Combining Form, Suff Word Scramble
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Combining Form,Suffix & Prefix | Meaning |
-globulin | protein |
acanth/o | spiny; thorny |
audit/o | hearing |
dem/o | people |
contra- | against; opposite |
ment/o | mind; chin |
reticul/o | network |
-ia | condition |
pharmac/o | drug |
apo- | off, away |
spondyl/o | vertebra (backbone) |
-plastic | pertaining to formation |
pub/o | pubis (anterior part of hip bone) |
-mission | to send |
phim/o | muzzle |
gest/o | pregnancy |
-poiesis | formation |
esthes/o | nervous sensation (feeling) |
-phil | attraction for |
dipl/o | double |
cis/o | to cut |
furc/o | forking; branching |
ovul/o | egg |
pancreat/o | pancreas |
chol/e | bile; gall |
tympan/o | tympanic membrane (eardrum); middle ear |
bi/o | life |
crin/o | secrete |
syndesm/o | ligament |
splanchn/o | viscera (internal organs) |
anxi/o | uneasy; anxious |
-version | to turn |
rhin/o | nose |
-stalsis | contraction |
vitre/o | glass |
malleol/o | malleolus |
anthrac/o | coal |
-coccus (-cocci, pl.) | berry-shaped bacterium |
-emesis | vomiting |
mydr/o | wide |
pod/o | foot |
sub- | under; below |
-tocin | labor; birth (a substance for) |
perine/o | perineum |
cutane/o | skin |
chlorhydr/o | hydrochloric acid |
-blastoma | immature tumor (cells) |
rhabdomy/o | straited (skeletal) muscle |
-centesis | surgical puncture to remove fluid |
-lapse | to slide, fall, sag |
mega- | large |
-gravida | pregnant woman |
cervic/o | neck; cervix (neck of uterus) |
scot/o | darkness |
ad- | toward |
sect/o | to cut |
intra- | within; into |
valv/o | valve |
cortic/o | cortex, outer region |
mast/o | breast |
phren/o | diaphragm; mind |
troph/o | nourishment; development |
-thymia | mind (condition of) |
-an | pertaining to |
sarc/o | flesh (connective tissue) |
cras/o | mixture; temperament |
gynec/o | woman; female |
glyc/o | glucose; sugar |
cyst/o | urinary bladder; cyst; sac of fluid |
uter/o | uterus (womb) |
-plasia | development; formation; growth |
cyt/o | cell |
-al | pertaining to |
mutagen/o | causing genetic change |
cauter/o | heat; burn |
dur/o | dura mater |
pachy- | heavy; thick |
medull/o | medulla (inner section); middle; soft, marrow |
-emia | blood condition |
erg/o | work |
blephar/o | eyelid |
cheil/o | lip |
rachi/o | spinal column; vertebrae |
-pathy | disease; emotion |
audi/o | hearing |
nat/i | birth |
-opsia | vision |
opt/o | eye; vision |
seb/o | sebum |
sinus/o | sinus |
brachy- | short |
prostat/o | prostate gland |
cycl/o | ciliary body of eye; cycle; circle |
colon/o | colon (large intestine) |
nulli- | none |
mon/o | one; single |
-tropia | to turn |
cholesterol/o | cholesterol |
strept/o | twisted chains |
-iac | pertaining to |
lord/o | curve; swayback |
enter/o | intestines (usually small intestine) |
lumb/o | lower back; loin |
auricul/o | ear |
lith/o | stone; calculus |
corpor/o | body |
spin/o | spine (backbone) |
-ptysis | spitting |
calc/o | calcium |
adenoid/o | adenoids |
-lexia | word; phrase |
metacarp/o | metacarpals (hand bones) |
granul/o | granule (s) |
chir/o | hand |
ec- | out; outside |
uvul/o | uvula |
vulv/o | vulva (female external genitalia) |
-edema | swelling |
supra- | above, upper |
-kinesis | movement |
viscer/o | internal organs |
bas/o | base; opposite of acid |
orchid/o | testis |
salping/o | fallopian tube; auditory (eustachian) tube |
phot/o | light |
hem/o | blood |
oste/o | bone |
clavicul/o | clavicle (collar bone) |
-itis | inflammation |
sphen/o | wedge; sphenoid bone |
goni/o | angle |
fasci/o | fascia (membrane supporting muscles) |
sacr/o | sacrum |
cine/o | movement |
lact/o | milk |
styl/o | pole or stake |
xen/o | stranger |
-ema | condition |
hyster/o | uterus; womb |
pupill/o | pupil (dark center of the eye) |
coron/o | heart |
tars/o | tarsus; hindfoot or ankle (7 bones between the foot and the leg) |
kinesi/o | movement |
-type | classification; picture |
bol/o | cast; throw |
-ine | pertaining to |
-globin | protein |
-sol | solution |
core/o | pupil |
emmetr/o | in due measure |
-ion | process |
-stomy | new opening (to form a mouth) |
kary/o | nucleus |
ante- | before; forward |
toxic/o | poison |
myom/o | muscle tumor |
-or | one who |
-scopy | visual examination |
-stenosis | tightening; stricture |
asbest/o | asbestos |
ipsi- | same |
eti/o | cause |
immun/o | immune; protection; safe |
-ectasia | stretching; dialation; expansion |
rect/o | rectum |
-phobia | fear |
-blast | embryonic; immature |
jejun/o | jejunum |
gastr/o | stomach |
dacryocyst/o | tear sac; lacrimal sac |
epi- | above; upon;/ on |
-plegia | paralysis; palsy |
patell/o | patella |
viv/o | life |
therm/o | heat |
-um | structure; tissue; thing |
vertebr/o | vertebra (backbone) |
psych/o | mind |
phac/o | lens of eye |
lept/o | thin, slender |
-desis | to bind, tie together |
meningi/o | meninges |
stere/o | solid; three-dimensional |
-spasm | sudden contraction of muscles |
nid/o | nest |
-icle | small |
odyn/o | pain |
terat/o | monster; malformed fetus |
men/o | menses; menstruation |
cholangi/o | bile vessel |
-ation | process; condition |
vitr/o | vitreous body (of the eye) |
dermat/o | skin |
fluor/o | luminous |
optic/o | eye; vision |
comat/o | deep sleep |
palpebr/o | eyelid |
ile/o | ileum |
vesic/o | urinary bladder |
ichthy/o | dry; scaly |
varic/o | varicose veins |
bronchiol/o | bronchiole |
pyret/o | fever |
-fida | split |
-phage | eat; swallow |
gonad/o | sex glands |
onc/o | tumor |
adrenal/o | adrenal gland |
-chalasia | relaxation |
ten/o | tendon |
-lepsy | seizure |
-cytosis | condition of cells; slight increase in numbers |
myx/o | mucus |
nect/o | to bind, tie, connect |
neo- | new |
-genesis | producing; forming |
prote/o | protein |
mut/a | genetic change |
schiz/o | split |
rheumat/o | watery flow |
-some | body |
isch/o | to hold back; back |
gester/o | pregnancy |
radi/o | x-rays; radioactivity; radius (lateral lower arm bone) |
-phoria | to bear, carry; feeling (mental state) |
-ac | pertaining to |
alveol/o | alveolus; air sac; small sac |
-porosis | condition of pores (spaces) |
-ole | little; small |
-spadia | to tear; cut |
thym/o | thymus gland |
-one | hormone |
coccyg/o | coccyx (tailbone) |
thec/o | sheath |
cochle/o | cochlea (inner part of ear) |
ab- | away from |
mandibul/o | mandible (lower jaw bone) |
tele/o | distant |
-plakia | plaque |
re- | back; again; backward |
ex- | out; away from |
noct/i | night |
-gram | record |
-malacia | softening |
sphygm/o | pulse |
crypt/o | hidden |
appendic/o | appendix |
phas/o | speech |
pro- | before; forward |
macro- | large |
-stitial | to set; pertaining to standing or positioned |
odont/o | tooth |
myc/o | fungus |
lacrim/o | tear; tear duct; lacrimal duct |
xer/o | dry |
nucle/o | nucleus |
epitheli/o | skin; epithelium |
kyph/o | humpback |
phleb/o | vein |
ir- | in |
-ule | little; small |
aponeur/o | aponeurosis (type of tendon) |
-philia | attraction for |
hemoglobin/o | hemoglobin |
angi/o | vessel (blood) |
pont/o | pons (a part of the brain) |
xiph/o | sword |
fibr/o | fiber |
phall/o | penis |
aneurysm/o | aneurysm (widened blood vessel) |
arteriol/o | arteriole (small artery) |
andr/o | male |
crani/o | skull |
sial/o | saliva |
-graphy | process of recording |
plex/o | plexus; network (of nerves) |
tel/o | complete |
histi/o | tissue |
vagin/o | vagina |
necr/o | death |
hypn/o | sleep |
capillar/o | capillary (tiniest blood vessel) |
-logy | study of |
ket/o | ketones; acetones |
celi/o | belly; abdomen |
scler/o | sclera (white of eye); hard |
papill/o | nipple-like; optic disc (disk) |
medi/o | middle |
derm/o | skin |
aer/o | air |
sider/o | iron |
-esis | condition |
-oma | tumor; mass; fluid collection |
py/o | pus |
labi/o | lip |
seps/o | infection |
-ptosis | droop; sag; prolapse; fall |
leth/o | death |
follicul/o | follicle; small sac |
chem/o | drug; chemical |
irid/o | iris (colored portion of eye) |
-schisis | to split |
acetabul/o | acetabulum (hip socket) |
kern- | nucleus (collection of nerve cells in the brain) |
lob/o | lobe |
infra- | below; inferior to; beneath |
mucos/o | mucous membrane (mucosa) |
abdomin/o | abdomen |
ather/o | plaque (fatty substance) |
-iasis | abnormal condition |
valvul/o | valve |
axill/o | armpit |
ven/o; ven/i | vein |
-phasia | speech |
-ism | process; condition |
orchi/o | testis |
path/o | disease |
-megaly | enlargement |
micro- | small |
-ostosis | condition of bone |
dys- | bad; painful; difficult; abnormal |
cali/o | calyx |
silic/o | glass |
cor/o | pupil |
pyrex/o | fever |
top/o | place; position; location |
-tropin | stimulate; act on |
esthesi/o | nervous sensation |
vol/o | to roll |
synov/o | synovia; synovial membrane; sheath around a tendon |
plas/o | development; formation |
alb/o | white |
glauc/o | gray |
adren/o | adrenal gland |
multi- | many |
-tome | instrument to cut |
epididym/o | epididymis |
neur/o | nerve |
anti- | against |
-lytic | to reduce, destroy; separate; breakdown |
pneumon/o | lung; air; gas |
encephal/o | brain |
-grade | to go |
corne/o | cornea |
-apheresis | removal |
-meter | measure |
fibros/o | fibrous connective tissue |
-mania | obsessive preoccupation |
phe/o | dusky; dark |
-lithiasis | condition of stones |
cerebell/o | cerebellum (posterior part of the brain) |
-derma | skin |
metri/o | uterus (womb) |
thyr/o | thyroid gland; shield |
thyroid/o | thyroid gland |
pelv/i | pelvic bone; hip |
-opaque | obscure |
brady- | slow |
metatars/o | metatarsals (foot bones) |
thel/o | nipple |
colp/o | vagina |
exo- | out; away from |
ambly/o | dim; dull |
orch/o | testis |
log/o | study of |
aque/o | water |
gnos/o | knowledge |
-osis | condition, usually abnormal |
-therapy | treatment |
-partum | birth; labor |
somn/o | sleep |
arteri/o | artery |
plant/o | sole of the foot |
-penia | deficiency |
ocul/o | eye |
mastoid/o | mastoid process (behind the ear) |
pharmaceut/o | drug |
glycogen/o | glycogen; animal starch |
meat/o | meatus (opening) |
-constriction | narrowing |
byssin/o | cotton dust |
toc/o | labor; birth |
mediastin/o | mediastinum |
-listhesis | slipping |
obstetr/o | midwife |
hypophys/o | pituitary gland |
steth/o | chest |
cost/o | rib |
-arthria | articulate (speak distinctly) |
semi- | half |
semin/i | semen; seed |
duct/o | to lead, carry |
in- | in; into; not |
exanthemat/o | rash |
cerebr/o | cerebrum (largest part of the brain) |
amyl/o | starch |
-clysis | irrigation; washing |
pend/o | to hang |
submaxill/o | mandible (lower jaw bone) |
bunion/o | bunion |
narc/o | numbness; stupor; sleep |
-gen | producing; forming |
splen/o | spleen |
-prandial | meal |
pector/o | chest |
oxysm/o | sudden |
-pareunia | sexual intercourse |
-tripsy | to crush |
-phoresis | carrying; transmission |
-rrhea | flow; discharge |
-agra | excessive pain |
stern/o | sternum (breastbone) |
patell/a | patella |
append/o | appendix |
carp/o | wrist bones (carpals) |
hormon/o | hormone |
endo- | in; within |
phak/o | lens of eye |
ultra- | beyond; excess |
ungu/o | nail |
-poietin | substance that forms |
syring/o | tube |
-paresis | slight paralysis |
insulin/o | insulin (pancreatic hormone) |
mi/o | smaller; less |
-ase | enzyme |
af- | toward |
ir/o | iris (colored portion of eye) |
hallucin/o | hallucination |
dia- | complete; through |
spher/o | globe-shaped; round |
xanth/o | yellow |
-sphyxia | pulse |
-oxia | oxygen |
maxill/o | maxilla (upper jaw bone) |
chron/o | time |
-ary | pertaining to |
-phthisis | wasting away |
natr/o | sodium |
-tropic | turning |
articul/o | joint |
-crit | to separate |
prurit/o | itching |
-hexia | habit |
physi/o | nature; function |
-agon | to assemble, gather |
faci- | face |
fung/i | fungus; mushroom |
myel/o | spinal cord; bone marrow |
dips/o | thirst |
aur/o | ear |
-praxia | action |
dacry/o | tear |
kenton/o | ketones; acetones |
ventricul/o | ventricle (of heart or brain) |
actin/o | light |
vascul/o | vessel (blood) |
mamm/o | breast |
om/o | shoulder |
home/o | sameness; unchanging; constant |
nephr/o | kidney |
-ferent | to carry |
ureter/o | ureter |
-ist | specialist |
vas/o | vesel; duct; vas deferens |
anter/o | front |
per- | through |
meso- | middle |
perone/o | fibula |
uni- | one |
hemat/o | blood |
myring/o | tympanic membrane (eardrum) |
-ical | pertaining to |
post- | after; behind |
pyr/o | fever; fire |
bar/o | pressure; weight |
polio- | gray matter (of brain or spinal cord) |
phob/o | fear |
-trophy | nourishment; development |
-stomia | condition of the mouth |
-mortem | death |
-sclerosis | hardening |
tendin/o | tendon |
bacteri/o | bacteria |
gli/o | glue; neuroglial tissue (supportive tissue of nervous system) |
poly- | many; much |
-salpinx | fallopian tube; oviduct |
desicc/o | drying |
-amine | nitrogen compound |
sperm/o | spermatozoa; sperm cells |
glomerul/o | glomerulus |
tibi/o | tibia (shin bone) |
thalam/o | thalamus |
bacill/o | bacilli (bacteria) |
nas/o | nose |
-clasis | to break |
-elasma | flat plate |
hist/o | tissue |
par- | other than; abnormal |
herni/o | hernia |
-tic | pertaining to |
peri- | surrounding |
ur/o | urine; urinary tract |
femor/o | femur (thigh bone) |
aort/o | aorta (largest artery) |
leuk/o | white |
-lysis | breakdown; separation; destruction; loosening |
neutr/o | neither; neutral; neutrophil |
brachi/o | arm |
arthr/o | joint |
chym/o | to pour |
gravid/o | pregnancy |
acous/o | hearing |
ot/o | ear |
-cyte | cell |
aden/o | gland |
humer/o | humerus (upper arm bone) |
erythr/o | red |
coll/a | glue |
tetra- | four |
phil/o | like; love; attraction |
kines/o | movement |
lip/o | fat; lipid |
stomat/o | mouth |
spir/o | to breathe |
-para | to bear, bring forth (live births) |
all/o | other |
-phagia | eating; swallowing |
ped/o | child; foot |
-ior | pertaining to |
chorion/o | chorion |
tox/o | poison |
o/o | egg |
oophor/o | ovary |
glycos/o | glucose; sugar |
-phylaxis | protection |
calic/o | calyx |
tom/o | to cut |
bilirubin/o | bilirubin |
cephal/o | head |
-stasis | to stop; control; place |
pylor/o | pylorus; pyloric sphincter |
an/o | anus |
calci/o | calcium |
-fication | process of making |
lamin/o | lamina (part of vertebral arch) |
scoli/o | crooked; bent |
pseudo- | false |
cerumin/o | cerumen |
-ar | pertaining to |
-lithotomy | incision (for removal) of a stone |
bronch/o | bronchial tube |
eu- | good; normal |
my/o | muscle |
-sthenia | strength |
scint/o | spark |
bartholin/o | Bartholin glands |
pros- | before; forward |
-uria | urination; condition of urine |
lapar/o | abdominal wall; abdomen |
-sis | state of; condition |
ophthalm/o | eye |
ili/o | ilium |
cyan/o | blue |
meta- | change; beyond |
phyt/o | plant |
-eurysm | widening |
myocardi/o | myocardium (heart muscle) |
cac/o | bad |
-esthesia | nervous sensation |
peritone/o | peritoneum |
proct/o | anus and rectum |
palat/o | palate (roof of the mouth) |
a-, an- | no; not; without |
-phor/o | to bear |
-phonia | voice; sound |
thromb/o | clot |
pneum/o | lung; air; gas |
-capnia | carbon dioxide |
albin/o | white |
chore/o | dance |
olig/o | scanty |
chrom/o | color |
-kinesia | movement |
-physis | to grow |
tone/o | to stretch |
aphth/o | ulcer |
-otia | ear condition |
uln/o | ulna (medical lower arm bone) |
dors/o | back (of body) |
ren/o | kidney |
-phyte | plant |
auto- | self, own |
cata- | down |
-arche | beginning |
-acusis | hearing |
pyel/o | renal pelvis |
ton/o | tension |
-static | pertaining to stopping; controlling |
bi- | two |
onych/o | nail (of fingers or toes) |
-parous | to bear, bring forth |
amni/o | amnion (sac surrounding the embryo) |
caus/o | burn; burning |
cec/o | cecum (first part of the colon) |
retin/o | retina |
hidr/o | sweat |
-chalasis | relaxation |
-suppression | to stop |
dist/o | far; distant |
estr/o | female |
-lucent | to shine |
-crine | secrete; separate |
hepat/o | liver |
-cele | hernia |
scapul/o | scapula; shoulder blade |
-rrhagia | bursting forth (of blood) |
lex/o | word; phrase |
test/o | testis (testicle) |
melan/o | black |
leiomy/o | smooth (visceral) muscle |
proxim/o | near |
mening/o | meninges (membranes covering the spinal cord and brain) |
is/o | same; equal |
ion/o | ion; to wander |
retro- | behind; back; backward |
claustr/o | enclosed space |
con- | together, with |
nyct/o | night |
pituitar/o | pituitary gland |
lymphangi/o | lymph vessel |
muc/o | mucus |
diaphor/o | sweat |
pan- | all |
-lemma | sheath, covering |
chori/o | chorion (outermost membrane of the fetus) |
electr/o | electricity |
-graph | instrument for recording |
atri/o | atrium (upper heart chamber) |
-motor | movement |
trich/o | hair |
olecran/o | olecranon (elbow) |
somat/o | body |
jaund/o | yellow |
-tocia | labor; birth (condition of) |
idi/o | unknown; individual; district |
acromi/o | acromion (extension of shoulder bone) |
-form | resembling; in the shape of |
hydr/o | water |
-oid | resembling |
omphal/o | umbilicus (naval) |
metr/o | uterus (womb); measure |
iod/o | iodine |
pulmon/o | lung |
chondr/o | cartilage |
dactyl/o | fingers; toes |
para- | near; beside; abnormal; apart from; along the side of |
ger/o | old age |
kal/i | potassium |
choledoch/o | common bile duct |
uve/o | uvea, vascular layer of eye (iris, choroid, ciliary body) |
phag/o | eat; swallow |
vesicul/o | seminal vesicle |
-tresia | opening |
sym- | together; with |
echo- | reflected sound |
arter/o | artery |
acu/o | sharp; severe; sudden |
agora- | marketplace |
ischi/o | ischium (part of hip bone) |
azot/o | urea; nitrogen |
or/o | mouth |
extra- | outside |
ecto- | out; outside |
choroid/o | choroid layer of eye |
trans- | across; through |
bil/i | bile; gall |
ankyl/o | stiff |
staped/o | stapes (middle ear bone) |
norm/o | rule; order |
lux/o | to slide |
-pheresis | removal |
sialaden/o | salivary gland |
-ium | structure; tissue |
cardi/o | heart |
hemi- | half |
-rrhage | bursting forth (of blood) |
primi- | first |
-tension | pressure |
inter- | between |
albumin/o | albumin (protein) |
lute/o | yellow |
roentgen/o | x-rays |
sebace/o | sebum |
mal- | bad |
vestibul/o | vestibule of the inner ear |
caud/o | tail; lower part of body |
-drome | to run |
trache/o | trachea (windpipe) |
-us | structure; thing |
-opsy | view of |
-orexia | appetite |
-verse | to turn |
-er | one who |
-pexy | fixation; to put in place |
syncop/o | to cut off, cut short; faint |
squam/o | scale |
-scope | instrument for visual examination |
zo/o | animal life |
-thymic | pertaining to mind |
rhytid/o | wrinkle |
chlor/o | green |
pil/o | hair |
eso- | inward |
coni/o | dust |
dent/i | tooth |
morph/o | shape; form |
bucc/o | cheek |
-cyesis | pregnancy |
vag/o | vagus nerve |
-algia | pain |
syn- | together; with |
ossicul/o | ossicle (small bone) |
-algesia | sensitivity to pain |
-opia | vision |
mort/o | death |
-plasm | formation |
ster/o | solid structure; steroid |
-ectomy | removal; excision; resection |
ventr/o | belly side of body |
cib/o | meal |
balan/o | glans penis |
bronchi/o | bronchial tube |
kerat/o | horny, hard; cornea |
spermat/o | spermatozoa; sperm cells |
ligament/o | ligament |
oxy- | swift; sharp; acid |
lingu/o | tongue |
tax/o | order; coordination |
-leptic | to seize, take hold of |
tachy- | fast |
umbilic/o | umbilicus (navel) |
therapeut/o | treatment |
thorac/o | chest |
-emic | pertaining to blood condition |
laryng/o | larynx (voice box) |
lymph/o | lymph |
culd/o | cul-de-sac |
conjunctiv/o | conjunctiva (lines the eyelids) |
phon/o | voice; sound |
dacryoaden/o | tear gland |
purul/o | pus |
pharyng/o | throat (pharynx) |
poikil/o | varied; irregular |
klept/o | to steal |
-tomy | process of cutting |
prot/o | first |
trigon/o | trigone (area within the bladder) |
-cide | killing |
polyp/o | polyp; small growth |
-pnea | breathing |
staphyl/o | clusters; uvula |
later/o | side |
-dynia | pain |
-cidal | pertaining to killing |
--rrhaphy | suture |
presby/o | old age |
scirrh/o | hard |
en- | in; within |
gingiv/o | gum |
dorsi- | back |
-asthenia | lack of strength |
steat/o | fat, sebum |
anthr/o | antrum of the stomach |
de- | lack of; down; less; removal of |
pleur/o | pleura |
ganglion/o | ganglion; collection of nerve cell bodies |
flex/o | to bend |
galact/o | milk |
eosin/o | red; rosy; dawn-colored |
fibul/o | fibula |
pre- | before; in front of |
-mimetic | mimic; copy |
calcane/o | calcaneus (heel bone) |
tonsill/o | tonsil |
urethr/o | urethra |
pineal/o | pineal gland |
col/o | colon (large intestine) |
-dote | to give |
agglutin/o | clumping; sticking together |
phalang/o | phalanges (fingers and toes) |
alges/o | sensitivity to pain |
-chezia | defecation; elimination of wastes |
hypo- | sleep |
thalass/o | sea |
-thorax | chest; pleural cavity |
-cusis | hearing |
parathyroid/o | parathyroid glands |
venul/o | venule (small vein) |
adip/o | fat |
gon/o | seed |
-rrhexis | rupture |
acr/o | extremities; top; extreme point |
ox/o | oxygen |
-dilation | widening; stretching; expanding |
tri- | three |
coagul/o | coagulation (clotting) |
capn/o | carbon dioxide |
anis/o | unequal |
nos/o | disease |
-in, -ine | a substance |
-ectasis | stretching; dialation; expansion |
-ose | full of; pertaining to; sugar |
gluc/o | glucose; sugar |
-eal | pertaining to |
myos/o | muscle |
episi/o | vulva (external female genitalia) |
sigmoid/o | sigmoid colon |
ethm/o | sieve |
pol/o | extreme |
-plasty | surgical repair |
em- | in |
atel/o | incomplete |
comi/o | to care for |
vit/o | life |
-ic | pertaining to |
cirrh/o | orange-yellow |
orth/o | straight |
the/o | put; place |
-plegic | paralysis; palsy |
-osmia | smell |
rrhythm/o | rhythm |
-ous | pertaining to |
-clast | to break |
cry/o | cold |
lymphaden/o | lymph gland (node) |
quadri- | four |
-somnia | sleep |
urin/o | urine |
vener/o | venereal (sexual contact) |
duoden/o | duodenum |
ple/o | more; many |
iatr/o | physician; treatment |
hyper- | above; excessive |
-pepsia | digestion |
inguin/o | groin |
ana- | up; apart; backward; again, anew |
esphag/o | esophagus |
ov/o | egg |
cholecyst/o | gallbladder |
carcin/o | cancerous; cancer |
gloss/o | tongue |
erythem/o | flushed; redness |
-genic | produced by or in |
epiglott/o | epiglottis |
son/o | sound |
equin/o | horse |
poster/o | back (of body); behind |
-y | condition; process |
radicul/o | nerve root |
ovari/o | ovary |
burs/o | bursa (sac of fluid near joints) |
-fusion | to pour; to come together |
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Popular Medical sets