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University of Connecticut Study Guide for Chrobak's Final exam

Quiz yourself by thinking what should be in each of the black spaces below before clicking on it to display the answer.

What typically involves the use of surveys and correlational techniques for establishing relationships between behavior and health (drug use and medical and mental health disorders)   Epidemiology  
Which field of study focuses on the study of a single individual's behavior?   Psychology  
Epidemiology studies primarily typically uses:   survey data with subsequent correlation and regression analyse  
Which drug is used for the treatment of ADHD   Ritalin  
Which of the following drugs blocks noreponephrine reuptake transporters thus increasing the availability of nerepinephrine to interact with norepinephrine reuptakers   Straterra  
Where is the primary motor cortex located in the brain?   frontal lobe  
When glutamate neurons fire action potentials what is released from the axon terminals?   glutamate  
Dr. Li has a PhD, does research and has a clinial practice (treats patients with mental health disorders). Dr. Li typically conducts individual counseling sessions or sometimes engages patients in group therapy. Dr. Li is most likely a...   Behavior geneticist  
Claritin is a drug to treat allergies that specifically...   is an anti histamine or histamine antagonists  
The degree to which a dependent measure accurately reflects the variable or concept it is intended to measure is related to   Variability  
Maria Montessori is most closely associated with which field of psychology   Educational psychology  
As described in class, Shaw and colleagues examined the thickness of different neocortical areas using repeated MRI scans in children with ADHD and aged matched controls. Individuals were scanned 2-3 times (once every 4-6 years) One major finding was   the development of some neocortical areas including the prefontal cortex was delayed roughly 2 years in kids with ADHD  
The prefrontal cortex is located in which lobe of the neo cortex   frontallobe  
Dr. Dobson published an article entitled "Sociological correlates of facial mobility in human anthropoids in which he exams the relationship between group size and other factors of facial mobility in different groups of monkeys and apes.   continued on second card  
According to Dr. Dobson's data and other material presented in class-which of the following monkey or ape lives in the largest social group?   chimpanzees  
In Dr. Dobson's article, he shows thst group size positively correlates to facial mobility in various anthropoids. This strong positive correlation indicates   NOTHING; CAN NOT BE RELATED TO ANY SORT OF CAUSE  
In Dr. Dobson's article, he shows that group size is positively correlated to facial mobility (as measured by facial mobility scale) in various anthropoids. A correlation coefficient of this experiment are   descriptive statistics  
Studies like Calamero et.on caffeine use, technology use and sleep in adolescents can be categorized as   epidemiological research  
Which brain structure is responsible for maintaining one's balance and sensorimotor function?    
In contrast to studies with human subject with varieties of experiences, lab subjects often involve research animals or tissue preparations. Such studies can be conducted using subjects that vary little in past experience. One potential disadvantage is   The results may be the result of what is called an experimental artifact-phenomenon that only occurs under lab setting with little relation to real world interactions  
What is an inferential statistic?   T-test  
In order to evaluate or determine whether the mean difference between group members is statistically significant, or simply determine if groups of numbers are members of different distributions-one needs to use a.cor relational analyses b.inferential st   B. inferential stats  
Which of the following brain structures plays a VERY IMPORTANT role in episodic memory formation? a. hypothalamus b. hippocampus c.cerebellum d.Broca's area e. none   B. hippocampus  
Which of the following brain structures plays a particularly critical role in one's emotional response (anger, fear, joy) to usual, auditory and somatosensory inputs (images, sounds) a. cerebellum b. medulla c.pons d. amygdala   d. amygdala  
Knowing what Broca's area doea, it makes it easy for you to understand that Broca's area is located in the a. hippocampus b. hypothalamus c. frontal lobe d. temporal lobe   c. frontal lobe  
Neurons within the two hemispheres of the neocortex communicate with each other through a set of connections that forms the a. spinal cord b. gray matter tracks c. axonal pathways d. corpus callosum   d. corpus callosum  
Dr. Green is interested in how the behavior of parents influences how and when babies at different ages cry. Dr. Green is most likely an a. developmental psychologist b. neuro psychologist c. psychiatrist d. pediatrician   b. neuropsychologist  
The somatic nervous system is part of the a. central nervous system b. autonomic nervous system c. cerebellum d. peripheral nervous system   d. peripheral nervous system  
Which is true about Homo sapiens and homo neanderthals? a. homo sapiens have a wider land distribution on earth that Neanderthls b. Homo sapiens have more chromosomes and genes c. neanderthals lived with dinos whereas homosapiens have not d. all e.   a. homo sapiens had/have a wider geographic distribution across plant earth than neanderthals  
The total set of genetic material (about 2.9 million base pairs) in a particular organism is referred to its...   genome  
When did homo sapiens appear on planet earth?   200,000 years ago  
Fossils of organisms we refer to as hominids first appeared on plant earth when?   5-6 million years ago  
Most of the differences and variation in DNA involve...   single nucleotide polymorhpisms  


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Created by: njs11001
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