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Oxygen Therapy: Administration and Managment

Quiz yourself by thinking what should be in each of the black spaces below before clicking on it to display the answer.

What is the goal of oxygen therapy?   To maintain adequate tissue oxygenation while minimizing cardiopulmonary work.  
What are the objectives of oxygen therapy?   To treat hypoxemia. To decrease symptoms of hypoxemia To decrease cardiopulmonary workload.  
How do you assess need of oxygen therapy?   Assess ABG Assess underlying problem or condition. (history) Physical Assessment  
It is important to beware of conflicting information. You must always...   Treat the patient and not the numbers  
What are the hazards of oxygen therapy?   oxygen toxicity Depression of ventilatory drive absorption atelectasis Bronchopulmonary dysplasia retrolental fibroplasia  
What is oxygen toxicity?   High exposure to oxygen that results in an increased concentration of oxygen and causes and over production of free radicals that damage the epithelial tissues.  
What are two factors that contribute to oxygen toxicity?   Fi02 and exposure time  
What does oxygen toxicity primarily affect?   The lungs and CNS CNS- tremors, twitching, convulsions PNS- Pneumonia, Pulmonary fibrosis  
What is absorption atelectasis?   Nitrogen washout, damage to type II pneumocytes  
What is Bronchopulmonary dysplasia?   (BPD) is found in premature babies  
What is retrolental fibroplasia?   scar tissue in the eyes  
What is considered a high oxygen concentration?   A concentration greater than 60%.  
What are the two oxygen delivery systems?   Low Flow Systems High Flow Systems  
Low flow systems   have variable FI02 Does not meet the patients flow rate demand FI02 is just an estimate  
What are some examples of a low flow system?   Nasal Cannula Reservoir Cannulas Nasal Catheter Transtracheal oxygen simple mask Partial rebreathing mask non-rebreating mask  
High flow systems   Fixed FI02 Meets patient's flow rate demand  
High Flow system examples   Air entrainment mas i.e. Venturi Mask Air Entrainment Nebulizer  
What's special about the nasal cannula?   It's the most commonly used oxygen therapy device  
The nasal cannula handles flow rates   up to 6 Liters/Minute (adult)  
Estimating Fi02 with nasal cannula   1 L/minute=24% Fi02 Each additional liter increases Fi02 4%  
In nasal cannulas can you use a bubble humidifier?   Yes, at flow rates set at 4 L/min and greater  
Are pediatric and infant sizes available in the nasal cannula?   yes  
What's a special nasal cannula?   Reservoir cannulas (conserving devices) They suppliment the fi02 and are rarely seen  
Is there a high flow nasal cannula?   Yes it is rarely seen and it comes with a special bubble humidifier that can handle high flow.  
Nasal cannulas replaced what device?   Nasal catheters  
Nasal catheters can handle flow rates up to?   6L/Minute  
Estimating percentage of nasal cannulas   1 L/minute=24% fio2 Each additional liter increases Fi02 4%  
The bubble humidifiers are used for flow rates   Set at 4L/min and greater  
Are there pediatric and infant sizes available for nasal catheters?   Yes  
Transtracheal oxygen is   inconspicuous/ Rare Is designed for long term oxygen therapy. Commonly used with a bubble humidifier.  
Why is the transtracheal oxygen more efficient than a nasal cannula?   Oxygen delivery directly to the trachea.  
What happens to flow rates?   They can be reduced by 50%  
What are disadvantages to transtracheal oxygen?   Requires a minor surgery Infection Bleeding Subcutaneous emphysema Must be cleaned frequently damage to catheter requires replacement over time. Not covered by all insurance agencies  
The simple mask is   More commonly used by EMT's  
What are the flow rate requirements?   6-10 liters per minute  
What fi02 values can the simple mask achieve   35%-50%  
Can a bubble humidifier be used with a simple mask?   Yes but the flow rate requirement for the simple mask is 6 L/minute and you do not want the bubble humidifer to go past 6 or 7 or it will alarm  
Are there pediatric sizes available for the simple mask?   Yes  
What is the difference between an aerosol mask/simple mask?   The aerosol mask has larger holes on the side. The simple mask have small holes on the side.  
What are the two types of rebreathing masks?   Non-Rebreathing/Partial rebreathing mask  
What does the non-rebreathing mask have?   2 check valves  
What are the flow rate requirements for the non-rebreathing mask?   Enough to keep the bag inflated  
What fi02 values can be achieved with the non-rebreathing mask?   60-80%  
Can a bubble humidifier be used with both rebreathing masks??   yes  
Are pediatric sizes available?   yes  
What is the flow rate requirement for partial-rebreathing masks?   enough to keep the bag inflated  
What fi02 values can the partial rebreather mask achieve?   40-60%  
Are pediatric sized available in the partial-rebreathing mask?   yes  
Does the partial rebreathing mask have check valves?   no  
What are factors that alter the performance of low flow systems and increase the Fi02   Higher oxygen input Mouth-closed breathing Low inspiratory flow low tidal volume slow respiratory rate  
What are factors that affect performance of low flow systems and decrease fi02   Lower oxygen input mouth-open breathing high inspiratory flows High tidal volume fast respiratory rate  
The air entrainment is a high flow device. It is also known as   Venti mask, Venturi mask  
The Fi02 depends on?   The size of entrainment port Velocity of the gas  
A blocked entrainment port on the venti mask will   increase the Fi02  
What are the Fi02 ranges for the venti mask?   24%-60%  
It might be difficult to provide fixed fi02 at high   Fi02 setting  
Can the air entrainment mask be used with a bubble humidifier?   No, humidity must be proveided with bland aerosol set up attached to mask for humidity therapy  
Are pediatric venti masks available?   yes  
The jet orifice on the venti mask changes what 2 things?   Fi02 and Flow  
If bed sheets cover the Venti Mask what happens?   The fi02 increases and the flow decreases  
The air entrainment nebulizer is...   The large volume jet nebulizer  
Fi02 and flow rate requirements on the air entrainment nebulizer depend on what?   The size of the air entrainment port  
If the entrainment port becomes blocked or water condenses in the tubing what will happen with the air entrainment nebulizer?   The fi02 will increase  
What are the fi02 ranges for the air entrainment nebulizer?   28%-98%  
The air entrainment nebulizer can provide 21% by attaching what to the flow meter?   air  
What attachments can be used with the air entrainment nebulizer?   aerosol mask, trach collar, face tent, t-tube, tents, and oxyhoods Pediatric sizes are available  
What is one thing about high fi02 settings on the air entrainment nebulizer?   It can be difficult to provide a fixed fi02 at high fi02 settings.  
What are some disadvantages of oxygen masks?   Claustrophobia Muffled Speech Difficulty eating and drinking Blocks vomitus in unconscious patient Potential suffocation hazard  
How do you troubleshoot if no gas flow can be detected?   See if gas is turned on. Look for kinking in tubing look for a leak.  
How do you troubleshoot patient constantly removing mas?   Try to find a comfortable option if possible.  
How do you troubleshoot the resivoir bag collapsing during inhalation?   Increase the flow of oxygen  
How do you troubleshoot the reservoir bag remaining inflated during inhalation?   Mask may not have a tight fit. Inspiratory valve jammed/reversed. Flow may be too high  
How do you handle a patient that develops sores or irritation over face and ears?   Use rubber cushions  
How do you troubleshoot the humidifier pop-off sounding?   Look for obstruction, kinking, flow may be too high  
How do you troubleshoot no humidity/aerosol coming from the system?   Check the water level Look for faulty equipment.  
What are factors used to select appropriate oxygen device?   Objectives of therapy (short term/long term) Performance characteristics of set up (high flow/low flow) Individual needs of the patient and patient characteristics. (Age, LOC, Breathing Pattern, Presence or absense of a tracheal airway)  
Oxygen blenders   Replace manual titration of fi02 using an oxygen and airflow meter.  
How are oxygen blenders powered?   Pneumatically  
Oxygen blenders can   achieve any fi02  
What does the oxygen blender contain?   A proportioning module for blending oxygen and air.  
The oxygen blender has one alarm. What does it do?   Notify in case of loss of gas supply  
Other things for oxygen blenders   It's accurate and precises Requires 50 PSI source Flow meter attachments are available  
What are the two most common analyzers used in respiratory care?   Electrochemical Galvonic fuel cell  
Electrochemical   Polarographic (Clark)electrode Commonly used in ABG machines and transcutaneous monitors Requires a battery for power  
The electrochemical, polarographic clark electrode   has a 10-30 second response time,  
The galvonic fuel cell   Is commonly used in ventilators and hand held analyzers  
The galvonic fuel cell gets a result in   60 seconds and needs no external power  
The galvonic fuel cell will require calibration.   It uses 21% or 100% calibration gases  
The galvonic fuel cell may be one point or two point calibration.   One point- Room Air Two Point- Room air and 100% Oxygen  
Hyperbaric therayp   Inreases the pa02 wound healing around since the 1600's Based on boyles law  
Indications of hyperbaric therapy   Air embolism C02 poisoning Wound Healing  
Hazards of hyperbaric therapy   Tempanic Membrane rupture.  


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Created by: kparkerlehman
Popular Respiratory Therapy sets