.
Dorset, Rambouillet | show 🗑
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